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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. You've been less active, and are thus less of a priority. Shade is mostly in there because he's in a conflict with Jeod but as I said at one point, if he thinks he's going to die, it might be best if he doesn't visit me as it could screw things up, as the process is a bit quirky (I won't go into the exact quirks). Plus I trust Shade more anyway (what a world, I know). But yes, you can infer from who I've asked that I also suspect Sunflower a bit too.
  2. I'm going to start treating anyone who thinks individual characters have alignments as scum. You were already one of the suspicious people for me. For the last damn time, anyone with any iota of reading comprehension can deduce from their own PM it doesn't work that way. To seriously answer the first part, it's a tool, just like any other, and you want to make use of all the tools you can, as doing without can be very inaccurate. That's the base of it, and about all you'll get for now, as I'm going to bed. It's interesting Jeod has not responded to this revelation, despite being on. A lack of cooperation with also be noted and factored into any evaluation.
  3. I mean if I do die N1, at least it proves I'm town
  4. 3 HP, someone could be a doctor, etc. I'm not really worried about dying N1.
  5. All the actions will be on me, hopefully someone will watch the kill.
  6. Nah. Here's the thing. We don't need scum to cooperate. Town can simply visit me and I can verify town, then we get scum by process of elimination.
  7. I'll just cut to the chase: I can verify the alignments that visit me tonight.
  8. Annoyed, but yes, because you're probably pulling an obvious scum trick. If I wasn't worried about KY hitting the sorter, I'd say have him shoot me now so maybe the civilian could die so we could get the actual mod to settle this.
  9. Raise your hand if you have individual alignments for each character. I think we'll be here a long time before anyone says yes. Everyone's PM should say what alignment you as the player are.
  10. My PM tells me what alignment I am, not individual alignments for each character, and I'm pretty sure everyone else's is similar. I mean, just take a look yourself.
  11. I don't think that's even possible, but if ADVENT Civilian dies, we can probably ask for clarification on that point too.
  12. Let me also remind you that Jeod said he'll refuse to accept me being mod confirmed town, which is a little suspicious too.
  13. That doesn't seem to be an accurate read of my actions at all, given how eager I've been to use the sort. I have these abilities I actually want to use them, I've not put it in that terms though because that's being selfish If anything I've been hiding behind the pro-town reasoning of no lynch to hide my actual selfishness of wanting to do cool things
  14. He's just OMGUSing. Honestly. If Jeod's scum, I'm a bit disappointed, because he's not trying very hard, and that's actually putting me off a bit.
  15. That's like the robber saying it's the bank teller's fault for not wearing a bullet proof vest
  16. Though key exception: If you have some really important ability, sometimes it's best to not be TOO transparent, lest you become a target, but, barring that, as town, you want to be honest.
  17. Just comment whatever comes to mind and post your thoughts about the events. If your town, transparency is your friend, after all
  18. I'm sure many of us will have no compunctions about voting D2. I don't think we can even begin to calculate, both for that factor, and also because we don't know how many scum there are. Right now I'm just thinking two, because it's easy, but there may well just be one. Someone suggested more, but I'm not prepared to entertain that idea just yet.
  19. You probably need to talk and comment on the goings on a bit more so the rest of us can develop a feel for you.
  20. Technically we don't know that NKs are just a char kill, but I do think it's a safe assumption. I'll put down for ##No Lynch at current time too, however, though that is not to say I don't have reads, but I think further play can help solidify or dispel them.
  21. I mean, I didn't outright state it, but the implication is it doesn't really matter what Jeod says in regards to the matter because yes, he could just lie. That's why if any of you are going to visit me, I really want it to be him, because he's the one I'm most keen on sorting. I'll trust that over any malarkey any of you guys spew.
  22. That kinda implies Jeod knew *someone* would have a peanut allergy though... maybe... I mean it does logically make sense, at that point in time, with Shade's complaint, that a peanut allergy after the action peanuts would be fatal, but that would require Jeod to be a little quicker on the uptake than he's been lately.
  23. No, I actually want like only 2-3, maybe 4 people max to visit me, and only specific people. Too many people and I won't be able to sort.
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