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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. None of my characters require the DLC, though I will say the DLC was indeed excelent.
  2. I'll throw you guys another freebee, my characters flavor wise are both ADVENT and XCOM, and my XCOM character is the Support Class, and ILTS vetoed having a revive. That doesn't preclude someone being a doctor, but I'm pretty sure once a character is dead they are dead for real.
  3. Sunflower having Scarface as a character would be hilarious.
  4. Honestly ILTS probably won't tell us how it works.
  5. Or two scum both get a 1 char NK, can double up, or not.
  6. This is a good question too. I assumed it was a character kill, and, if I didn't get the Civilian daykilled somehow, the NK could potentially kill that char and reveal me as town, but if it just omni-kills me this is a lot less useful too. If the NK is a full player kill, I *definitely* want to be shot.
  7. Though that said, you also know my gambling nature
  8. Well duh, I wouldn't want to be shot if I gained *nothing* from it
  9. I am the only one here who can straight up reveal 100% of the info about one of their characters and be called "shady" for it. I mean, it's like Shade's wet dream of information fishing.
  10. ILTS said in the OP actions don't start till 6pm EDT anyway so it's not like you can do it this very instant anyway.
  11. See, in the rough draft, I had an ability that would make it so the character in question would be the one to die 100% of the time but now I don't have that so it's a roll of the dice.
  12. If you only kill ONE character, I won't hold it against you. That said, given I'd be at basically 2 HP instead of 3 HP, it might not be the smartest idea ever, but basically, it's not the worst thing in the world either.
  13. Okay, so I'd be entirely removed. Then it's not such a good idea. If anyone wants to dayvig me though, I wouldn't mind. Just once though.
  14. Hell, this might even be a good idea. 1/3 chance to mod confirm me town.
  15. My third character is literally just a passive that says my alignment is revealed if that character dies.
  16. Though in the interest of game integrity, it's probably a conversation for after ADVENT Civilian dies.
  17. I mean, I'm pretty sure ILTS can just confirm it doesn't work that way.
  18. So basically, one of my characters will mod confirm me as town when that character dies. It *used* have an ability that would cause that character to die specifically the next time I was targeted (even by a vote I'm pretty sure), but ILTS took that away.
  19. Yeah I'll still tell you about it but once the game officially starts.
  20. Yeah you took away my opening move *shakes fist* That said, he did give me some RNG fitting of XCOM.
  21. Jeeze, I don't know if it's just on the PC or if consoles have to deal with this shit too, but like 1 out of every 100 times whenever you're aiming it'll glitch out and do that for real and boy that's the only reason I don't play on ironman.
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