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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. That's why I always make judicious use of explosives.
  2. Surprisingly I didn't submit anything with RNG.
  3. I have changed my avatar before game start to make myself appear more authoritarian.
  4. They said to be careful with it at first, but then later said it's okay. The reason they said be careful is because it lowers fevers, but you actually NEED the fever as that's your body's natural defense, and by lowering your fever you were prolonging how long you had the virus, so in borderline cases it was a bad idea, but after enough cases they came to the conclusion it's not a big enough difference to really matter.
  5. Well I mean, after it's progressed to a certain point, it's like trying to treat a broken arm with drugs. If your lungs are destroyed, there's no magic pill that can be taken to repair physical damage. Obviously you want the virus to go away, but that's not really the problem at that point.
  6. The thing is, there are no drugs for it. That one's quackery too. Edit: To be clear, it's legit for malaria, but this virus isn't malaria, obviously.
  7. Can I still spam my day action to provoke "discussion"?
  8. The mean time to hospitalization after symptoms appear is 4 days, so if it doesn't get worse for you from here I'd say you're probably fine, but I'm not a doctor or expert or anything.
  9. Like, you got a fever and everything though? Because it's allergy season too.
  10. Starting early is fine, but hammer at the usual time is probably for the best.
  11. I don't even remember what that was now, unless you mean the four horsemen of the Apocalypse-disease plague spreader, in which case, no, sadly.
  12. To be fair as well, my original idea didn't factor in having two other character sets to play with as well, so I might (definitely) change things as considerations go, so the "Very cool thing I want to do (TM)" might not even end up being a passive.
  13. I mean if you want to spill the beans about what your characters are gonna be, that's your funeral, but I'm gonna keep the conversation more general
  14. What about passives, though? Could that be active and another action used at night?
  15. Do you have anywhere you have to be at a time like this?
  16. That awkward moment when due to the ping you don't even realize you're in a new thread. But yeah, put me down tentatively. I haven't read the OP, but I highly doubt it'll scare me off.
  17. I say let Jeod play. I need the chance for my character to run him into the ground despite being town On a serious note though, will we still do unthemed, because I've had an idea for awhile and I've managed to not forget it for a change.
  18. This is probably better, because tbh I've done fuck all working on the pandemic game.
  19. BTW just because I'm making progress, this will still be awhile before anything is ready so don't like expect something soon. Finally got shelter in place here so most of the rest of today is going to be spent taking care of things before the order goes into effect.
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