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Everything posted by TheIrishman

  1. No, that's a mistake I had when I first hosted a game. It's when Scum equal the remaining players.
  2. You are correct. Unless you had something like mine that specifically negates one action or they have something that can't be blocked, whenever a player is roleblocked, all their abilities are roleblocked.
  3. Possible passive? I don't think Retaliation or Shade mentioned a passive.
  4. Right, an ability cop version of it that doesn't let me control Scum NKs. I say Scum, but what it actually says is that it fails for killing actions, so I shouldn't be able to possess Shade after he builds his abomination either.
  5. As per usual, if anything is wrong, tell me. Players Character Alignment Role Items N1 Sunflower ? ? Roleblocker ? Roleblocked Retal Shade Frankenstein Third Party Build-a-bear ? Roleblocked OrangeP47 ? ? ? ? ? Nodlied ? ? ? ? ? Killing You ? ? ? ? ? Retaliation ? ? Hostile Counter? ? Roleblocked Category 5 ? ? Watcher ? Watch Shade Got Item TheIrishman ? Neutral Witch ? Possess Shade Target Retal Pass Item Got Item FRAYDO Johnny Bravo Town ? Mirror ChopBam ? ? ? ? Pie Shade
  6. Oh, that reminds me of a 4th option, someone happened to protect the target, but that'd be something that they wouldn't would claim until late-game either anyway.
  7. True. If a one-shot BP was used up, someone would probably mention it, but if a player has full night BP, they're usually not notified about being attacked so they most likely wouldn't mention it unless they had to, for fear of an unstoppable kill or wasting the potential to ruin a future NK.
  8. Most people don't speak up about having BP, especially if they only have a limited amount of uses.
  9. Make that 3 reasons, I forgot about people besides myself having BP.
  10. Sorry about that I really tried my hardest as Scum.
  11. With there being no NK, I can only think of a two reasons. 1. Sunflower roleblocked Retaliation. 2. Scum chose to do something else instead. Maybe they have an ability that kills the target later through marking them, like an arsonist. Or maybe their item is really useful and they wanted to craft one for their partner, since we're all allowed to use only one action per night, outside of items (assuming Scum isn't able to NK too). Right now, besides Retaliation, I think the most suspicious player is ChopBam, and at the end of this he'll be dancing on our graves like... But to be fair, no one likes clowns. After.
  12. You should be able to kill yourself, at least using an Abomination I would think. But with most things, like NKs, people generally aren't allowed unless there's a Bus Driver or some sort of ability to reflect the kill back to them.
  13. Assuming he's telling the truth about having to collect 4 bodies, I or Sunflower can just prevent him from doing so if need be.
  14. Well I guess you were TP for that. But to me, Neutral is supposed to be like a swing vote (depending on which goal they have), they should have a enough power to help change the outcome, but not enough to control the game. Well my item isn't as powerful as yours was, so my ability helps compensate.
  15. Says the guy who could give away guns >.>
  16. Well I have to make myself useful for Town, otherwise they might think I'm TP, though that's not as much of a concern now that we know of at least one TP. It's like a bus driver mixed with ability cop. Like I said before, it can help or hurt Town depending on how it's used. A little :b But this one was designed without even thinking about that role initially. I basically looked through a bunch of neutral roles to find a really powerful one (because I'm power hungry) and the Witch was my favorite. I had to tweak some things though, otherwise I wouldn't be given any form of BP (and you know how much I love my protections), like I originally wanted to be able to control Scum's NK but had to nix that. And it was waaaay more complicated at the start, with my item giving 3 different effects according to how many you used, in fact my BP didn't work like this initially either. I had it set to 1 or 2 of my item being spread around randomly, and then if 3-5 people used it, I'd gain a one-time all inclusive deathproof. This player specific BP works too, I just have to hope it lands on Scum or Scum deems me potentially useful and doesn't kill me.
  17. I should clarify something, unlike a normal Witch, I'm not told what ability I'll be using BEFORE I use it. So essentially, I choose to possess a target and pick a new target for their action, then find out everything at the end of the night. Yeah but I'm not normal And if I brought up the concerns beforehand, he might've changed his actions. Also I'm neutral with a goal of surviving, so it's not like I'd want to make myself a target right away.
  18. Yep...that was the point. I thought Shade's words about dying were especially suspicious because Scum would've been better off to use him as a scapegoat than to kill him. Yeah, the action is called Gather Corpse. And technically I used it. He already claimed he needs to gather 4 to create his monster.
  19. Yes. I completely fail to possess Scum if they're doing a NK. In Shade's case, I possessed him, then used Gather Corpse on Retaliation, but Retaliation wasn't dead so it didn't work.
  20. I can confirm that his ability is indeed "gather corpse." My first thought was that Shade was a Body Snatcher, which is usually Town oriented unless they snatch up a Scum body. Then I thought of the possibly Scummy ability of stealing all the items on a dead body. My last thought was like what a player previously had where they could investigate dead bodies to find the cause of death or past actions. I was getting ready to counterclaim Chop or yourself but to no avail. I'd rather you didn't kill the neutral player though, granted I've killed you twice before. Oh I should mention that the "virus" isn't related to anything scary, it just prevents people the infected from killing me. It's also my passive to spread it to a random player. Cat5, I can't RB Mafia...at least, when they're trying to NK. I'll start on the chart, Orange.
  21. Would you mind letting us know what your victory condition is? Interesting, usually you'd be set at neutral if you have the option to choose between Town or Scum.
  22. But it's not basically a friendly TP role. At least not blatantly so. Are you claiming to be neutral?
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