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Everything posted by TheIrishman

  1. It's hard for me to research things I don't care about. I'm glad Shade is here, because he'll probably do a much better job at fact-checking things about your character. And Ezekial is the only one with armor that matches almost perfectly with your picture. Unless you're claiming to be Luther...
  2. I did too. The only thing I didn't find was the character's name, which was a slight hassle.
  3. I know nothing about WH40K, so I just assumed the character was Space Marine Librarian. Didn't know there were specific kinds. Upon further analysis, you're claiming to be Ezekial, The Grand Master of Librarians of the Dark Angels Chapter. >.>
  4. Huh, I tried uploading the avatar a second time, this time it worked fine after waiting a second for everything to load. But I'll leave it as is because this picture doesn't deserved to be cropped. I didn't bother with yours
  5. When I'm trying to be all detective-like, I reverse image search everyone's avatars
  6. Btw, I haven't been able to for awhile now, so does anybody else have troubles trying to resize their avatar? There wasn't a box for me to adjust it at all.
  7. KY - I'm convinced you're a comic book character, as per usual, considering you have a picture of the Burma (Myanmar) Jungle, perhaps Superman or The Phantom. Otherwise, the only other characters that I can think of that have visited there are Dagger, Black Widow, Zaran the Weapons Master, Daredevil, and Fu Manchu. Although your character could just be a comic book character related to the jungle, it's a weird pick to choose Burma. ChopBam - Not a clue. A blue pie-chart...Microsoft Excel? Orange - Most likely a character from Fallout 3, either Amata or the Lone Wanderer, imo if he's trying to be direct with his picture. If he's indirect he could be anybody in the game. Cat5 - Most likely a character from a Japanese handheld game. Shade - Something medieval? Retaliation - Some evil-ish character from WH40K. Yeah...who would ever do that >.> Although at least I only tried to kill you once. The second time wasn't my intention.
  8. Huh, I've never highlighted the timestamp before, didn't know an actual time would pop up. I just see the "posted 1 minute ago" and move on.
  9. Is there a forum clock somewhere? Or are you referring to just the time stamps for posts?
  10. Perfect, I would've been able to attack next turn as well so I was almost guaranteed to win by this point. Good duel, Apprentice. I hope you'll learn to behave yourself in front of your Master from now on.
  11. Opponent: Voe Stance: Offensive Form: None FCA: Force Shield
  12. Yeah, things weren't looking good for you in either fight, Nodlied, but it was still a good match. Well fought. Rather fitting since I still need to teach my apprentice a thing or two for attacking his master. Opponent: Voe Stance: Center of Being Form: None FCA: None
  13. Does anyone have contact information for these three?
  14. Opponent: Voe Stance: Offensive Form: None FCA: None Opponent: Nodlied Stance: Center of Being Form: None FCA: Enlarge Force
  15. "Malacia - Stun your opponent for the next turn, he/she can't make any changes to Stance and Form Maneuver" Doesn't include FCAs
  16. Hey Voe, are you going to sign up for CYOR III? Opponent: Voe Stance: CoB Form: None FCA: Reduce Injury
  17. Opponent: Voe Stance: Center of Being Form: None FCA: Lifemerge
  18. Are you trying to lose, Nodlied? Opponent: Nodlied Stance: Offensive Form: None FCA: Reduce Injury
  19. Do you mean me? Because I'm your opponent for the round where you go first.
  20. Opponent: Voe Stance: Defensive Form: None FCA: Enlarge Force
  21. For the one I start first ##Defensive ##Enlarge Force
  22. Just a heads up, I'll be covering a small part of someone's shift for Saturday so I probably won't be on from 6:00 PM to 9:30 PM or so.
  23. @Retaliation Do it! :b Success @Chaos_Knight Been missing you, man. Failure @Voe How can you not take part of a game Nodlied is playing? Success @ChopBam You know you want to Success @kamuixmod Hopefully nothing too chaos inducing this time. @Isaac The Madd Pretty sure this is your favorite game type @Alstar Bask in the fun. @Mojoman Grace us with your presence. Failure @VERTi60 You haven't actually participated in a game for a bit man, have at it! Failure The more, the merrier!
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