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Everything posted by TheIrishman

  1. It's been 8 hours, I don't mind waiting longer since disqualification due to a time limit is rather lame, but just giving everyone a heads up that I'm unlikely to respond before 4:30 pm EST.
  2. Well, hopefully the game will end. If that's not enough, there's FRAYDO and Orange who can track my action, Sunflower, ChopBam, and maybe Retaliation who can Mind Meld me, and Voe who can use Sense Force. I'll state right now that I plan to Learn T2 and Sense Force next if the game keeps going.
  3. ChopBam, although it doesn't look like it'll change in time, can you vote me as the Champion and Nodlied as Sith? I'd rather have the ability to use my Force powers first.
  4. Are you certain Mind Meld would've picked up on that? It could only target Force Actions like Charisma's Force Track. ChopBam can you explain the ability a bit more for everyone? Although there could still be a passive, either Scum or Racial to help hide. Anyway, I'll talk more towards hammer.
  5. *cough cough* I wouldn't say "completely willing." More like a "well I guess I have to." The only other person who might stand a chance against a powered up Sith is Voe since he has the Strength attribute and has learned two T2s, but he didn't do so well his first time around and I doubt he'd volunteer for the position anyway. The next strongest person would probably be Retaliation, but he and I have the same attribute and the same 2nd Form, while I have more powers, so it'd be stupid to send him up instead.
  6. Checking for your own potential flaws is the basis for building a solid foundation for any hypothesis. If there was a good reason for me to be wrong, I'd question it, but to get both a Dark result AND finding out that learning Dark Side abilities is a good reason for you to Learn so few Light abilities? Add that in to Jeod claiming he "had" to duel you and no one else? Also there's the idea of Scum having to Learn their damage/kill actions, it would explain why there hasn't been much for incidents. Since Dark Side abilities seem to follow the same paths as the Light Side. This is what I suspect you've been doing, and wouldn't you know it? It fits pretty well. Nod Unknown Unknown [Con] [Int] Learn T1 Follow T1 Learn T2 Sense Force – Voe, Fear Follow T2 Sense Force – TheIrishman, Light Follow T1 Follow T2 Sense Force – Sunflower, Light Follow T2 Follow T3 Sense Force - Retaliation, Light Corrupt Orange ##Vote Sith Nodlied I'd rather not have to duel a fully loaded Sith...but I'm the only Jedi with a T3 ability (granted it's not strong for offense). ##Vote Champion TheIrishman
  7. I didn't assume there were more than 2 Scum, I assumed there could be more than 2 Scum. There Rule of Two has been broken before (multiple times and it usually leads to the death of one of the apprentices). I didn't think Vert would know enough about Star Wars for that since it goes into Legends territory, but if you forget the rule and go by basic Mafia standards, 2 does seem a bit low for 12 players. It's not confirmed in this game that there is a Rule of Two, we just assumed it because that's how the Sith normally operate. If Shade actually read the wiki, he would've also read that they can only affect perception to blend in large crowds, of 100 people or more. And I didn't bother mentioning that ability in my character PM because I didn't think it'd pertain to this kind of game. Force Eater seemed more applicable because it can work defensively against most Force attacks (I like my BP), or control to replenish my Force, which is the route Vert choose. I'd offer for someone to check, but you're Scum. >.> I'm pretty certain the only way I'm wrong is if someone Jedi Mind Tricked me. But Chop rested, Retal rested, Voe was afk, FRAYDO couldn't do anything because of the Duel, and if you made my ability insane, then I would've read you as Light. The only people left would be Orange and Sunflower. Orange is confirmed Town, while I don't think Sunflower is a mastermind who'd expect me to use Sense Force tonight which would've normally left me at 0 FP if I really did want to learn a T3 (which who wouldn't?). And I don't believe Vert would implement the one-time use "make all cops insane" like ChopBam had in Orange's game. Therefore you're Scum.
  8. Again, you were my choice because of the 3 options, you were the most likely Scum if there is an extra one. I already said, I wasn't certain. Unless it's FRAYDO and he actually did corrupt Voe N1, and corrupting does costs 10 FP, then Nodlied's partner should be you. Like previously said, all arguments were pretty shaky, so I went with what felt more right than others.
  9. Not if you were busy farming in Monster Hunter, which has got me pretty distracted.
  10. I think we established that Dark Side abilities or at least corrupting is most likely free. On N1 when Voe was corrupted, all FP are accounted for. The only one that was really questionable was FRAYDO's, since he claimed to have ability tracked Orange for 10 FP and used Sense Meditation which cost 50 FP. But he already "knew" what Orange was going to do from their Holopad.
  11. You say that, but even Cat5 was suspicious of her, albeit there was a lack of other options. It wouldn't be the first time Scum has tried to throw people off by casting suspicion on each other. When I was Scum, Chop and I did it pretty well. It wasn't entirely based on Nodlied's choice of confirmation. Although Jeod and Sunflower were mentioned as a team, it mostly had to do with who was left. Only 3 viable options (if I wanted to be efficient). I had no reason to choose Orange since due to Shade, he's confirmed Town. It was going to be Voe, until Nodlied mentioned he was afk and Vert said we might need a replacement. So the only option left was the somewhat suspicious Sunflower. I was going to voice these suspicions in my earlier post, but I decided against it since I didn't want to make myself a target during the Night. ...Need I remind you that I JUST found out about being able to Learn 2 abilities and performing a NFA at the end of D4, which is the basis for the case? I had more reason to investigate Nodlied, especially since he's an active player.
  12. I asked Vert about the ability beforehand and he said it can be performed with all other actions. You're mixing things up. I said, "I thought if Nodlied was Scum, he'd try to "confirm" his Scum buddy (if there was one) as Light, so I ate Sunflower's Force." I didn't know, I just assumed because I was fairly confident of Nodlied being Scum due to his lack of usage for his Intelligence. I don't know for certain if you're Scum, but if Nodlied has a Scum buddy left, it'd most likely be you.
  13. Your fault for picking a boring human, I was searching through all the races on the wiki to find my character and developed a full back story that covered all 4 alignments. And it also caps me at 100, yours lets you go over.
  14. Woah, I hop back from Monster Hunter and everyone got the wrong idea. Did anyone ever wiki my species? I'm a Stennes Shifter, the species referred to as Force Eaters. My Racial Bonus is a one-time use special action called Eat Force, which absorbs the Force from my surroundings and around my target, giving me their Force + 10 FP. I had my suspicions about Nodlied after I realized that Intelligence can learn 2 things AND perform an FNA, meaning he could've been learning a Dark Side power every night. It explained why he hasn't been taking advantage of his Intelligence. So I used Sense Force on him and got Dark as my result. I thought if Nodlied was Scum, he'd try to "confirm" his Scum buddy (if there was one) as Light, so I ate Sunflower's Force. And I'll admit, I was a bit selfish and didn't want to be defenseless and stuck at 0 FP >.> because who would make a tactical error like that... *stares at FRAYDO* By the way, I've been meaning to voice out why I think Scum hasn't hurt anyone yet, but I forgot to earlier. We have Sense Meditation, so there must be some damaging/killing skills out there. But what if Scum just hasn't learned them yet? This game is obviously set up to last a decently long time with how long it takes people without Intelligence to learn a T3. What if the damaging/kill skills for Scum are Dark Side powers they have to learn? Probably damaging for T2 and killing for T3. In case anyone is wondering what my T3 Intelligence Force Night Action is, it's Enhance Another's Attribute which lets me permanently double a player's Combat Ability Bonus. Only once per player. It doesn't say specifically, but I'm pretty sure that means Strength gets +2d for att, Dexterity gets +2d for def, and Constitution gets -10 Stamina per stance and +40 for Center of Being. I don't know if I can target myself, but I'd assume not from the name. Costs 90FP though. The T3 Constitution Force Combat Action costs 9FP, it's basically a Second Wind. Updated Table: Players Character Race Skills N0 N1 N2 N3 N4 Sun Aayla Secura Twi’lek ? [Wis] Learn T1 Resist Dark Side Learn T2 +10 Max FP Learn T1 Resist Dark Side Rest T2? Shade Dare Komad Whiphid [Con] [Wis] Learn T1 + Protect Self Duel -10 FP -10 FP -20 FP -30 FP OP47 Unknown Unknown [Dex] [Cha] Holo-Pad – Shade Track Force TheIrishman – No Force Used Learn T1 Track Force Nodlied – Sense Alignment Learn T2 Track Force TheIrishman – No Force Used Rest Learn T1 Track Force – Voe – No Force Used Nod Unknown Unknown [Con] [Int] Learn T1 Learn T2 Sense Force – Voe, Fear Sense Force – TheIrishman, Light Sense Force – Sunflower, Light T1? Jeod Darth Voss “Human” [Dex] [Cha] Learn T1 ? (-10 FP) Learn T2 Duel -10 FP -10 FP Corrupted OP47 -10 FP KY John Ennis Mandalore [Str] [Wis] “Failed Holo-Pad – Orange” +10 Max FP Learn T1 Learn T2 Duel +5 FP +5 FP Retal Senaviev Human [Con] [Wis] Learn T1 +10 Max FP Learn T2 +10 Max FP Learn T1 +10 Max FP Duel Rest Cat 5 Christina Starleaper Kiffar [Dex] [Wis] Learn T1 Learn T2 Learn T1 Mind Meld – Nodlied Rest Duel +5 FP Irish Faelyn The Seeker Stennes Shifter [Con] [Int] Learn T1 Learn T2 Duel Learn T1 Learn T2 Rest Learn T3 Sense Force – Nodlied – Dark Eat Force - Sunflower FRAY Unknown Unknown ? [Cha] Holo-Pad – Orange Track Force TheIrishman – No Force Used Sense Meditation Force Track Orange – Force Track Force Track – TheIrishman – No Force Used Learn T1 Hibernation Trace Duel Voe Hermit VolDergar Kaleesh [Str] [Int] Learn 2 T1 Learn 2 T2 Duel Rest afk? Chop Unknown Human [Dex] [Wis] Learn T1 Learn T2 Mind Meld – Nodlied Learn T1 Rest
  15. @Voe You barely have ~20 posts and have yet to voice any of your suspicions. Mind giving us your thoughts? What ChopBam said. The only thing way it'd make sense is if he could hide both his FP and his Combat Actions, but that's getting far too unreasonable and I just don't believe it. Exactly why I'm not as suspicious of him. Using Orange's scale, he's gone from -3.5 to -0.5. I still find his actions questionable, especially for such an experienced player, but it doesn't obviously ring out as Scum for me anymore.
  16. I wake up to this crap? >.> FRAYDO did you perchance sell your soul to RNGesus just to win that duel? And it looks like you really did run out of FP, which makes me hesitant to think you're actually Scum. On one side, only Scum would feel comfortable enough to leave themselves so defenseless like that, but on the other, if you really were able to hide your FP, you would've used it when you got so low in HP. Still leaning towards Scum, but not by as much. I didn't even think about that xD True, true. We'll see what we dig up tonight before we decide tomorrow's duels.
  17. I should mention that I just double checked my PM and couldn't find anything to support my thinking about not being able to Learn 2 things and performing an FNA. I asked Vert about it and he said he never wrote anything saying I couldn't, so somewhere in between the "You cannot combine this action with Learning or Holo communicator" I got the wrong idea. So I can apparently Learn 2 things and perform a Force Night Action.
  18. I don't understand FRAYDO. He is voting two very likely Town members to duel. Sunflower beat me to what I was going to say. He was the first person, aside from Jeod to question the Force Ghosts. He and Jeod seemed to "work" together. And he specifically avoided voting Jeod. Yeah, it takes place of my FNA which keeps it somewhat balanced. Retaliation can't be the Champion, but we could vote him as Sith and FRAYDO as Champion. It'd be a somewhat fair duel if FRAYDO doesn't have any FP while Retal has only half health. But while at work I've been thinking about what Cat5 said about how tactically incompetent it'd be for FRAYDO to run out of FP like he did, but do we know that he actually ran out? It doesn't say 0, it's just not there. What if FRAYDO is Scum and has a power to hide his FP meter? I don't think you should fight him, Retal. With what Cat5's said, I'm pretty sure you're Town as long as Shade has his ability straight. Although it'd be somewhat comical for old times sake, you'd be unnecessarily putting yourself at risk. ##Vote Sith FRAYDO
  19. I think the main problem with your measurements, Cat5, is that it should be separated into 3 different phases, Council, Duel, and Night. But I do agree that we should take another look at Voe. What's Shade saying to defend FRAYDO? I really don't understand why you're still suspicious of me, Cat5, I was tracked N0, couldn't do anything N1, and was tracked N2 and alignment checked, and rested N3. With Intelligence, I'm not able to learn 2 things AND still perform an FNA or SA. I'll elaborate more on my suspicions closer to hammer, because I work in 20 minutes and still have to get ready.
  20. I think he wanted you to confirm what I said about it getting rid of the Dark Side in you, but I'm pretty sure Cat5 missed when I asked Voe if he also won the ability.
  21. I never got a notification for being Force Tracked by Orange and FRAYDO or Force Sensed by Nodlied.
  22. Huh...the FBI didn't move at all, but KY gained 5 FP, Jeod lost 10 FP, and Shade lost 20 FP. So either Scum didn't do anything Scummy or they were blocked. My initial thought was that Scum had to be Resting or Retaliation, but then I remembered Nodlied, Choppy, and FRAYDO could've been blocked or chosen to Follow the Dark Side, although I'm not certain if that'd affect the FBI if they're already Scum. I wonder if these Force Ghosts are able to do more than just visit, like protect or RB? Or maybe Shade is losing his FP by an increasing value of 10 per day to represent him dissipating over time, but assuming Jeod's a Force Ghost, he only lost 10 FP last time so I'm not sure about that. Updated Table: Players Character Race Skills N0 N1 N2 N3 Sunflower Aayla Secura Twi’lek ? [Wis] Learn T1 Resist Dark Side Learn T2 +10 Max FP Learn 1 Resist Dark Side Rest Shade939 Dare Komad Whiphid [Con] [Wis] Learn T1 + Protect Self Duel Dead Dead OrangeP47 Unknown Unknown [Dex] [Cha] Holo-Pad – Shade Track Force TheIrishman – No Force Used Learn T1 Track Force Nodlied – Sense Alignment Learn 2 Track Force – TheIrishman – No Force Used Rest Nodlied Unknown Unknown [Con] [Int] Learn T1 Learn T2 Sense Force – Voe, Fear Sense Force – TheIrishman, Light T1? Jeod Darth Voss “Human” [Dex] [Cha] Learn T1 ? (-10 FP) Learn T2 Duel Dead Killing_You John Ennis Mandalorian [Str] [Wis] “Failed Holo-Pad – Orange” +10 Max FP Learn T1 Learn T2 Duel Retaliation Senaviev Human [Con] [Wis] Learn T1 +10 Max FP Learn T2 +10 Max FP Learn T1 +10 Max FP Duel Category 5 Christina Starleaper “Kiffar” ? [Wis] Learn T1 Learn T2 Learn T1 Mind Meld – Nodlied Rest TheIrishman Faelyn The Seeker Stennes Shifter [Con] [Int] Learn T1 Learn T2 Duel Learn T1 Learn T2 Rest FRAYDO Unknown Unknown ? [Cha] Holo-Pad – Orange Track Force TheIrishman – No Force Used Sense Meditation Force Track Orange – Force Track Force Track – TheIrishman – No Force Used T1? T1? Voe Hermit VolDergar Kaleesh [Str] [Int] Learn 2 T1 Learn 2 T2 Duel Rest? Chopbam Unknown “Human” [Dex] [Wis] Learn T1 Learn T2 Mind Meld – Nodlied T1?
  23. Do you need to vote both to avoid the penalty? If so ##Vote Champion Retaliation
  24. Are you trying to imply I did something N1? I just finished a Duel which... And you're missing 20 FP, yet only mentioned one of your two actions. And I don't know what you mean by it moved back. It moved to the right, increasing the amount of Light after Jeod died, yes, but it also moved slightly to the left, increasing the Dark from between Jeod's death to D3, meaning there should've been some type of Dark Side shenanigans last night.
  25. Although it worked a little bit differently, it could still do basically the same thing http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Force_meld
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