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Everything posted by TheIrishman

  1. I meant for N1, where we know Voe was corrupted.
  2. Shouldn't be we looking at FP loss that's unaccounted for? Assuming that corrupting Town cost FP, Sunflower, Nodlied, and Retaliation would be our suspects. Maybe FRAYDO, I doubt it'd cost 50 FP to corrupt a player, but he could be lying about tracking Orange. OrangeP47 - Suspicious. If he's Scum, his partner is probably FRAYDO or Nodlied. He's claimed to be not combat oriented in a Duel, yet Dexterity would count as a combative attribute to me. Charisma deals with his night actions which shouldn't affect a Duel. He flipped on Shade last minute, which is sketchy especially with that whole "Mama Bear" attitude, but stupid for Scum. Wouldn't be the first time though *cough cough* Isaac *cough* It's odd that he complained about Jeod making a n00b mistake, but then proceeded to make the same mistake, telling everyone what he thinks Nodlied did before Nod could respond. His claim about Force Ghosts is a bit suspicious since I can think of a few ways it could be used to Scum's benefit. I'm still willing to give him a chance to prove it, but I'll take it with a grain of salt. Cat5 - Quiet as of late, but he also has a lack of interest in Star Wars. Probably Town. ChopBam - Again, reading Town to me. He's not very aggressive, but he pushes back when pushed which seems normal. Jeod - Acting out of character. One of my top suspects, his logic is hard to follow. Pretty sure enough people have voiced why he's a suspect. Sunflower - Seems pretty Townie for a n00b, popping in occasionally to give her thoughts. @Nodlied- Before I give my analysis, mind telling us what you did for N1, besides learning a T2? Killing You - Last free pass (unless they give you a lot of Vicodin like they did for me), if you're able to, try to be more active. Retaliation - Suspect. In addition to him being rather bold, which is out of character, seeming to always want to duel, he also has 10 FP unaccounted for and he's the Wisdom attribute that's "meant" for duels. Though I'm still unsure how Wisdom helps in a Duel. Voe - A loose cannon. He's more than likely Town, since he informed us about being him afflicted with the Dark Side. Although he's probably Town, I still fully expect him to screw us over. FRAYDO - I'm unsure, he's a hard one to gauge. He seems Town, but I could also see him claiming to track Orange since he already "knew" what Orange would do, while doing something else. The reason why I think he'd be lying about that action is because I doubt corrupting a player would cost 50FP, it's just too noticeable.
  3. I picked two lightsabers and didn't get a special ability ;-; But I imagine the aesthetics look nice, one silver and one black.
  4. You would've only been able to learn a T1 and a T2 in the same night if you had the Intelligence attribute. I think you would've also have needed to learn the base focuses, for example, if you started out with Control and wanted to learn the T2 Control-Alter, then you have to do #learn alter and #learn conrol-alter. At least, that's how I did it. By the way, were you able to get your tooth taken care of?
  5. You don't have to treat my table as 100% accurate, there are assumptions on there (though not without basis), like Sunflower. She never mentioned what she did N0, but she used 40 FP N1, so I figured she must've learn a T1 N0 and learned a T2 N1. If there is anything wrong on there or something anyone wants to add, just let me know.
  6. You didn't directly state that you had Intelligence, but you inferred it. And then when I mentioned it, you didn't deny it either.
  7. I think it'd be more like Fear, Anger, and Hate or Fear, Anger, Hate, and Suffering. Suffering is debatable since it's more of how Yoda is referring to the end result for the Dark Side. 5 Tiers just seems like too long and could come to nothing if the target dies. 3 or 4 seem more reasonable, but I'd bet on just 3 since that seems to be Vert's preferred number and would make the conversion somewhat quick, while letting the Sith convert up to 2 players. But even then, if you add in abilities like what I won to counter the conversion and that the target could easily die beforehand, it makes me doubt that converting someone is the end goal. I think the main point of it is to contaminate a player to affect the FBI meter. I think that's a given, otherwise the Sense Meditation is pointless.
  8. It's not a FNA or FCA you can use? I'm guessing it didn't come with another ability to complete a set like normal learning then. So it's kind of like I said, a contamination/infection. I'm unsure if it'll actually turn you into Sith (unless there's only one right now), but it certainly won't help us. It's probably best to be on the defensive, Voe, in case hitting you with it again leads to Anger and then Hate.
  9. Not really, I just copy and pasted my CYOR II chart and changed names and categories accordingly.
  10. Alright, so I tried piecing everything together by using the change in everyone's FP. If I'm wrong about anything, go ahead and correct me. I worked around the assumption that if 30 FP were missing, they must have #learned a T2 ability because that's the only thing they should have that'd cost that much. And that every other action would cost 10 FP. The most eye-catching person is FRAYDO. He's claimed to have Charisma, yet he used 60FP last night. You mind explaining yourself? After already filling this out, I thought of a some more things that could cost 40, 50, or 60 FP, but I'll keep it as is for now. Players Character Race Skills Claimed Abilities N1 N2 Sunflower Unknown Unknown ? ? None ? (-10 FP) Learn T2 + ? (-10 FP) Shade939 Dare Komad Whiphid [Con] [Wis] None Learn T1 + ? Duel OrangeP47 Unknown Unknown [Dex] [Cha] None Holo-Pad – Shade Track Force TheIrishman – No Force Used 2 Unknowns (-10 FP each) Nodlied Unknown Unknown ? [Int] None Learn T1 Learn T2 + ? (-10 FP) Jeod Unknown “Human” ? [Cha] None Learn T1 + ? Learn T2 Killing_You Unknown Mandalorian ? ? None “Failed Holo-Pad – Orange” +10 FP ? (-10 FP) Retaliation Tachanka Unknown [Con] [Wis] None Learn T1 + ? Learn T2 + ? Category 5 Unknown Unknown ? [Int] None Learn T1 Learn T2 TheIrishman Unknown Unknown [Con] [Int] None Learn T1 Learn T2 Duel FRAYDO Unknown Unknown ? [Cha] None Holo-Pad – Orange Track Force TheIrishman – No Force Used 2 Unknowns (-30 FP each) Voe Unknown Unknown [Str] [Int] None Learn T1 + ? Learn 2 T2 Chopbam Unknown “Human” [Dex] [Wis] None Learn T1 Learn T2
  11. I was tempted to stay silent about this, but it's not like I can be killed off or harmed tonight anyway. The special reward I got is a one-time use ability called Light Meditation Technique (though it counts as a special rest) that can restore both HP and FP to full. But it also can do something very interesting. It can purge the Dark Side from the player, returning them to the Light if need be and would have them lose all Dark Side abilities. This tells us two things. First, we should be especially careful about nominating someone to do multiple duels as there could be other various rewards in addition to granting the winner the next level of their Form. Second, why would there be an ability to get rid of the Dark Side in this game? You would assume if a player chooses to dabble in the Dark Side, they did it with purpose and planned on continuing to do so. If they got rid of those powers, it would've just been wasted time for that player since they would've chosen to learn the Dark over the Light. This leads me to be more certain that Scum can contaminate players with the Dark Side. I doubt it'd be to the level of a Cult since that'd be almost impossible to squash in the game setup, but it could be something like teaching a player Dark Side abilities which would probably affect the FBI. Retaliation, I'd wait until after the night is over before thinking of paying any sort of penance. I think this counts as my second post even though I posted before Vert
  12. Good game, Shade. You fought with honor (which basically confirms Town to me), and I really did appreciate your attempt to reset the duel on my behalf. Of course I'm happy I won and get to enjoy the Star Wars theme longer, but it's a small comfort to know it was a fair match (with a little bullshit luck) rather than something handed to me to your detriment. Though that's mostly for my own concious. Hopefully you'll survive longer in the next game, it'll be a Choose Your Own Role game hosted by Jeod with all sorts of crazy and interesting antics.
  13. Oh snap, so I get a sexy counterattack>
  14. ##Englarge Force (assuming it'll push me over in Stam) ##Offensive
  15. We're able to overdraw our Stamina and have our abilities still work, right? As long as we have some initial Stamina to work with? Mostly wondering because that's how it played out with him and Shii-Cho Ward along with Jedi Ready which would've costed him 30 Stamina, but worked with only 20, as well as Voe and his Disarming Slash. ##Enlarge Force ##Offensive If we aren't able to overdraw, then ##Stop Shii-Cho Ward
  16. Yep. Sometimes not attacking is a tactic too :b
  17. Oh well ##whatever the cancel command is for that form them. ##Stop Shii-Cho Ward
  18. Wait, shouldn't I be at 50 Stamina? I thought the cost of Forms was only taken once, just like Force Combat Actions. ##Reduce Injury ##Center of Being
  19. Now I'm starting to feel real bad. You forget what I said, we can fight it out.
  20. The weapon is a bit inaccurate, but I understand it probably wouldn't look fit well if I were dual-wielding both a silver and a black lightsaber. Alright, Shade, I'm trusting you here. ##Jedi Ready ##Redirect Energy ##Shii-Cho Ward
  21. Heal self and heal others. The only other one is my racial bonus but I'll be silent about that for now. The T2 Combat Skill is Redirect Energy.
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