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Everything posted by TheIrishman

  1. If you're going to surrender, Shade, I'll also use my T2 skill first so that we can at least get some more benefit out of this duel.
  2. xD Nah, I've worked with him for like 5 years now. Though I never really knew him well until the most recent year.
  3. I was (and still am) revising my resume and am contacting other people to use a reference. Looking for a new job :b
  4. Mafia Edit: At the same time, I can somewhat understand a conservation of Force, I don't see why it'd be necessary from the abilities I have or that others have claimed. Maybe there's a Sith action that costs more FP? So it's still rather suspicious.*
  5. Regardless of our quarreling, I feel that Shade is more of a misunderstanding newb than Scum, especially if you add in Orange's defense. Retaliation seems to be more aggressive, which gives more of a Scum vibe, but his willingness to put out his character like he did makes me doubt that he's Scum. Nodlied, him having Intelligence and not using it seems suspicious. At the same time, it's still rather suspicious. Probably my main suspect so far. FRAYDO, I'm unsure of. When he's Town or TP he can be pretty good at sniffing Scum, at least he has been for the last few games, which makes me swivel my head back to Nodlied. OrangeP47, same as usual. He's pretty tough to suspect because how much he tends to hang back and follow other's lead. Jeod, I'm a little bit suspicious about him with the whole Gray Jedi thing, but I can't really blame him since one of my variants was a Gray Jedi. Maybe third. Cat5, a bit weird that he's been more silent than usual, but nothing he hasn't done before. Voe, No clue. Killing You, gets a free pass for now Sunflower, no read yet ChopBam, I'm leaning towards Town, because he's usually more aggressive when he's Scum. And in case I die, since it looks like I'll be the Champion at this point, here's the revised table. Players Character Race Skills Claimed Abilities N1 Sunflower Unknown Unknown ? ? None Unknown Shade939 Unknown Unknown [Con] [Wis] None 2 Unknowns OrangeP47 Unknown Unknown [Dex] [Cha] None Holo-Pad – Shade FNA or SA Nodlied Unknown Unknown ? [Int] Unknown Unknown Jeod Unknown “Human” ? [Cha] Hibernation Trance Learn T1 Other Killing_You Unknown Mandalorian ? ? None “Failed Holo-Pad – Orange” +10 FP Retaliation Tachanka Unknown [Con] [Wis] None 2 Unknowns Category 5 Unknown Unknown ? [Int] None Learn T1 TheIrishman Unknown Unknown [Con] [Int] Accelerate Another’s Healing Learn T1 Learn T2 FRAYDO Unknown Unknown ? [Cha] Unknown Holo-Pad – Orange FNA or SA Voe Unknown Unknown [Str] [Int] Unknown 2 Unknown Chopbam Unknown “Human” [Dex] [Wis] Unknown Unknown
  6. The breakdown is that there are 7 Force Combat Actions each for Dexterity, Constitution, and Strength (21 total). Of each attribute, there's three tier 1 abilities, three tier 2 abilities, and one tier 3 ability. The same goes for Force Night Actions, but between Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. And then there are 7 sets of Dark Side Force Actions, putting the total to 28 sets or 56 abilities total, and that's excluding Forms or any possible race abilities. If we want to talk about Forms, everything would be pure speculation, but I'd say the highest would most likely be tier 3 as well to keep with the format, which would add another 9, putting the grand total to 67 abilities that we know of.
  7. You know, I was 90% sure you chose Intelligence. And we finally have a reliable player who can help confirm the ability I learned, no offense Nod or Voe. Cat5, if you choose to learn T2 Control - Alter/Alter - Control tonight, the night action you get will be Accelerate Another's Healing. That was my main concern about it. I was initially planning on using the Holo-pad, but I figured it'd just be wasting my Intelligence if I did.
  8. I'm hesitant to trust anyone with Wisdom to be a Champion since if a player picked that, they knew their character was meant for combat, which gives them a higher chance to be Scum, imo. One round might not be so bad, but I wouldn't vote for them repeatedly.
  9. A little coincidental that besides Nodlied, they're all people who've been fairly quiet and that we know nothing about. True, right now we're working under the assumption that one of them followed the Dark Side. It's possible that no one did, which puts pretty much everyone back on the table.
  10. >.> Oh well, I'll fix it for the next table.
  11. I would also like to point out that for the night actions, I ignored following the dark side since it's tough to prove either way since they apparently cost 0 FP. The people who couldn't have learned the Dark Side would be FRAYDO (holo-pad), Orange (holo-pad), and myself (learn a max of 2). But that's under the assumption that Scum don't have a way around that or don't already know it. I was feeling lazy and didn't want to go through every page to find out everyone's stats. It's easier if others just point them out for me to fill in the blanks with. Could be. Remember everyone, there are 3 sets of abilities for each Force Focus - Control, Alter, and Sense. I didn't include those in my table because I feel they'll quickly become useless since we all can learn them in a day or two.
  12. So a little explanation beforehand. FNA = Force Night Action, SA = Special Action. The reason I know Orange and FRAYDO must've done something other than meditation or learning is because Holo-Pad communication cannot be combined with learning or meditation. The reason I assume 2 unknowns for three players is because I haven't seen an ability so far that costs 20 FP. So unless Wisdom, Charisma, or Scum hold such an ability and I'm unaware of it, I'm assuming that they learned another T1 and did something else. I would add our HP and FP, but Vert already has a much better sheet with that and I'll need the extra space for future nights. If anyone has anything they would like to add or dispute, feel free. Oh and I "know" Retaliation and Shade have Wisdom because what they've previously said towards the attribute and I'm assuming Hibernation Meditation is most likely a Charisma ability (though it's still unconfirmed), which would further prove them to have Wisdom. Players Character Race Character Build Unconfirmed Abilities N1 Sunflower Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Shade939 Unknown Unknown Constitution - Wisdom Unknown 2 Unknowns OrangeP47 Unknown Unknown Dexterity - Unknown Unknown Holo-Pad – Shade FNA or SA Nodlied Unknown Unknown Unknown - Intelligence Unknown 1 Unknown Jeod Unknown “Human” Unknown - Charisma Hibernation Meditation Learn T1 Other Killing_You Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Retaliation Tachanka Unknown Constitution - Wisdom Unknown 2 Unknowns Category 5 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown TheIrishman Unknown Unknown Constitution - Intelligence Accelerate Another’s Healing Learn T1 Learn T2 FRAYDO Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Holo-Pad – Orange FNA or SA Voe Unknown Unknown Strength - Intelligence Unknown 2 Unknown Chopbam Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown
  13. Maybe if I were a Strength or Dexterity build, but my Force Powers are basically defensive. I might still be up for it if I had the Wisdom attribute since it's the most combat oriented (from the description), but I have Intelligence. Anyway, brb, got Microsoft Office back so I'll be building a table.
  14. You guys keep on saying that it gives me an advantage, but I feel like you guys forgot the point that you can only use ONE force combat action per your attack phase. And Reduce Injury seems to be a lot more useful than the T2 ability I got for now. Combat Force Actions are determined by your Combat Skill - Dexterity, Strength, Constitution, while Night Force Actions are determined by your Knowledge Skill - Intelligence, Charisma, or Wisdom.
  15. Fair, but to "throw me to the wolves" over something that can easily proven given time seems nonsensical. I could even tell you the T2 Force Combat Action for Constitution players if need be, but to the detriment of us in combat.
  16. We only need to find someone else with Intelligence, which so far, besides myself, are Nodlied and Voe.
  17. Again, I can just tell you one of the abilities I learned and it can be confirmed the next day. In fact, I'll just tell you already >.> Intelligence - T2 Control - Alter: Accelerate Another's Healing: Basically it either double the target's healing or just gives them +25 HP if they're not already healing. Except I'm Constitution, Control, Intelligence. Which is one of the least combat oriented builds. And I already stated that the Combat Force power I gained was of limited use.
  18. Because I'm curious what ability it is? And I'm making a table of information (at least I will as soon as I reinstall Microsoft Office on my laptop, had to wipe it earlier). I'd assume that it's based off the Knowledge focus if it exists since that's how Night Actions are. Since Jeod is Charisma (as confirmed with his holo-pad statement), that means it should be based off of that one. Which should make it impossible for Nodlied to have done it and ruins that run of logic.
  19. I can say that I don't. What's hibernation trance?
  20. I'm pretty sure Vert posted the wrong video at first, because the first one implied a price and then he changed it to this one to imply that it's free >.> So I'm guessing it's supposed to be free to prevent people from adding up the costs of FP and figuring out that they went to the Dark Side.
  21. True, but it feels like it implies it. Although I imagine we could ask Verti60 to verify the cost. And, presumably, it would follow the same restrictions of learning so that people can't learn a T3 Dark Side set right away, which means that you'd have to start at the beginning - learning two Dark Side T1 skills, two T2 skills, and then the T3 skill.
  22. Hey, that was me being a bit selfish after I realized you were going to kill me and I had an alignment that was continuously fluctuating. I claim mostly self-defense there along with being a mad scientist since I also love time travel and wanted to see what I could do. Still won as Town though I'm assuming choosing to learn Dark Side skills negatively affect the FBI meter (pretty obvious it should though), but I doubt it'd let you turn into a Sith. Well maybe after you learn the T3 set (Verti60 said there were 28 skill sets total, so 21 split up to 7 each between Strength, Constitution, and Dexterity, and 7 for the Dark Side). But I don't think anyone should dabble with it. Call me an opportunist then So, since we have at least two Intelligence players here, I can tell you what you'll learn for your T2 control - alter/alter - control night action. Spoiling it isn't a big deal, I promise.
  23. Nope, it was the N0 tutorial post. And since it said that, I asked. After all, if I have Intelligence, I should make the best use of it.
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