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Everything posted by TheIrishman

  1. I've been a "tryhard" lately as I've been getting better and better at the game, especially as I've learned to pick up more with people's language since I was pretty bad at it initially. Also with Cat5 gone, someone has to. I did the same thing last time he died in that APB game, remember Dr. Ryuk? I say decent as Town as in he hasn't done anything to arouse my suspicion yet. True, it hardly clears him, but it's a pretty boldfaced lie and if he can't come up with the actual name of his character within I day or two, he'll be doubted and probably lynched. Not to mention that we probably have a cop role or two that can look him up.
  2. I can understand it since Cat5 is one of the people you'd prefer knowing whether he'll have your back, but I still think Retaliation should stay on the suspect list. He could be buying time to make up a well written ability with his hesitance as well. (that moment when you forget to even consider yourself as scum and recount repeatedly because you swore there were 9 players left alive). So far my suspect list goes in order goes: Retaliation - Top of the list right now with what little we have. FRAYDO - I don't trust a quiet FRAYDO, and lately you've been pretty good at catching hostiles, considering the game I hosted (congrats again on picking both OrangeP47 and KY right away) and when I was TP (even though you would've lost without me . Give me more so I can clear you. Killing You - Asking for nationalities does peak my interest with you since it mostly reminds me of the fact that you were an assassin who had to kill people of a certain nationality last game. Also you mentioned you were a Soviet (Russian) first to avoid catching flak for it. Getting out ahead before the inevitable train comes also puts you at the forefront. ChopBam - Moved down a bit since I'm less inclined to believe KY and Chop were collaborating, but still up there since he could be the American scum. Jeod - I don't appreciate the lack of input from you either. This is what you've said all game. We can still have some good ol’ McCarthyism. I'm an American and I'm gay for Kennedy. Laurent, is that you? Also, take note everyone. Being gay for Kennedy makes Cat5 townread you. You’re all wrong. OrangeP47 is the real warmonger. ##vote Retaliation Roulette time. Also Shade is town. Wow. I regret sparing Irish now. Holy unexpected early daystart Batman! Cat5 guessed that ChopBam might be Curtis LeMay, and initially thought that Mojoman made a TP slip. Did anyone check on Irish, out of curiosity, given his voting choice yesterday? Bolded words are "productive". Things with a strikethrough are jokes. We can still have some good ol’ McCarthyism. I'm an American and I'm gay for Kennedy. Laurent, is that you? Also, take note everyone. Being gay for Kennedy makes Cat5 townread you. You’re all wrong. OrangeP47 is the real warmonger. ##vote Retaliation Roulette time. Also Shade is town. Wow. I regret sparing Irish now. Holy unexpected early daystart Batman! Cat5 guessed that ChopBam might be Curtis LeMay, and initially thought that Mojoman made a TP slip. Did anyone check on Irish, out of curiosity, given his voting choice yesterday? The only potentially productive things that you've done is state your nationality, somehow "confirm" that Shade is town without saying anymore, and try to point out Cat5's statement that he already basically agreed to be pointless. I need more from you Jeod, because it looks like you're scum that's laying low with a joke here or there. Add that with the "regret" of sparing me to give yourself sympathy points. I need some of that good ol' fashioned scum hunting, Jeod. Nodlied - He's been doing decent as Town so far and he's away babysitting cats so he gets a pass for now. Mojoman - No matter how I try, I can't think of a Canadian woman who could be scum. So unless he's lying, I doubt he's scum. Shade - I'm pretty confident that he isn't scum. Though if he pulls an OrangeP47 and wins it, bravo.
  3. Pretty suspicious, but I'm inclined to believe you because most people wouldn't admit that if they were scum. Unless they think they were tracked...If it's a one time use ability, why not tell us what it is since you already used it. Unless it didn't count with your target dead.
  4. You, FRAYDO, KY or ChopBam. The only person I could've reached 2 votes against, aside from Voe, was you. So yeah, it was a toss between you and Voe. Voe is usually a chaotic factor that often times has the ability to hurt Town more than he helps it. You on the other hand have given slips that have led to scum loss before, and already mentioned that you might be more inactive due to school If I had to pick someone to get rid of and be assured that it was going to be the right decision, it'd be Voe. Alright, I'll draw back. I overlooked you saying Soviet and took that as you saying your PM said you were specifically Russian rather than Soviet, which would've contradicted Shade's claim. I'd like to hear more from Jeod, FRAYDO, Retaliation, and Nodlied.
  5. I think I'm going to side with Category 5 on the nationality being hidden for now. In Nodlied's warmonger game there were 2 different characters whose goals focused on specific targets. One was yours that had to kill 3 austo-hungarian targets, the other was FRAYDO as Kane, trying to make sure 2 specific players survived. I can tell you that I'm a navy officer though. Jeod, I followed up on Cat5's lead with ChopBam being Curtis LeMay. If you google search his avatar, you'll find out that it's Malcolm Granger from Command & Conquer, who's an air force general (I know Chop already basically admitted as much, but I had no idea what GenZH was). If you just google "air force general cuban missile crisis" it brings up pretty much every link possible for Curtis LeMay. While I don't doubt ChopBam's lack of historical knowledge, from the picture I think we can at least be pretty certain that ChopBam is a high ranking officer in the military, which helps keep him on the suspect list. About the TP claim, I think that was mostly Mojo being Mojo rather than any sort of slip. Speaking of suspect list, KY, care to elaborate your staunch claim for being Russian rather than Soviet? I've never seen CK make any tables, but I'll take your word for it.
  6. Just realized I glossed over ChopBam's comment. Chop, kinda true, but it's usually pretty tough to tell if you're scum so I always put you on my list just in case. Though, it's mostly if KY is scum since you coordinated well with him pretty quickly. And, hey, it worked the first time when I punched you. Stealing my stuff, KY >.> If you're going to make a table, don't forget to include everything, like changes in WT and night actions. As for your suspects, it's basically along the same lines as mine. I think it's either Savitsky or Maslennikov since they both had their fingers on the trigger with the nukes. Then Fidel because he's the obvious main antagonist of the crisis. Between Lemnizter, LeMay, and Lansdale, it's toss since anyone of them have enough on them to be scum. Also, I think there has to be at least one American scum, otherwise it's too easy to clear everyone of suspicion. I suppose I could've clarified further, Retaliation. I meant "After Voe" as in excluding him from the topic since I already voted him. Or you could think of it as "After Voe is gone, Retaliation, FRAYDO..." There were 5 minutes left for the vote when I posted, which left enough time for people to change the vote, but I felt it most likely that Voe would be lynched by that point.
  7. True, but you said you think your ability lowered it by 10, which means it would've really have been at 50. I doubt there'd be a single person that could raise it by more than 10, so that'd mean there's at least 2 other people that raised it by 10. And I was hoping that it was only World Leaders that attributed to a 15 point increase. If that truly is the case, then I'd guess other deaths would be 10 points, with that the WT was raised by either 15 or 25 via other means, depending on if you actually lowered it by 10. #1 Every person is worth 15 points. If this is the case, it seems the game would end too early, especially since the WT was raised more than expected by other means. Voe (15) + Cat5 (15) + Unknown (10) = 40 Voe (15) + Cat5 (15) + Unknown (20) - Shade (10) = 40 #2 Every person is worth 10 points, except for World Leaders who are worth 15. Voe (15) + Cat5 (10) + Unknown (15) = 40 Voe (15) + Cat5 (10) + Unknown (25) - Shade (10) = 40
  8. Great, our best detective is dead. I figured he would've been the one to protect if possible. And how are we at 40 already?! So list of scum suspects. Captain Valentin Grigorievitch Savitsky, Political Officer Ivan Semonovich Maslennikov, Fidel Castro, General Lyman Lemnizter, maybe General Curtis LeMay, and maybe General Edward Lansdale Captain Savitsky was the one of the 3 senior officers of the B-59 nuclear submarine who voted to launch the nuclear missiles. Political Officer Maslennikov was another one of the 3 senior officers of the B-59 nuclear submarine who voted to launch the nuclear missiles. Fidel Castro was the leader of Cuba, but he was also known to be overly paranoid and protective, which could cause him to lash out toward the U.S. General Lemnizter drafted Operation Northwoods. He was stripped from his position as Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff by Kennedy do the aforementioned operation, though he was later sent over to lead NATO. General Curtis LeMay was one of the greatest advocates when it came to going to war with Cuba, wanting to invade Cuba even immediately after the crisis was resolved. He was also one of the main supporting characters for Operation Northwoods. Generals Lansdale was the head of Operation Mongoose and would’ve been the head of Operation Northwoods if it didn’t get rejected. Operation Mongoose (The Cuban Project) was designed to take out executive figures in Cuba, helping overthrow Castro while also creating sufficient justification to have the military intervene with the Cuban government. Operation Northwoods had a similar goal to Mongoose, but under more drastic measures, including by staging terrorist attacks on U.S. soil, killing innocent civilians. Oh and I didn't do anything last night, my stuff is locked.
  9. My bad, I played plenty of Fallout yet I didn't even think about it. I was just trying to search for clues and yours didn't make sense. Guess this makes me FRAYDO? The situation is very similar to the CYOR II game where my jokes were lost on him and he took them seriously. Wait...if I'm FRAYDO I guess I'll be dying tonight by a bullet that was shot in the opposite direction, ricocheting off 5 different objects before it lands in between my brow.
  10. Holy shit xD Now I feel bad, I feel like Osborne now. Yeah, I kind of do too. I was tempted to just vote KY and have RNGesus choose, but I haven't played a full mafia game in over 2 months so I didn't want to die due to some bullshit luck.
  11. Well since Voe isn't here and I'd rather not die. ##Vote Voe After Voe, Retaliation, FRAYDO, KY, and Chopbam are my top suspects. Retaliation because of his fluff. He stated his prime suspects live in the mojave desert, but didn't follow through with that. FRAYDO because his fluff. He can do better than that. KY because he's the first to state that nationalities don't matter while putting out there that he's Russian, which Shade's statement contradicts. And ChopBam for his collaborating with KY to an extent and asking for Cat5's opinion rather than offering up his own. It's all pretty weak though being D1.
  12. I don't really have much to contribute so far, and the same could be said about many others. I think the only thing productive I've done so far is change my avatar. I know a lot about the Cuban Missile Crisis, since I'm a bit of a history buff and did like 3 essays relating to it, so I was tempted to post a compiled list of potential characters and their possible roles, assuming this is historically accurate, but I decided against it since if I did publicly post that, it'd only give scum a list of characters to choose from. I have a couple ideas on who Shade could be since he claims to be Russian and I don't think he'd be scum. If Shade is Town, KY could still be Town too, though it'd be less likely. And the proclaimed fact of Russian being Soviet by Shade leads me to be more suspicious of KY. But at the same time, it's silly to lie about being Russian. The only thing that sounds worse than Russian in this game is Cuban. Although he would've been better off lying and saying he's American. I have no idea who Mojo is since I can't remember any woman that could be involved in the incident, besides maybe Kennedy's wife, but he said that he's Canadian.
  13. Though on the bright side, if you round it up, you could always vote for ChopBam instead of yourself xD
  14. It's to be expected. Wait until you're a god of fortune or fate before you start messing with luck. Especially when it comes to your luck.
  15. @FRAYDO @Voe @Category 5 Hurricane Yo guys, the game has started in case you're unaware.
  16. Killing You, in his delusions, dashes into the supermarket wearing a superman costume while proclaiming he's bulletproof. He then proceeds to take a shot that wings his shoulder before disarming the perpetrator. He's a bleeding idiot (literally in this case), but you are saved! At the same time, I'm making my way downtown, walking fast, faces pass and I'm home bound. Staring blankly ahead and making my way through the crowd when all of the sudden I need you and I miss you and now I wonder If I could fall into the sky, do you think time would pass me by? 'Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles if I could just see you tonight. As I'm lost in thought, I hear the blaring sound of a horn bring me back to my surroundings and I turn to see a car quickly coming towards me. Help!
  17. After Jeod's CYOR, if there's nobody who wants to go after him, I'll most likely do a CYOR - Battle of the Gods edition.
  18. I kinda regret that being my meta >.> I didn't do one for the first CYOR. I started off doing it since I "knew" I could build a better chart than Jeod. Well not even entirely that. In the quantum game, everyone kept talking while I didn't have much to say and there were the oopa rewards, along with silence being associated as a prime lynch target, so I just did it for my own sake. Now it's mostly because I hate rereading the thread to find clues. But it'll depend on how much information we have first. I think it took until D3 for me to build a decent chart in the CYOR II. FRAYDO's got beaten repeatedly with a cane almost every night by Retaliation. The cane was an item that allowed Retaliation to roleblock his target during the night. OrangeP47 also got hit with it, so I doubt he'd like to bring back the painful experience into this game. This game First mention of the cane I saw was pg 31.
  19. I was going to make a joke about the cane too...what a shame *stares at FRAYDO*
  20. Now we just need one more @Alstar @kamuixmod @Chaos_Knight @Isaac The Madd @Mojoman @Misa
  21. First, welcome to the forum! Shade, for my advice, just pretend you're a detective, that's what I do. Although I usually end up mostly relying on my gut (and charts) to determine who's scum (mafia), that said it's worked pretty well for me so far. Like 80% accuracy. Of course if you turn out to be scum, then just try your best to play the fool, since you're new it'd work very well for you. Or maybe read the Death Note game that OrangeP47 was a part of and take notes, albeit the rules are very much different from this game, he did pretty good at sliding by, pretending to be Town until the very end. Though if you do, be prepared, it'd probably take you 2 hours or more to read through it all, and depending on if you read through all the docs it could go up to 4 hours. Which is why I posted the only four docs that'd matter in case you just want to skim those. Whatever side you end up on man, good luck! Death Note Mafia Game OrangeP47 and Killing You Doc (AKA Scum Doc) OrangeP47 and Voe Doc (example of how to fool Town) OrangeP47 and ChopBam Doc (another example of fooling town) Edit: OrangeP47 and Jeod (Basically Scum Doc)
  22. Don't forget potentially @Einstein though he might wait until Jeod's CYOR III, as that game would be a better one to start from (speaking from experience). Otherwise, we still have @Misa but I think both Mojo and her would join together. Orange, didn't you say you might have some friends you could bring in?
  23. saw headlights approach
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