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Posts posted by TheIrishman

  1. Voe, Louis, Cat5, Orange, and Rubeci. I feel bad that I wasn't here to help explain what Shade was trying to say. I'll go ahead and out myself as a Rebel first, that's fine, idc.

    Basically, if you don't vote up Jeod, you will be converted.

    Here's why: One player can be converted every night provided the Rebel forces equal less than 1/3 of the Royal forces. I or my partner can convert others and you guys won't know who, and then - even if they or their convert died - they'd end up converting someone else, up until there is only the King left. >.>

    Remember, you aren't Town, you're Royals. Not only that, you won't even be Royals after being converted so their's no winning for you. And ask yourselves, do you really want to sacrifice yourself so that Jeod can win?

    The reason we killed Sunflower is because she couldn't be converted or swayed since she'd have to go down with Jeod. Sorry about that Sunflower.

  2. Just now, Voe said:

    There is a plan - the vote on Retail started as a dare between Jeod and Orange. If Retail flips town, we will have a straight follow-up and go for Orange tomorrow.

    If we go on a tangent and vote someone else by random, tomorrow we will have to start from scratch.

    Weird when I agree with Voe. What are you doing, Jeod?

  3. 6 hours ago, rubeci said:

    What do you mean?

    I mean try using a vote action - if it goes through, it'd help tell us whether you're actually on the wall or not.

    Wow, you guys are something else. Simply because I guessed who Sunflower was (and it seems that I was right) you think I'm suspicious. Calling it fabricated it outlandish and you are getting far too defensive of her, Orange. And I wasn't targeting her initially, just following up on suspicions >.>

    I know it's for defense >.> I'm assuming Scum didn't that's why I specifically offered 2,500 troops, AKA 25% of my troops, for attack. My god this if a kerfuffle.

    As for what Voe's saying, it sounds like he's mostly talking about how Sunflower will be a powerful late game player over being TP, so she'd be able to snatch the thrown by overpowering everyone else with her dragons.

  4. The only thing I'm slightly bothered by is whether Rubeci was actually sent to the wall since Jeod said he didn't get anything from Rubeci when he was sent, in addition to Rubeci saying that he still has his religion bonuses to use (do we know if those are taken upon arrival at the wall?). But we should at least wait until Day 4 (technically D3) before we follow that thread as it doesn't appear we'd do any good attacking/voting him until we know we have someone on the wall - especially because they'd be able to confirm right away Rubeci's status.

    Although, Rubeci, if you'd humor me, mind trying to vote anyone?

    Options to send to the wall today and how okay I am with each:

    Sunflower -40%, Retaliation - 50%, Louis - 30%, Orange - 30%, Voe - 60%, Shade - 40%, Cat5 - 10%.

    ##Vote Voe

  5. Sunflower, it was bait in two parts - first attack instead of defense, second if anyone tried to pledge more than me for obvious reasons (though this is assuming we all started with the same amount). In addition to that, the misinformation was meant to scare the Rebels into believing that we're able to combine all our armies into the Royal Army and overwhelming sweep through anyone we eliminate and I wanted to see how many people were against Maegor's Holding even though it wouldn't have worked anyway. Although I only thought to ask other's if they'd match me or send more than me a minute or so after I used up my second night post (for which I kicked myself for).

    I will note that it's a bit suspicious that you initially complemented my plan provided you should've known it wouldn't work from the getgo. That said, it didn't give as much info as I wanted with Vert basically giving a warning that we shouldn't attack.

    Sunflower, Shade, Retaliation, Louis, Orange, and Voe are the only ones who responded.

    Sunflower, Retaliation, Louis, and Orange all provided the same answer - the one that Rebels would be most likely to give so I'm going off the assumption that at least one of them is a Rebel.

    Shade didn't say whether we should send Rubeci to the wall or not, but he inferred the wall yet still wanted Rubeci dead, mentioning how the King should have other means to kill him.

    And Voe wanted to kill send Jeod to the wall of course.

    Here's my ever anticipated chart, although I'm tempted to reformat it since this should be a very long game so it might not be able to fit by the time we get to Night 6. The last three should be Tyrell, Arryn, and Stark.

    As always, feel free to help fill in the blanks.



















    Old Gods













    Attack + Army Size

    Drowned God






    Sneak + Defense

    Faith of Seven?




















    Immune to Conversion














    Gold + Sellswords




    King Placeholder




    Old Gods Bonus

    Great Sept

    Sent Rubeci to the wall.























    I work till an hour before hammer tomorrow, so I should be on beforehand. 

  6. Well he should lose all his bonuses, armies, etc... provided he goes to the wall, while we were specifically told that we'd have a hard time fighting him without someone posted at the wall. I think I'd prefer to send him to the wall...but first a question for @VERTi60 If we choose to eliminate Rubeci, then the damage done to us will spread to everyone that's royal correct?

    If that's the case, if we do choose to attack rubeci, by selecting Maegor's Holdfast, we'd be able to find out which armies lost troops and which didn't, in turn pointing out who is a rebel.

    That said, if we choose to send Rubeci to the wall, I'm in favor of the Great Sept since there's no potential backlash from it.

  7. Just now, OrangeP47 said:

    I assume we're all trying to end the game as King as part of a personal win condition or something that's not stated.  It's hard for me to put into words, in part because I didn't sleep well last night and can't muster my usual brain power, but just because we're loyal now doesn't mean we're always loyal.  I mean, several of us, while claiming to be loyalists, have openly admitted to half-assing it, yourself included.

    True and I don't necessarily have a problem with us having the ability to reelect the king and choose sides after the rebellion is defeated, I'm mostly concerned about whether it would continue happening until there's only 2 people left - The King and his hand. Because that would take an incredibly long time, be very annoying. So I'm wondering how else there'd be a victory.

  8. Just now, OrangeP47 said:

    Look at what you quoted.  It DOES say once the rebels are defeated.  Apparently, once they are defeated, people get to decide if they want to rebel again, or something.

    I realize, which is why I think it was a TYPO on Vert's part, hence why I said it should say Royal's instead.

    1 minute ago, OrangeP47 said:

    Though is that your point? That that shouldn't be the case?

    If we keep recycling no matter which side wins, how does the game end? That is my point.

    I feel like this game is essentially ran in two phases, before Winter and after Winter. The before Winter part should be us fighting amongst ourselves, deciding who gets to be king. The problem is, why the needless fighting once all the rebels are defeated? Not to mention how each defeat would weaken ourselves as a whole, making it that much more difficult for us to deal with the WIN. At that point we should unite to face the White Walkers, right?

    But say it's not ran in two parts, that there is only fighting to be King, why then would we keep fighting after the Rebellion is quelled? For the WIN still? If the King ended up being Stark then they wouldn't have any WIN to deal with. Therefore once the Rebellion is defeated the game should end.

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