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Everything posted by Shade939

  1. I can also think of another reason TheIrishman died now that Jeod revealed what item he had, anyone else remember when Category 5 warned someone not use their backup drive?
  2. I'm accusing a proven town player of lynching a neutral player who could have been lying about their alignment and was actually a scum or another TP. I hardly think you should be worried about being targeted for that?
  3. Yeah, except for it's rather obvious and confirmed by the GM what I did last night. And Irish is actually the last player in game I'd want to die.
  4. I wonder who would benefit from that...
  5. Does that mean your day action was a one time use?
  6. Have to say that was a good pick on your part.
  7. So it would, which means you need to start looking into alternative theories as to why mafia didn't' kill anyone again. Plus figure out if anyone blocked Retaliation again of course.
  8. ChopBam would have a really weak role if all he could do is throw pies at characters, so I'm assuming he has some sort of actually useful ability such as a NK after being lyched on his character.
  9. Yep, I know exactly what it is and what caused it. I know I didn't target him, and I don't think Scum have a good reason to target him, so about the only ones that leaves left are Town.
  10. If I had to guess, ChopBam probably was actually a jester role so he used his ability after getting lynched to kill you.
  11. Well, here's my report about what happened to me last night. Also Irish, I was in no way responsible for your death so it was probably a town player who didn't quiet buy your neutral claim.
  12. Might be too commited to RPing their ChopBam, it also seemed like you were basically bluffing everyone to try and lynch you, and you even had an ability to draw unnecessary attention to yourself to help you get lynched...
  13. You could wait until after Killing_You get's his ability back tomorrow... He half way made the choice for everyone already if you consider it.
  14. The obvious question would be who attempted to target you then?
  15. I'd save it for after today's lynch, it'll probably be more favorable for you to sit on an alternative theories till then.
  16. To be fair, some of us don't really have any preference if the cop gets lynched or not.
  17. You know, towns odds of winning the game were much higher before they voted me up.
  18. No, by all means go ahead, what's the worst that could happen?
  19. To be fair, I basically call that Orange.
  20. Majority opinion isn't always right you know...
  21. You're out of luck there, I'm not actually a town player after all and WH40K is a big universe, so even if I know the back story of the Dark Angels and their main character, I'm not going to know every character they have.
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