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  1. Thank you for accepting my apology i apreciate it very much...isnt 2 months a bit to hard? :/
  2. wtf ofcourse i was joking Voe
  3. i wasnt trying to kill it i know its amphibious i was trying to get it to the sea...i know i have overdone it....iam sorry i promise i will never issue and teamhampering again.-
  4. I was Banned for TH...didnt manage to see the reason sorry if i crossed the line. unban please
  5. interim apex server...no it shows players in
  6. aaaaaanndd....still same error
  7. thats the error message i get
  8. isnt there a way to protect our nicknames from other people using em? i dont like them to play with my nickname and do TH etc and you accuse me for that
  9. yes i thought that someone uses my nickname
  10. no its not an issue from hax and aimbots etc....well if it hits again i will post screenz :D
  11. Hiz...sometimes when i join and game loads...when its about to start i get this error message..."invalid id" or something like that(i got ingame to see the message now but it loaded normal now).
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