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Everything posted by Kickmofo

  1. How does one player on GDI stop 10 Ezekial's from rushings??
  2. Im sorry I am not the only one that uses it Roh, Baddog, Bullvipe, Kobra and I have even seen many mods use this tactic as well....I can go on if you like? I slip through because I am relentless and you guys choose to not work as a team to stop me. Simply get 6 or 7 stanks and its game over to my one explosive...
  3. I'll try to be as straightforward as I can....fundamentally it's still Renegade. So all the normal tactics that you would use to counter an attack still works Not to give away its counter because I use this as a tactic......simply camp and you can easily defend this strategy. Your frustration may because you or your team are willing or able to camp properly. Work as a team to combat it?
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