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Everything posted by VERTi60

  1. You are in mason with KY and he confirmed you right? I think if you can mason with someone who is confirmed or semi confirmed town that should clear your ability, but does it really confirm your alignment or if you have any other abilities? We might have a few more roleblockers here who have not revealed themselves.
  2. Ok what? KY is a... err... neutral role-blocker?! Like, really? Last time we had neutral infector, now we have a neutral rolebcloker, this is not how neutral works! @Killing_You can you please answer these? 1. What's your "neutral" objective, why do you need a roleblock ability if you are suppose to be neutral? 2. Is your roleblock also blocking anyone else, e.g. players visiting the target or target's target or w/e? 3. Please if you have any other abilities, now would be a good time to reveal them. ##unvote
  3. Your actions are stupid, and you should feel stupid. It makes the game confusing.
  4. For all we know scum has multiple actions and even items. And there can be more of them than just 2.
  5. So why would you give a strong ability if it's too dangerous, even for town?
  6. Explain. It's not like we think KY is the scum given he helped a lot catching ilts.
  7. For all I know we have too many unsuccessful actions and only a few/one roleblcokers claimed. Hence I know someone here is lying and we have unaccounted actions. That was my first lead there was something fishy about Fraydo's and cat5 claims...
  8. This is enough evidence that Shade is bluffing his bus action. ##vote Shade939 For now. If I get stronger evidence against cat5/fraydo we'll revisit this. Really need @Killing_You to report on his results though.
  9. I know who I visited, and yea TIM changed the PM to "target" later.
  10. As I said, we most likely face strong mafia team with all the OP town roles - Jeod, Orange are enough evidence. (I'm not :D)
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