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Everything posted by VERTi60

  1. Then we keep status quo by keeping the.bar at 50% as compromise?
  2. So how many pluralists we have here opposed to status quoers?
  3. Naturally I will try to achieve my objective which seems to be status quo, but since it is a political game I guess we have to make compromises to make things work, yes?
  4. PM me a screenshot of your issue, it shouldn't really be a big problem
  5. You have both cells (target and calculated) formatted as time I suppose though?
  6. Ok, btw if you're using Excel for CVC you can add the time remaining in one of the free cells there. The formula should be =IF(A4-NOW()<0,"Hammer time",A4-NOW()) where A4 is the designated cell that contains hammer zeit. You can then format the cell like you want, e.g. d "day(s)," h " hour(s)", m" min(s)"
  7. So can we get a updated cvc, I see TIM voted differently.
  8. Sure but I wasn't really following the game much recently.
  9. I'll cover up for you just like last time, that is, if Nodlied agrees I'll be a week absent.
  10. I can launch a chat mafia next week (friday usual time) to satisfy the mafia needs. After that I'll be unavailable. I'm sure Nodlied mentioned end of July as latest plan for launch?
  11. Summer APB season 2018 is on the way so I've streamed some matches from Friday and Saturday, on Saturday we even got few large player games with ~34 players on! Friday 29/06 Saturday 30/06
  12. Nvm, it's just too shiny font on the activity board, on home board it's actually ok. Just tone down the font on the activity board if it's possible.
  13. Can we have the grey color as we see in here for the forum post list/titles on home forum page as well?
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