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Posts posted by VERTi60

  1. 3 minutes ago, Jeod said:

    Inactivity isn't a good sign though. Would you mind letting her know that she can be replaced if she isn't interested? And thank her for her participation when we were short!

    Well first I need a replacement and cat5 didn't say anything yet so we'll see.

    Also as you know you have the power to motivate activity here :p


    qs5GiTD.png?1 The Council Meeting - Day Three: Rebel Voting


    The Rebel houses continue to raise arms against our King and are marching for conquest to overthrow our Kingdom. It's time again for all the houses to gather in this Council meeting to decide which House will be renounced from the Realm of the Seven Kingdoms and accused of collaborating to overthrow the Crown.

    Use ##vote [playername] to select one player for elimination.

    By the end of the day, the player with most votes will be put on trial. Ties are always decided by the King's vote (king's vote value = vote +1.1).

    The most voted Lord will have his House and Faction revealed to public first. Then, during the Night, the King and the Hand will decide whether his Capital will be invaded by the combined Royal Army and eliminated, or sent to the Wall while their lands will be given to one of the Royal Houses. If there are any other Holdings in question, they will become independent. The army of the eliminated player will be split, one part will join the Wall and the other will either join Rebellion or Royal army (depending on faction of the flipped player).

    Players who join the Wall will become part of the Night's Watch, with the Lord Commander as their Leader (Lord Commander is voted when more Night's Watch members are present). They will have their own Google Doc for communication and managing their own Night's Watch resources to fight and defend forces beyond the wall (once they come). The number of defending forces at the Wall will decrease the Winter Indicator Number (WIN), however, all the players guarding the wall are still in game and can still influence it or even abandon their posts and join independent army. They are not allowed though to own any lands or private armies, nor use their house night actions or perks anymore. They cannot own, receive or give resources away either. They can participate in day discussion and use ##vote king in case there is a vote for the new king.

    Eliminating the player from the current game requires the King to use his royal army. The royal army will have a special army booster set for this type of attack and boosted by other Loyal House available armies equally only so that the royal army won't get depleted easily for eliminating players. More information regarding army management will be available next Night session as it's a little more information for now. Eliminating Houses will automatically set their faction to Independent.

    A player who's House has bigger army than combined Loyal and Royal armies cannot be eliminated or sent to the Wall.



    qs5GiTD.png?1  King's Landing Project Completion


    A new project was completed today.



    Great Sept of Baelor

    The massive dome and towers of the Great Sept of Baelor can be seen from anywhere in the city, but not from the vast countryside that paid for it. Its seven bells can be heard as far as Dragonstone whenever a king dies. But none tolled for the stonemasons, glaziers and smiths who built it.

    The Great Sept of Baelor, also called the Great Sept or just the Sept of Baelor, was a massive sept, the center of religious worship for the Faith of the Sevenand the seat of the High Septon of the Faith. It was located in King's Landing, the capital of the Seven Kingdoms, and was the largest single building in the city, though the Red Keep complex sprawls over a larger area. Great religious ceremonies were held there. It was also the sept personally used by the royal family, thus royal weddings were held at the Great Sept in massive ceremonies.

    FP Income for every Loyal House was increased by 25%.

    (which means for T0 Common Religion it goes from 100 to 125, for Foreign from 85 to 106, etc.)


    qs5GiTD.png?1 State of the Kingdom

    Each day you will see the current state of the Kingdom as well as current Winter Indicator Number here.


    Kings Landing (Def: 2)

    Royal Army Total Units: 15000 Morale: 100%

    Army Boosters: Player Elimination Booster (PEB) [x3]

    Resources (Income):
    Provisions: 260 (+ 60)
    Gold: 6700 (+ 600)
    Faith Points (FP): 400 (+ 200)

    Religion: Old Gods of Forest 
    Religion Tier: 0

    Current Capital Project:

    Great Sept of Baelor

    Factions & WIN:



    qs5GiTD.png?1 Current Vote Count (CVC):




    Day 3 will end on Tuesday, July 23, 2019 (UTC time). Click here for countdown.

  3. Final Day Two Vote Count:



    qs5GiTD.png?1 The Long Night 2 qs5GiTD.png?1


    You have chosen Rubeci as the Rebel House:



    Character: Tormund, the King Beyond the Wall, Lord of Kingdom of the North

    KlvsGec.png?1 Free Folk
    Faction: Independent

    The people of the Seven Kingdoms refer to the Free Folk derogatorily as "wildlings," while the Free Folk refer to those south of the Wall as "kneelers." The Free Folk live in the lands beyond the Wall.
    Normally the wildlings are divided into many different rival clans, but occasionally, they unite behind a single over-chieftain known as a King-Beyond-the-Wall. Wildlings are truly independent faction, as they cannot join royal nor rebel houses.

    Kingdom of the North



    You have found an independent Faction that resides beyond the Wall to the North! There might be a problem reaching the Kingdom beyond the Wall if there is no one posted at the Wall yet!

    King Jeod should now decide whether to send Rubeci to the Wall or eliminate his House with Royal Army. This decision can also be made public during the Night Phase: Use ##Send Wall or ##Invade.


    qs5GiTD.png?1 Army Action Rules qs5GiTD.png?1


    Army Action Formula

    Army Actions are Night Actions that you can choose based on your faction and resources. The more Holdings you control, the more actions you can execute (1 for each stationed army or fleet).

    The basic formula to resolve all Army Actions is: ([Army Units]*[Army Booster]*[Holding Defense Modifier])*Morale % = Army Damage Strength (ADS)

    The army with bigger ADS wins and will get depleted by the amount of damage caused by the opponent army's damage to their total ADS.


    Army Size Army Booster HDM Morale ADS
    10000 2 0 90 10800
    5000 0 1 100 5500
          Survivors 5300


    Army Force Elimination

    If all your Army units are depleted or destroyed, you are eliminated from the game. If you send your armies to defend someone and meanwhile all your holdings are destroyed, those armies will join the army you sent to defend. A King can still continue even if he loses his House Capital, but then he will be eliminated once his/her reign is over.

    If all Royal Armies are destroyed, they will be rebuilt from the existing Houses that will elect new King. The size of the Royal Army is always 50% bigger than the average House one.


    Army Actions:

    Depending on your faction, your army actions will be different. Please see below. However, each House follows the same rule, which is that you are in charge of your own house army. By default your army is defending your capital and at least 25% of your forces always have to stay there manning it (unless your House faction perks say otherwise). If you own more holdings, you can transfer your army to each as you like but you need to have at least 25% in both.

    Each Army Action that you take, whether to Defend or Attack (only Independent and Rebellion can attack) you will need to spend Provisions.



    Each Army action that you send costs Provisions. For each 100 units that you order to execute an action, you spend 1 Provision.

    You also need Provisions in stock to keep the Morale. If your Provisions drop below supporting 100 units per 1, the morale of your troops will suffer as well.

    This is important so that you do not send too many actions in row at once if you are low on Provisions already. Besides gaining Provisions everyday (income depends on how many Holdings you currently own), you can also buy them for gold from other Houses or by trading actions (once available).



    Morale is the basic army booster. An army with 100% morale will do 100% damage but it cannot go higher or below 25%.


    Army Boosters:

    Army Boosters can boost the damage of your armies even further. You can obtain them by trading (when available), by House or Religion action. They can significantly improve the damage your army is causing. There are several types of army boosters that you can choose from, whether for Siege, for Defense, or both... Ultimately the best Army Booster are the Dragons.

    Special type of Army Booster are Fleets of Ships that act similar as Holdings where you can transfer a portion of your forces and thus have extra staging ground. This can also help in case you are attacked and your Holding falls. 

    Loyal Invasion is using a special type of Army Booster (Player Elimination Booster - PEB, with triple damage bonus).

    For each Army Action, only 1 type of available army boosters can be used. Each Army Booster point represents 10% of extra damage. Army Boosters do add up for joined armies.



    Holdings (e.g. the capitals of 9 houses, the Wall and beyond and Kings Landing) are basic staging ground of your troops. Each House can hold a maximum of three Holdings. Each Holding increases the income of Gold and Provisions. You are free to transfer your troops from one Holding to another, but there is a basic rule to keep at least 25% of your total units in each.

    Holdings also have a defense modifier. Each point represents 10% or protection.


    Loyal Houses:

    Loyal Houses cannot use their armies to directly attack anyone. They can provide a fraction of their total army (up to 25% max) to the Royal Army which is controlled by the Royal Houses, the King and his/her Hand.

    Use ##Join Royal Army [amount] to provide up to 25% of your total army to help the Royal Army defend a selected Holding by Royal Houses. If there is no battle with the Royal Army involved, your troops will return next day. If you loose all your Holdings by sending your armies to Royal Army, they will join Royal Army permanently.

    If the King decides to eliminate a Rebel House, your forces will be automatically depleted of necessary troops to defeat the selected House. Each Loyal House will automatically dedicate a number of units (the exact number will be publicly known once completed so that the Rebellion Houses can’t be caught by not knowing how many troops they lost). All Loyal Houses can of course send extra troops by their action to support Royal Army.



    If you create an alliance with some other player you will be able to defend each other by sending a fraction of your armies to help the other. Both Houses are revealed to each other but they will not know their factions. Royal and Rebel Houses do not need to create alliance between each other but can accept one from other factions. Houses that create an alliance will have one one time special action available.

    Note: Only Alliance is allowed per player due to balance reasons.


    Your PMs are now being updated.  Please send your actions at least one hour prior deadline below.

    You are allowed to post 2 times per night.

    Night 2 will end on Saturday, July 20, 2019 at 10:00:00 pm (UTC time). Click here for countdown.





  4. 3 minutes ago, Shade939 said:

    What about if we vote up the King instead?

    They can't punish themselves can they so it's an effective no lynch? :v

    If King is voted, he can only be sent to the wall since he can't send royal army to eliminate himself :p

    That's why Royals have majority of vote power but if there is enough discontent with the current King it can be done as public elimination instead of the one by force.


     qs5GiTD.png?1 The Council Meeting - Day Two: Rebel Voting


    Výsledok vyhľadávania obrázkov pre dopyt game of thrones war

    Wars teach people to obey the Sword, not the Gods...


    We are at war! The Rebel houses have raised arms against our King and are marching for conquest to overthrow our Kingdom. It's time for all the houses to gather in this Council meeting to decide what will be the appropriate response. The only action today is to vote again, but not for the new King, but to find out who the Rebel scum are...

    Use ##vote [playername] to select one player for elimination.

    By the end of the day, the player with most votes will be put on trial. Ties are always decided by the King's vote (king's vote value = vote +1.1).

    The most voted Lord will have his House and Faction revealed to public first. Then, during the Night, the King and the Hand will decide whether his Capital will be invaded by the combined Royal Army and eliminated, or sent to the Wall while their lands will be given to one of the Royal Houses. If there are any other Holdings in question, they will become independent. The army of the eliminated player will be split, one part will join the Wall and the other will either join Rebellion or Royal army (depending on faction of the flipped player).

    Players who join the Wall will become part of the Night's Watch, with the Lord Commander as their Leader. They will have their own Google Doc for communication and managing their own Night's Watch resources to fight and defend forces beyond the wall (once they come). The number of defending forces at the Wall will decrease the Winter Indicator Number (WIN), however, all the players guarding the wall are still in game and can still influence it or even abandon their posts and join independent army. They are not allowed though to own any lands or private armies, nor use their house night actions or perks anymore. They cannot own, receive or give resources away either. They can participate in day discussion and use ##vote king in case there is a vote for the new king.

    Eliminating the player from the current game requires the King to use his royal army. The royal army will have a special army booster set for this type of attack and boosted by other Loyal House available armies equally only so that the royal army won't get depleted easily for eliminating players. More information regarding army management will be available next Night session as it's a little more information for now. Eliminating Houses will automatically set their faction to Independent.

    A player who's House has bigger army than combined Loyal and Royal armies cannot be eliminated or sent to the Wall.


    qs5GiTD.png?1 Official Religion




    The King has chosen Tree The Old Gods of the Forest as the Kingdom's official religion. All Houses that practice this Religion have doubled Faith Points (FP) income!

    Innumerable and nameless spirits of each tree, rock, and stream worshiped by the Children of the Forest and later by the First Men. The original religion of the continent, it was later pushed back by the Faith of the Seven. In the present day, it is the majority religion only in the North and Beyond the Wall, though certain nobles houses in the south of the continent still follow it. This religion grants scouting actions, with the final tier you will be able to gain access to three eyed raven, able to see past and present actions of others.


    qs5GiTD.png?1 State of the Kingdom


    Each day you will see the current state of the Kingdom as well as current Winter Indicator Number. Right now the WIN is still 0 as there were no actions that could influence it. That will change however, next day.

    Kings Landing

    Royal Army Total Units: 15000 Morale: 100%

    Army Boosters: Player Elimination Booster (PEB)

    Resources (Income) 
    Provisions: 200 (+ 70)
    Gold: 10000 (+ 700)
    Faith Points (FP): 200 (+ 200)

    Religion: Old Gods of Forest
    Religion Tier: 0

    Current Capital Project: none


    Factions & WIN:




    qs5GiTD.png?1 Current Vote Count (CVC):



    (When I get some time I'll merge the CVC with the state of kingdom information into one but I'll need to build a tracker for it)


    Day 2 will end on Friday, July 19, 2019 at 10:00:00 pm (UTC time). Click here for countdown.

  6. Final Day One Vote Count:



    qs5GiTD.png?1 The Long Night 1 qs5GiTD.png?1



    I now proclaim Euron Greyjoy of the House Greyjoy, First of His Name, King of the Andals and the First Men, Protector of the Seven Kingdoms!



    My Lords, you have elected your first King, Jeod as Euron Greyjoy of the House Greyjoy. It will be now his task to lead the Kingdom. As his first task, he will have to select the official Religion of the Kigndom, as well as his Hand of the King. Once this is done, the Royal Doc will be opened, and based on these decisions, there will be appropriate special actions available in the Royal Doc, besides the basic ones for the administration and Kingdom's projects.

    For the sake of game's balance the Hand of the King will not be publicly revealed to everybody, as only the King will know.

    The Hand of the King/Queen can only be selected from the Loyal Houses, which means, the basic action of the Queen can fail but the Queen will learn that the player he selected is not Loyal. And that's why this Night is important as the only thing you need to do now is to decide whether you join the Rebellion or stay Loyal to your new King/Queen.

    All Houses that will join the Rebellion (aka Mafia) will gain access to the Rebellion Doc next Day, and depending on the House combination they will gain access to Special actions for conquering other Houses or the Capital itself. Loyal Houses that will stay loyal to the King will have some benefits of sharing the welfare of the Kingdom, but will not be able to attack anyone on their own, only send their forces to defend. 

    The option to join the Rebellion will only be available this phase, and every time new King/Queen sits on the Iron Throne or if the old Rebellion is over. As mentioned before, there are of course some actions that can change the loyalty of houses.

    If the total Rebellion Force exceeds (aka gets bigger) the total Loyal Forces, the current King/Queen's reign is over and he or she can decide to step down for new election or keep fighting until eliminated, but other  Loyal Houses will have the possibility to abandon the Loyal faction and become independent (except for the House being the Hand of the King and the House currently having their Lord as King). Independent houses are allowed to attack but they won't have access to exclusive attack actions as the Rebellion ones.

    Once the Rebellion is defeated, the cycle of joining Loyal and Rebellion can start again.


    Your PMs have been updated. Please use only one night action today that was added to your role PM.

    You are allowed to post 2 times per night.

    Night 1 will end on Wednesday, July 17, 2019 at 10:00:00 pm (UTC time). Click here for countdown.





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