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Posts posted by Garrus09


    Don't agree with the clan game channel changes. I'm against changing the structure in clan area and game channels. Anything else it's not really my business to comment on.

    Can you elaborate on this? What's the rationale behind hiding the Warframe channel inside a clan specific area? It seems daft to me to NOT have all the games channels under a "Games" category...


    1. Probably that SG Warframe clan has now grown to 60 in game members and is expanding faster than W3D Hub. We are about to ask strike to open up more member slots for our Teamspeak... as now we have more members than our teamspeak can support.


    2. Warframe needs the more channels that I have put in, because just the other day we had 20 people in 1 channel (Only about 6-7 were the normal people the rest new people you've never met.) ALL PLAYING WARFRAME, and it got pretty hecktic. It was fucking fun but still pretty crowded.


    3. We've elected to join an alliance in Waframe. Which means even more people flooding into the Teamspeak...


    So no from me.


    Hello everyone! It took a little bit longer than anticipated but we've decided on who to hire for our testing team.


    Those who have been hired are:

    • Eternity6
    • NodGuy
    • Schnappz
    • Dasfonia
    • Aprime
    • Liten
    • Dentistman
    • MetaLuigi1
    Congratulations to all of you! If you cannot yet visit our testing forums, don't worry, your permissions will be sorted out soon!

    To those who didn't make the cut, don't worry, there is always a next time!

    Other than the flagrant mis-spelling of my name, I'd say I was pretty happy :)! Just kidding, it's great to be a a part of the team!


    Well you see.. Nodlied is scum, and must be lynched.


    Also welcome new testers ;D

  3. Well, Ray Muzyka left Bioware a few years ago, so the decline has already begun.

    I wouldn't say it has started quite yet. DA:I was fucking fantastic, and I don't even like Dragon Age games.



    Also just going to point out that C&C games after EA took over got 80% more balanced than any of the previous titles. There were actual reasons to build something other than Mediums, Heavies, Grizzlies, Rhinos, Titans, and Ticks.


    Case and point C&C 3 was probably one of the best titles in C&C history in terms of actual balance and it only had what 8 months dev time because blizz announced SC2: Wings of Liberty. Kane's Waffles made it even better. They just couldn't compete with Blizz and sales showed it. EA suits are dicks but they know what is and isn't working. (but yeah story went a little eh)


    Sims 4 was shit and Sim City was getting even worse.


    My money is on Visceral being next. DS3 was bad and Hardline was even worse. Then if Battlefield and Battlefront doesn't step up the game Dice might be next.


    I noticed.. after reading all of this.. That I have never posted in the entire time I have been here.
    Hello people of W3D.. I am Garrus Vakarian from Citadel Security. I haven't always gone by Garrus here. In fact some might remember me as Arbiter08. I practically spent my entire teenage life in this game/community.. I was only 13 when I started playing this mod. Here I am 6 years later..
    Believe it or not this place can change a person for better or worse depends on your moral views. Stick around and you might learn a thing or 2. Might even change your life. This community is really small because of what we favor, but some of us will be bros till the end.
    Anyway that was my sappy bit.. I'll see you in game.. Though you might not see me ;)
    ~Collar poppin, scope and droppin mother fucking Garrus.


    Went over to BHP and grabbed this.. Figured that its message was true enough to keep going. I edited a little bit of it just cause I can. :v

  5. Arties still break bases for Nod. They melt structures insanely fast.


    With Crossroads meta I could have told you PP was the AAPCs target and we are on the forums :p. It is the shortest distance to travel, has the least resistance that a AAPC can drive past, and does the most long term damage. Yes I agree that an engineer is OP as fuck on buildings.


    Nod Meta on that map would have been tech to Arties and bomb the WF from across the map.


    Yes the Arty isn't always available because of how good it is at killing structures and how great it was at killing titans. Perhaps now that the Juggernaut is making it to the game we can nerf the health of the titan back to what it was and bring the Arty to the maps it was taken away from. It has insane range to the point where it can literally sit over half if not the entire map distance away and do crazy amounts of damage to structures.


    Renegade hardly has any kill-whoring. Reborn hardly has any kill-whoring. Not because of players not choosing to but because of what the teams offer when structures are down.




    Actually the person who did do it often said several times that he didn't do it in Reborn because it was much harder to do.



    Carry on in another topic please. You have shit this one up enough.


    Except you can get credits by shooting Vehicles, Buildings, and Infantry. So yes there is a way and yes it has happened where teams come back from a lost refinery. Players themselves can't work if the game doesn't let them.. They lost a structure did they not? Yet they were capable of coming back. So they were bad enough to let it happen yet pulled themselves together to make something work and the game play allowed them to.




    EDIT: The person that did it often? You're adding new things to the game to counter the actions of a single person?



    literally putting words into my mouth.


    Where at all did I say that this new unit is to stop kill whoring? This new Unit is to allow GDI to put up a fight even after a War Factory is lost.


    I'm not putting words into your mouth, you literally just said GDI can't put up a fight without a War Factory.


    And, as the entire conversation has said, this leads to kill-whoring.

    Wow that's ignorant.


    I tell you that a person known for kill whoring can't do it because it's hard. Immediately assumes this action is because of kill whoring not because of how meta works.

    If this was to defeat kill whoring why would we change anything then? The top expert of kill-whoring admitted it was too hard.

  8. Except you can get credits by shooting Vehicles, Buildings, and Infantry. So yes there is a way and yes it has happened where teams come back from a lost refinery. Players themselves can't work if the game doesn't let them.. They lost a structure did they not? Yet they were capable of coming back. So they were bad enough to let it happen yet pulled themselves together to make something work and the game play allowed them to.




    EDIT: The person that did it often? You're adding new things to the game to counter the actions of a single person?


    literally putting words into my mouth.


    Where at all did I say that this new unit is to stop kill whoring? This new Unit is to allow GDI to put up a fight even after a War Factory is lost.





    Well it's shifting the focus because the game is normally meant to begin with infantry and work upward to vehicles.

    Infantry are still relevant in the lategame. For example, if a team loses their War Factory but still has an APC, infantry become pretty deadly. Their ability to attack structures from the inside makes them pretty powerful regardless of what stage the game is in. So if a team loses it's war factory, how do you propose that they make a comeback from that, if infantry aren't supposed to be as good as vehicles?


    They aren't.


    Bfranx, your entire argument seems to revolve around the match ending the moment you lose your War Factory. That's incredibly bad game design.

    Tell that to the people who made C&C mode. Because that's how it works.


    Infantry is always relevant for Nod and in quite a few cases GDI.


    Losing 1 structure should never mean game over. It should punish the team by making the game more difficult for them. Not make it impossible.


    Renegade had a vast array of infantry for this exact same purpose: to make them relevant after the War Factory gets destroyed. Granted, Renegade went a little too hogwild with this, but still. Having late game infantry options has proven time and time again to be superior to just focusing on vehicles until the War Factory goes down and calling it game there.

    But even with all of the various infantry available in the game, kill-whoring is still a possibility.


    Renegade hardly has any kill-whoring. Reborn hardly has any kill-whoring. Not because of players not choosing to but because of what the teams offer when structures are down.


    With Renegade, that depends on what qualifies as "hardly any." With Reborn I agree, but you can't say that it's because of the infantry choices because everyone who did kill-whore in the past is gone now.


    Actually the person who did do it often said several times that he didn't do it in Reborn because it was much harder to do.


    And no the situation currently does not mean game over. I have seen teams pull out of a lost powerplant or ref. I have seen teams pull out of no barracks or wf. There have been times where the field is completely leveled despite one team losing a structure. It's more difficult for GDI and happens less often for them because they don't have a mid to late tier long range anti vehicle unit. Nod does so they don't have as much headache and can pull one from no where.



    Well it's shifting the focus because the game is normally meant to begin with infantry and work upward to vehicles.

    Infantry are still relevant in the lategame. For example, if a team loses their War Factory but still has an APC, infantry become pretty deadly. Their ability to attack structures from the inside makes them pretty powerful regardless of what stage the game is in. So if a team loses it's war factory, how do you propose that they make a comeback from that, if infantry aren't supposed to be as good as vehicles?


    They aren't.


    Bfranx, your entire argument seems to revolve around the match ending the moment you lose your War Factory. That's incredibly bad game design.

    Tell that to the people who made C&C mode. Because that's how it works.


    Infantry is always relevant for Nod and in quite a few cases GDI.


    Losing 1 structure should never mean game over. It should punish the team by making the game more difficult for them. Not make it impossible.


    Renegade had a vast array of infantry for this exact same purpose: to make them relevant after the War Factory gets destroyed. Granted, Renegade went a little too hogwild with this, but still. Having late game infantry options has proven time and time again to be superior to just focusing on vehicles until the War Factory goes down and calling it game there.

    But even with all of the various infantry available in the game, kill-whoring is still a possibility.


    Renegade hardly has any kill-whoring. Reborn hardly has any kill-whoring. Not because of players not choosing to but because of what the teams offer when structures are down.

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