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Everything posted by Nodlied

  1. Chop did well by staying hidden as the cop as long as he did. (Although his foolish offensive on me was certainly something I welcomed!) I don't think that we've had a normal game where both the doctor and cop survived until the end.
  2. Btw, I'd like to nominate the KY-Sunflower-Chopbam trio for being the absolute bosses they were this game.
  3. Honestly, I think that scum (especially Cat5!) could have kept hidden with the inter-player confirmations if they weren't so unlucky on N1.
  4. Unlikely, I was deadset on you being scum. The only thing making me think otherwise was if there was a nightkill.
  5. As per final post of the night, may I refer back to these and express just how sad these two posts are. An attempt to get a KY train rolling while claiming that the other is ''the most scummy''? I'd call this a blunder, if not a catastrophic roll of the dice...
  6. Gee, I'd say that I'm surprised, but that would give too much unearned credit...
  7. I thought that he misinterpreted my question. Oh well, time to do my democratic duty then, I suppose. ##Vote Cat5
  8. I think that it is pretty obvious where I am in terms of who I'd like to see lynched, considering that I wanted to block Cat5 before I cooked up the pumpkin plan. I'm withholding my vote until I go to bed to prevent an early hammer though. Can't she just pass the item to someone? Said person can then pumpkin her again for double doctor shenanigans.
  9. That depends on whether or not she wants to use the pumpkin. She can doctor whoever she wants as long as she doesn't want to use the pumpkin as well. What I'm saying is, you have to choose between a normal action and the pumpkin, unlike other items.
  10. Hey! I've allowed the GMs to create the roles for me, so that they can balance the game, every damn time for the past few years! I merely request the flavour. Nope, the Pumpkin item is an item that doesn't allow you to use another night action. Sunflower can confirm.
  11. Thanks! I was pretty darn ill on Thursday and Wednesday, but I instructed my students to study for a test, to be taken on those days, so I went through anyway. Feeling better since yesterday, so back to work it has been.
  12. I'm eagerly awaiting his case. (Although I might be in bed before it drops.)
  13. You're welcome. Honestly, by now, Cat5 has been the only one who we haven't been able to confirm. Do we have his voting history? If so, a lack of votes on a player or a lack of endangering votes could tell us something. Btw, sorry that I've been pretty absent lately. The flu combined with long working hours (started at 08:00, finished at 17:30, only to work at home until 20:30) doesn't really allow me to do much.
  14. I'll do my best! To be fair, there aren't many people left to block.
  15. Also, don't we have a hammer right now? @Retaliation
  16. ##Vote Louis ... Why Jeod though? And, what is your objective?
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