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About chevy787

  • Birthday 03/19/1993

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  • AR Lead Unwrapper

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    chevy787 or blurr419

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  1. Welcome to Blog 177 of our fabulous mod, Apocalypse Rising for Renegade. Well, it seems that OWA is out an an epic adventure (he's at school), so I'll be taking over this blog today. I wonder where this is heading As for starter, I would like to explain where we are. This can be best explained by a picture. We are there Now, a zoom up.... OH NOES, IT'S OWA'S EYE Now, all we have to do is prove that were are actually there. I will explain some basic anatomy of both the team and OWA's celestial body for this. The Most importantly thing to understand is that where one's eye is, his body must be also. Much like the body, our team is also a body and has to function together. It's kinda like this train. This is how all English people look Now, this picture does a few things Shows Cfe and OWA in their native surroundings Proves that the zoomed picture is OWA Doesn't show how the team works Now, think of OWA and Cfe, pulling about 10 boxcars. Each boxcar representing one of team members. Now, we are carrying contraband. We approach stations ever few weeks that check what we have and they are definitely not called BLOGS. BLOGHHHHHHH Now, lets say that GuyWithAWrench is connected to the back of my boxcar. I'm of course carrying cars while he's carrying wrenches spanners. Now, before I pass back this fancy contraband, I've gotta gotta unwrap it. Again, this is not referring to anything that's actually going down. Since I'm Chevy and usually don't unwrap things in a timely manner, Wrenchy behind me can't do his job of painting or something like that. I simply laugh when Wrenchy or Dtrngd tell me to pass it back, cause I mean come on. Painting is for kids Because of things like these, we must stop before we hit the blogs, and are often delayed. Since we can't pass the blogs holding onto contraband. That would be silly. To note here, This blog is positively not to that. Best wishes to the team, and once this exam season get's done, we'll be like a train running on uranium. Not a cheap Korean knockoff We actually did do some work. Soviet Radar Internals In Soviet Russia, dtrngd shoots you This is a result of our personal dtrngd, invest into one yourself Chrono Miner If you were a real fan, you would set these as your wallpaper Grats to Ric for the model, and dtrngd, and OWA for tweaks. IFVs French vanilla is still my favorite flavor even if they added all these new ones. Good job to everyone who worked on these....I'm thinking it was OWA and dtrngd Grizzly and Rhino shells "I thought the Allies would use more precise armour piercing rounds (eg. Sabot) and the Soviet would just wanna blow shit up, so I modeled them a HEAT round."-Kane000 I still have no idea how animals are suppose to shoot these...or load them Team Messages Me, unwrapping Poggel is busy adding guns to jetpacks. dtrngd has finished coding HOMM -10 for uni. Occult13 is shitting on the roof (apparently). The rest of the team is working towards the masterplan (or on their coursework). OWA's Chev's Random Corner I've no idea how to add a video. D:
  2. *joined apoc rising when he was 12-13 (I think)*
  3. I'd say the "Age over 16" is kinda unfair. But you know, they could just lie I guess.
  4. Owa, give me your comp or I'll have to use THIS
  5. nice blog, also back on a second note here, my last exam is tuesday, so after that I probably will be able to fire back up my unwrapping process, but I've gotta do about 3 hours of SAT review daily...which is a major blow in my chest.
  6. Awesome stuff thanks to Soviet Deso. All the other work you guys been doing too (notices I must start doing work)
  7. Good work guys, hopefully someone will pop up for the PR position ( Ironically, I was talking to someone about sole survivor the other day Also...Take a picture of the trouser OWA
  8. awesome blog. Happy bday to you TruYuri
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