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C&C Zero Hour w3d Texture Making

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This is my first attempt at creating a model for a game. I feel like being unable to fleshout a texture for this model makes it harder to progress further on the finish.
I'm using Gimp, the approach I took is extrapolating the palette from the MiG & using heal tool to fill in then make some contrast using paintbrush do make it less granular & better define.
Just recently I overlayed light\dark areas & exposure filter then brushing light-yellow scratches w\ the layer switched to Overlay mode.

The undamaged variant looks bland probably because no indents\seems in the texture, not sure how to simulate those from the C&C MiG textures, it feels like their method is to take premade textures then retouch to add height feel to them.

Another thing I'm wondering is how many polygons are too many. I'm sitting ~300 faces using plane foils untill I boil the model down manually or using optimize before exporting.


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I've moved this topic to the correct section and approved it.

To answer your question @Milkbank, I have no idea on the preferable poly counts for Zero Hour, but I can point you at a few Discords full of people that would.

The model is looking great for a first try! Nice job!


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yep that's me.

added a greese layer to it using Overlay settings in mawkish green filling, has better definition ingame even though the damaged state is closer lighting-wise to the pristine condition.
I didn't bother much with dead hull housecolor




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