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Showing most liked content on 12/16/2011 in all areas

  1. Hello and welcome to another Tiberian Sun: Reborn blog, today's blog theme is GDI! Mobile EMP Tank Mick has been busy at work once again, this time he has modelled the GDI Mobile EMP Tank. The M-EMP Tank works pretty much like the EMP Cannon but on a much smaller scale, able to disable vehicles and Cyborgs on the battlefield but for a much shorter lengh of time. (click to make larger) Radar Installation Kane000 has kindly started to work on the GDI Radar Installation. This Radar Tower is GDI's means of attaining information from the battefield and feeding it to their soldier's HUD. If this structure is taken out your team will lose it's radar. As you can see it is still in a very early WIP stage and that more will be added to make it look a lot more like it did in TS. New Staff Members I'd like to welcome four new staff members joining us at Bluehell Productions recently. MightyBOB has gone from a moderator to being a modeller/texture artist, BaneofSorrows has gone from being a tester to Lead Tester, Eggman is back to help out with rigging and BogdanV has returned as a modeller! Another short goodbye That's it for another TS:R blog, be sure to keep following us here, on facebook and on IndieDB, and don't forget to vote for us in the top 100!
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  2. Ok guys, this is not the thread for vouching for testing positions. Here's how this is gonna go down: We are doing a full tester wipe soon, that means no matter who you are or what you've done, you will temporarily be stripped of your testing position. This is very temporary. We will immediately be accepting applications, and current testers who were vigilant in their work and a good asset to our team will likely be re-hired on the spot, although everyone will still be required to submit an application. After we decide who is returning and who is not, we will accept people who wish to become new testers. The staff will be working together to build the best testing team possible, one that can work efficiently to help us find bugs, balance issues, and anything else that needs to be worked out. Being anal about models for asinine reasons is not a sign of a good tester. We will determine positions based on applications AND on other things we know. We WILL research histories of applicants, so be wary of that. Now that you've got the skinny on the testing wipe, please DO NOT campaign for yourself or anyone else in this thread or any other. You can tell us all about yourself in your application, and let's leave it at that. Thank you.
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  3. Well double pay, zero times two is still zero, lol. And we know what double zero means too Does this include current testers as well? (Just wondering since I am one and haven't had access to any testing stuff yet) The testing forums are being restructured.
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  4. Recent Reborn updates - 4 Recent First Strike updates - 0 Darn you!!!
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  5. Does this mean that they've figured out a system for disabling Cyborgs in Reborn? Also, awesome MEMP!
  6. I'm definitely applying. Wally, we might have gotten off on the wrong foot, but I can assure you that I'd be valuable as a tester, especially with my attention to detail. That, and I really do want to positively contribute to these great mod's in any way that I can.
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