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Showing most liked content on 03/24/2018 in all areas

  1. Happy Birthday to Kane's Wrath, which turns 10 years old today! Kane's Wrath is one of our personal favourites out of the C&C series here at W3D Hub because it's just an absolute blast to play in multiplayer! In the past we've had some epic games with the likes of @Voe, @madrox8, @Killing_You, @VERTi60 and others which we've gotten a lot of fun and laughs from over the years. CNCNZ has also reported on this, providing some of the history behind the game in their coverage as well. Be sure to check out that article here! Also, on top of that, GameReplays.org have organized the Decade Cup and it's all culminating today with the final being held today! Catch it being streamed here live on Twitch by bikerushownz and kochevnik (if you're a Russian speaker)! The finalists are Phoenix and Masterleaf, and the prize pool is $2200, which is the largest since the EA-sponsored Ladder Season 3! More information on the event is available here and last week's semifinals and quarterfinals are also available to watch. Look out for the replays of the finals somewhere soon! Here's to another 10 years to this great expansion for this great game! Here's hoping that C&C Online is still serving the community by then as well, so that we can continue to play online. [blurb]Happy Birthday to Kane's Wrath, which turns 10 years old today![/blurb][thumb]custom_thumb_kaneswrath.png[/thumb]
  2. Have you read "Lessons in Being Town as Town vol. 1" yet?
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  3. I remember when Tanya used to be a 1 hit kill some were on the body of an enemy oh it was the head why is it not a dead on head shot wonder why DAMN YOU WHINING PEOPLE DAMN YOU I ALWAYS HATED NERFING'S ON WEPONS oh well time to do nothing but let squeakers eat shit because of there complaints
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