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  1. Red Alert: A Path Beyond Update General Fixed a bug with tracking weapons that caused the tracking to frequently fail. To further accommodate the tracking fix, a bunch of tracking and formerly-tracking weapons have been amended; see below. If you are equipped with a tracking weapon and aim at a vehicle, you will get a lockon marker showing you what part of the vehicle the rocket will try to home in on. You can no longer access purchase terminals through walls. Scrolling your mousewheel down during gameplay no longer causes the sidebar to be scrolled down 1 unit next time you enter a purchase terminal. This should solve all your quick-buying troubles. Turn-restricted turrets (like the Heavy Tank's) will no longer get "stuck" aiming in a particular direction if you rotate the camera to the other direction through the space that they can't aim at. First-person infantry camera now has 75 FOV instead of 90. Weapon positions may look a little different as a result. First-person hand models of Tanya, Flamethrower and Shock Trooper are now more accurate to the clothes they wear. So flamer/shocky no longer have thief-size gloves and Tanya no longer wears flesh fatigues when using two-handed weapons. M60 now has animated recoil in first person. Fast infantry now properly do the walk animation when holding spacebar. Ranger no longer has side cameras. Ore Trucks have a visible Technician in the driver seat again, and unlike the last time they existed, they don't cause the truck to take extra damage or be damageable by teammates. Fixed smoothing on the Heavy Tank's fuel barrels. Kill icon font should now work properly on all systems. Infantry Grenadier Returned to having armour and 50 health (results in less survivability against fire, electricity, heavy projectiles, machineguns and the Remington, but better survivability against all other small arms and explosive splash damage) Grenades now bounce if they hit anything less than 10 metres away from the user that isn't an enemy unit, similar to how they worked in Beta. This can save you from a lot of accidental self-harm if you're trying to throw grenades from behind cover, though it makes it even more difficult to use grenades for point-blank self-defense (but you should be using the pistol for that anyway). Flamethrower Health up (50 -> 60) Limited-ammo flamethrowers (DM maps etc) have more ammo (5 -> 8 ) Spy/Thief Silenced Beretta damage up (10 -> 12.5) Shotgunners Damage to infantry slightly improved all around (Remington: 20.625 -> 22.5 vs armoured, 27.5 -> 30 vs unarmoured, or +9.1% damage in total. TOZ: 24.375 -> 26.25 vs armoured, 65 -> 70 vs unarmoured, or +7.7% damage in total) Rocket Soldiers M72 LAW now has homing (as it did in Beta). If you don't want to use homing because of cover around you or your target that might get in the way, it still has non-homing missiles on right click. M72 LAW projectile velocity down (100 -> 75m/s) Redeye/Strela now have homing (as they did in earlier versions). Redeye/Strela projectile velocity down (400 -> 150m/s) Redeye/Strela damage down (110 -> 90 Redeye, 80 -> 70 Strela) Redeye/Strela damage multiplier to Yaks raised (0.625 -> 0.75) Redeye/Strela range down (170 -> 160m) No longer have pistols. LAW/RPG splash damage increased (17.5 -> 22.5) Vehicles Naval vessels Rebalanced health, resistances and anti-infantry power. Basically, boats are tougher against most things - mainly in ship vs ship combat - but don't decimate shoreline rocket soldiers quite so hard. Healths: Gunboat health up (300 -> 400) Destroyer health up (450 -> 600) Attack Sub health up (300 -> 400) Missile Sub health up (225 -> 300) LST health up (400 -> 500) Armour multipliers: "Longbow" up (0.8 -> 0.9); 15.6% downgrade (needs 1 more hit to kill all naval units). Damage drops by 75% against submerged subs instead of 87.5%. "Destroyer" (dest+missub) up (0.45 -> 0.5 vs health, 0.225 -> 0.3 vs armour); 10% downgrade. "Artillery" (arty+v2) up (0.9 -> 1 direct, 0 -> 0.5 splash); 2.8% downgrade for V2, 1.8% upgrade for Artillery "AntiAircraft" (redeye+strela) up (0.625 -> 0.8 vs health, 0.5 -> 0.8 vs armour); taking the redeye/strela base damage tweaks into account, this is a 11.6% downgrade for Redeye and 5.5% downgrade for Strela. "Grenade" up (0.4 -> 0.6 vs armour, unchanged vs health); 1.6% downgrade "Fire" (flamer+tower) up (0.5 -> 0.75 vs armour, unchanged vs health); 3.6% downgrade "Hind" up (0.3 -> 0.375); 6.25% downgrade "AntiSub" (depth charge) up vs submerged subs only (1 -> 1.25); 6.25% downgrade "BulletAT" (APC) up (0.5 -> 1 vs health, unchanged vs armour); zero change in effectiveness vs boats, but 60% upgrade vs LSTs "BulletAP" (captain+ranger) up (0.375 -> 0.5 vs health, unchanged vs armour); 16.7% downgrade vs boats, 6.7% upgrade vs LSTs "Electric" and "ElectricTrooper" (shock+TT+coil) up (1 -> 1.25); 6.25% downgrade "C4" down (1.2 -> 1 normally, 1.2 -> 10 vs submerged). Engineer C4 now does 500 damage and thus does not one-shot anything except LSTs or submerged subs; Tanya C4 still one-shots everything except destroyers. Every other weapon, due to not having an adjusted multiplier vs the raised HP of naval units, is effectively downgraded 20% vs LSTs and 25% vs combat vessels. Splash damage vs infantry: Attack Sub down (60 -> 45) Destroyer down (30 -> 25) Missile Sub down (25 -> 20) Destroyer/Missile Sub Projectile velocity down (200 -> 100m/s) No longer has a 25% damage bonus against aircraft (it shouldn't need it now that it can reliably hit them with homing) Range down 10m. Phase Tank Projectile velocity down (100 -> 50m/s) Longbow Projectile velocity down (200 -> 100m/s) Mammoth Tank Tusk missiles projectile velocity down (200 -> 50m/s) Tusk missiles damage down (70 -> 60) Tracking weapons (and targeting of bots/base defenses) now attempt to hit around the top of the main chassis, instead of the very lowest point on the vehicle (which sometimes caused them to hit the ground instead). Suspension should no longer freak out and get you stuck when going off cliffs. Light Tank Max speed down (14 -> 13.5m/s) Ranger Max speed up (17.1 -> 18.7m/s) Turn rate down 20% Takes longer to reach its 3rd gear, so it is slower when accelerating from a full stop or coming out of a tight turn. Chinook Speed up (20 -> 24m/s) Turn rate up 35% Health down (300 -> 225) Yak Rearming rate halved (gains 5 bullets per tick instead of 10) Damage to aircraft up (1.4 -> 1.5) Minimum speed limit is now enforced 2 seconds after cruising mode begins, instead of being enforced instantly. Since acceleration gets enforced before the speed limit, you should no longer have to worry about the possibility of dying during takeoff unless you ACTUALLY crash into something. Minimum speed limit when cruising up from 20m/s to 30m/s. The delayed enforcement of this limit provides FAR more than enough time to get up to speed on an "imperfect" takeoff, so don't worry about that; this stricter speed limit just means you're more likely to die if you crash into the side of a hill/mountain while flying. Death explosion deals 300 AntiAircraft damage within 20 metres. Not a perfect fix for the "Yak crashes harmlessly into Longbow" problem, since it doesn't always explode in midair and doesn't kill Longbows that are in fresh condition (so as to discourage spam suiciding a $800 unit into a $1200 unit), but it's a stopgap until we can get a proper solution. Buildings Airfield Removed the invisible ramp from the end of the runway. This was originally there for the old flight system to give people time to ascend so they don't immediately crash into the ground, but it's been rendered obsolete by the new auto-switching control scheme, and it was also complicating matters for people who tried to land on the end of the runway. Planes parked on the runway when the building is destroyed are no longer able to rearm/repair/sell in mid-flight. Barracks Is no longer weaker on infantry-only maps. Naval factories Naval units now create instantly, which should hopefully prevent boats from getting stuck in each other Bots Ants no longer bunnyhop. Vision cone of human bots is now only 150 degrees (was 270 so they could see mostly behind themselves) Increased weapon inaccuracy. Can't refill in combat anymore. Maps Canyon River Raised terrain around Soviet service depot so you shouldn't get stuck on it anymore. Hostile Waters Gem Silo income down to 2. Neutral Ore Silos now give an instant boost of 100 credits to the first team to capture them, jump-starting your economy a bit so you should still be able to start buying boats at around the same time as before. Tech Level raised to 5 - can now buy Tanya and Volkov. Metro Manhole covers no longer render on top of phase tanks. Fixed a spot where you could jump out of the map. Rock Trap Back in the game! Level geometry is scaled up x2, except for the cave behind the waterfall. Domination points no longer exist. Both teams now have a Barracks and Ore Silo; the Soviet base is where the northeast control point used to be, and the Allied base is where the southwest control point used to be. Like with Fissure, the silo is out of reach of repair tools, but unlike Fissure, it is positioned in such a way that it is easy to defend. The area previously occupied by the southeast control point is now a depot containing very frequently respawning crates containing weapons, C4 (this is normal C4 so it should only be placed on the barracks), max health boosts, radar invisibility, and extra money for your team. These crates will not give character changes, so there are no consequences to snatching up all the crates you can get. Added some extra tunnels to the map; two for each Barracks leading out of the basement, and one in the middle connecting the riverside to the western cliffs. These are more spacious than the tunnels seen on other maps, hopefully providing better infantry combat; other maps with tunnels may receive this treatment in the future. Added "Ammo Clip" (from Renegade) to the jukebox. You can no longer jump off the cliffs overlooking the rivers on the north/west sides of the map. Now supports bots. Siege Terrain lighting levels are more in line with Canyon River's. Shortened range of cannons from 350m to 240m; base-facing cannons can no longer hit the entire base - just the frontal defenses, frontal SD, and a minor main building (Soviet CY/Allied Dome). Added a crag in front of the Allied Barracks to protect it from the Allied-side cannon, so that both base-facing cannons have a roughly equal set of buildings to hit. Moved the pillbox at the Allied side entrance slightly forward. [blurb]Bugfixes abounds in this APB update! Homing weapons, Heavy Tank turrets, boats milling around the Naval Yard, and quick-buyers all breathe a collective sigh of relief. Oh, and there's some balance too. Be sure to check out the full changelog![/blurb] [thumb]thumb_apb.9.png[/thumb]
  2. Is this based on yet another imbalanced low-player match? looks back at havoc's stream So it was a 5 allies vs 4 soviets, where Soviets had one afk and Allies had Totd. That's 5v3 or 6v3 depending on how much you think one really good player can accomplish. The map isn't even supposed to show up below 7v7 but apparently everyone left when it came up. Maybe we should wait for an actual balanced game before writing it off... but then again that'll never happen if the mere mention of the map scares everyone off.
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  3. That's almost worth not fixing just for the comedic value
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