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Showing most liked content on 09/05/2020 in all areas

  1. Happy weekend, folks! Seems like a good time to update APB with a hotfix. Hotfix General A bug has been fixed with MAD Tank explosions which previously made them do a lot of damage they weren't supposed to do, and rendered other things immune to them that aren't supposed to be immune. New sneak indicator is on the HUD, next to the radar compass. When you are visible on radar to opponents, it gets muted. When you hold still and are "sneaking," or invisible on radar, it becomes mostly opaque. Low ammo count now displays with a red color. MapsBonsai Fixed the Allied Ore Truck AI getting stuck in the field. Guard Duty Made Soviet hill blockers even more aggressive. This one is on the hill directly across from the Soviet Refinery. Pipeline Re-added physical boundaries around the map. Siege Removed VIS, since there were some serious issues occurring with objects disappearing. Stormy Valley Time of day has been set to 22:00 (was 00:00). This makes the sky just a little bit lighter, and enemy helicopters easier to see.
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