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Showing most liked content on 01/30/2021 in all areas

  1. Hello everyone! We'll be running an event on February 1st at 3PM EST. During the event, the focus will be on only running maps against AI. Work together with players to push back hordes of enemies. The more players that join, the more difficult it becomes! This is a good opportunity to relax and have a fun session against huge waves of bots! We know it’s short notice, and also an odd day of the week, but we hope to see you there!
  2. Hey guys, Back in the 90s I used to muck around with Doom 2 and Civilization 2 modding but never finished any of my projects, but in recent years I've been getting back into it (call it can early midlife crisis lol) and released a GZDoom enhanced version of my old Star Trek Doom level and also a new Quest for Glory IV - 3D Hexen mod too. Much to my surprise both got a lot of media attention with the QFG4-3D one in particular getting coverage on Rock Paper Shotgun and in PC Gamer Magazine which was awesome. The great response inspired me to also get back into my old Civilization 2 editing as well (also 20 years too late lol). Why am I posting about this here in a place full of my fellow Dune and C&C fans? Well after months working on a huge Heroes of Might & Magic 2 Civ2 scenario I decided to turn my attention over to one of my other favourite franchises for some more fun Civ2 scenarios, the Command & Conquer and Red Alert universe! I started coming up with some pretty crazy ideas for huge Red Alert 2 Siege of New York scenario where you’ll be battling it out in city streets between huge sky scrapers however despite learning a lot from working on the HoMM2 scenario I wasn’t quite game enough to start that just yet. I’d also been thinking about a dark and moody scenario set in the C&C Tiberium universe and noticed that a fellow named Wonx2150 had already made a scenario in that universe but just hadn’t really done any proper graphics for it so I decided to take the easier route and remaster his Command & Conquer Africa scenario first to build up more experience before taking on the big Red Alert 2 scenario. I created a ModDB page for the project with dev diaries covering stages of development. Figured I’d post them here too so here’s the first two! Stay tuned for dev diaries for the Red Alert 2 scenario here in the future too! In this first dev diary I look at changing Civ2’s terrain and cities to look like C&C2 as well as importing some cool new units. C&C Dev Diary 01 – New terrain & units for the Civilization 2 – Command & Conquer Scenario: https://www.moddb.com/mods/civilization-2-command-conquer-scenario/news/new-terrain-units In the second dev diary I ask for some fan input and finish off importing all the new C&C unit graphics. C&C Dev Diary 02 – Finishing all terrain & units for the Civilization 2 – Command & Conquer Scenario: https://www.moddb.com/mods/civilization-2-command-conquer-scenario/news/finishing-all-terrain-units
  3. The community is organizing a huge reunion to celebrate Renegade's 19th birthday! During the event, we'll be hopping between multiple games inspired by Renegade, along with enjoying some action from the classic itself!
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  4. Ive been playing APB for about a week now but I figured I should get back on the forums. In game I go by the tag GDIrish. I started playing APB back in... .9934? .9935? I have a memory of playing the map "A Path Beyond," and being introduced to a bunch of folks, some of which are still here! Looking at you, ChopBam. I think I joined literally a few days before One Winged Angel did. Sadly a lot of folks are gone, or I cant remember them. Coolrock? Was that one of them? V0lk0v? TruYuri, pointlessambler....I dont remember. Anyways, I also was a conceptual designer for the mod for a short period, working on doodads, the service depot, the silo, and the power plant. I left after college got too busy (and I only had a mac), and have since gotten married, and have 3 children and one on the way! Its good to see all the progress and the community still alive. It does my heart good to see it. And Ill be around for a while!
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  5. Hey everybody, new guy here. Just leapt back into the game today. I used to play APB back in the mid-2000's, around the time air units were first being introduced (05, 06? Eh, can't remember.). At any rate, had a blast! Great playing with a few guys and seeing just how far the game has come. Definitely happy to be here!
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