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Showing most liked content on 08/13/2021 in all areas

  1. Welcome to the 8th edition of W3D weekly! It's a bit later in the week than usual, but we've got some good stuff to show off! Interim Apex@ Kaskins posted an update for Interim Apex recently which adds a plethora of new vehicles and rebalances a large amount of the game. head to the thread below to check out the full list of changes and updates! Also, please join me in congratulating both @ Kaskins and @ dblaney1 for becoming fully fledged @Staff Moderators! This prestigious title is coveted amongst all W3D Developers. W3D Engine - Scripts 4.7 Update 1 Just in case you didn't see it last week, Scripts 4.7 Update 1 is now out! If you're a Renegade player or a server owner, head on over to the thread below and grab the update! Upcoming EventsTiberian Sun's 22nd anniversary is coming up and to celebrate it, we've been asked to host a Reborn Game Night! Join us for some Banshee flying and Titan stomping on the the 19th of August at 7PM GMT! Here's a link to some more details! Red Alert: A Path Beyond This week's update comes from @ Ice on the new Artillery model that's being assembled! It's no secret that our current artillery model remains one of the oldest vehicle assets in the game, and has really been showing its age next to our more recently updated vehicles: Several replacement models had been worked on by different artists over the years, but none ended up being implemented, and so the increasingly ancient artillery model soldiered on as most other vehicles progressively received shiny new models. Back in May, @ ChopBam ran a poll on what the best replacement would be, between two primary contenders: Results were mixed. On one hand, A's large boxy rear was at odds with the open style of the classic unit, and the gun barrel was too small. The model also had too many details which led to an excessive polycount. On the other hand, B's gun barrel was too big, while the large spade on the rear didn't fit the style of the classic unit or the gameplay of the APB version. The model also seemed somewhat unfinished and had some notable clipping issues. In the end, although both models looked quite nice in their own right, neither was ideal for our needs, and so we went back to the drawing board to combine the best aspects of both into a new design. Given the game's alternate-universe setting and the ambiguity of the available source material, we decided to get a bit creative with it. Here's a sneak peak, along with some of our sources: In the spirit of classic C&C nostalgia, the new model is now based primarily on the ingame sprite, with details selectively taken from both the cameo model and the Remastered version, all combined into something unique that feels like a more faithful interpretation than either A or B above. Red Alert 2: Apocalypse RisingThis week we gave the Conscript a new weapon because we were finding that he felt a bit too bland as a unit. We took some inspiration from Red alert 3 and now the Conscript has a Molotov Coctail that he can throw. This deals damage over time in an area, so it's perfect for flushing out deployed infantry and denying passage through corridors. Just watch out, because it does deal damage to you if you throw it too closely to your feet! By making this, we were also able to create this horrifying display masterpiece of 6 Mama Romonovs spinning on a merry-go-round. More important content to come next week. That's it for this week!Tune in next time for some more excellent W3D content! [blurb]Welcome to the 8th edition of W3D weekly! It's a bit later in the week than usual, but we've got some good stuff to show off![/blurb]
  2. I am a big fan of the sneak peak model. Great job on everyone that brainstormed and worked on it!
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  3. New Arty looks really nice, much better yeah than either of the 2 initial poll options
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