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Showing most liked content on 09/25/2021 in all areas

  1. Keep Off The Grass This new route has opened up to the Soviet hill from the Soviet base, which should create some more accessibility to the center, and not let the Allies camp there so easily. You may also find bots using this route. When the player count is 20 or less, these rocks will exist on the furthest routes from the bases, blocking those routes. On games where the player count is more than this, the routes will be accessible again. Pipeline There are two new vehicle routes to the ridge area. This should help with traversing between avenues! In addition (and you may see this in the first screenshot), there is a walkway on the pipeline between the hut and the hill so there is less risk of falling off while running between capture points. Stormy Valley The Soviet Service Depot that was outside of the base next to the Dome is now much more front 'n center, making it easier for retreating tanks to get wrenched up. Volcano Rocks were added in such a way that vehicles can no longer climb the hill to camp it. The Soviets can rejoice that there will no longer be artillery units nor phase tanks roasting s'mores up there. Hostile Waters The icebergs will be a few [thousand] shades darker. No longer will these frosty behemoths forget that it's supposed to be nighttime. Oh yeah, they may have also received a new reflect texture. Thanks to @ GeneralCamo for that! Under There will now be some lights to brighten the tunnels. While the older textures and general tunnel shapes are still the same, now they are a bit less drab with lighting. With bots now roaming these halls, you'll definitely want to be able to see your way!
  2. Today's update is all about something completely new to Red Alert: A Path Beyond. And that is: objective markers! Objective markers are points of interest or importance that appear overlaid on your screen (including a distance readout) to assist with the objective. Most of the time they are relevant to the player's current character or vehicle class. For example, if your base defenses are damaged, and you are a technician or engineer, it will show a wrench that's color-coded based on how damaged the defense is. See example below: And here is a video showing the above example and 3 more. One that is NOT shown below, but will be in the game, is the sonar pulse (activated by an Allied Spy entering Sub Pen MCT room) revealing submarines to all Allied players using objective markers. Special thanks to @ moonsense715 and @ Romanov for making this feature available to our games.
  3. Definitely no cheeky way This is something that was considered and asked of the testers when it was first introduced. There is a flame tower to the left of this position but its shots also get blocked by the terrain. It may need some more adjusting.
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