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Showing most liked content on 03/25/2022 in all areas

  1. youd'd be surprised, this game went from what seemed like a more linear experince to something streamlined and with something that performed better overall at the time eventhough it took them longer, not even including the fact they wanted to put renegade on a console which is something that was pretty much a dream for them since the verry first build which could be equated to something of a mod
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  2. * Note for server hosts and modders: the public FDS and SDK git repositories have been updated to this version. General Changes Miscellaneous performance improvements. Critical hits are now outlined with red hitmarks and a custom hitbeeps sound. This includes infantry headshots and vehicle weakpoints The player list at the top right now scales with resolution. What this means is that it won't look quite as tiny on larger resolutions, or quite as large on smaller resolutions. The game's scripts have been updated; this may fix some minor issues, including a crash involved with walking on Service Depots that get destroyed. Anyone using a custom hud.ini will need to update. Weapon spray has been re-added to the weapons where it was removed accidentally in the 3.6 update. This includes any defensive/siege structures that had it, as well as the Mobile AA Truck. There is a new vent texture for buildings, and a new texture for the Soviet barracks wall. Fixed a seam on one of the civilian houses. Objective Markers All sabotage points for the spy are highlighted with objective markers. All points where the thief can steal are now highlighted with objective markers that indicate the percentage of funds that will be transferred. Added repair objective markers to all the support structures and main base structures. The Allied Spy's "roster" and "manifest" revealings show objective markers on respective enemy units. Ore Truck dump markers disappear when the Refinery dies. All objective markers can be seen by the [new] death character (preset name "d2"). Bots More bot names -> Up from 47 to 64. More taunts. Sniper bots are much more accurate. Bots with shotguns are slightly less accurate. Engineer Golden wrench repair effectiveness on vehicles increased by 50%. Mechanic Socket wrench effectiveness increased significantly. 1.5 -> 2.35 Grenadier No longer issues grenade explosion damage to self. Shock Trooper Range increased. 75m -> 90m Volkov Added quick reload animation for the hand cannon. Fixed anti-personnel hand cannon reload animation to not disappear at the last part of the reload. Vehicles Adjusted the tread textures for the APC, Light Tank, Medium Tank, and Phase Tank. BTR Is now available for purchase on all maps where vehicles can be made. Phase Tank Model looks sleeker. Improved the texture quality and updated the texture as it relates to the model improvements. Missiles update visually in the launcher during firing and reloading. Chrono Tank Fixed Z-fighting at the back of the cab. MAD Tank Shockwave damage increased. 34% -> 37% Health/shields increased. 400 -> 450 Naval Units - General Changes Gunboats and Destroyers reveal enemy Submarines inside their radar ranges with objective markers. These markers are only visible to the driver of the ship that is in range. Improved steering and handling on the Gunboat and Destroyer. Destroyer Reduced size by 12% Missile untrack time increased. 0.5s -> 1s Cruiser Demolishes enemy aircraft with a single shell. Entering the stern gun while the cruiser's driver seat is empty will move the player to the driver seat. Longbow Numerous fixes and quality improvements to the model geometry, UV's, and rig. All-new wheels, landing gear, and some other details. Integration of the new Hellfire missile model, and uses the ammo visibility system. Chinook Gained ability to refill ammunition after 8 seconds (as opposed to the Supply Truck and LST's 5 second refill) and armor. Airplanes - General Changes Added camouflage variations. The original exit transition points have been adjusted to be closer to cockpit of the Mig and Yak. Added a second exit point on the right side. Yak Slightly more responsive with lift. Allied Barracks Levels of detail (LOD's) have been added to most of the interior. War Factory Added a purchase terminal next to the rear door. Divided the wide windows in the MCT room into smaller windows. AA Gun Increased range. 130 -> 140 SAM Site The base of the defense now remains in the same place after its animated destruction. No longer does it flicker during the animated destruction. Animated destruction time reduced. 5s -> 2.66s. Maps - General Changes Added sound reverb in various map-specific arenas. All Allied starting and reinforcement vehicles are unable to be entered and driven by Soviet players before being driven by an Allied player. Bots ignore all Allied vehicles. The Allied vehicle reinforcements freshly delivered from the naval transports now turn off their engines (similar to how the Chinook reinforcements work). Fixed a couple stuck spots at the ridge in front of the Allied base. The sun is straight overhead in a cloudless sky. Brought in the shoreline next to the Sub Pen. Removed outcropped land next to the Soviet bridge. Removed the Cruiser from the purchase list. Edited some of the rocks, added more to the center lake. Improved AI pathfinding. Added 4 new route switches in the center next to the bridge: two infantry routes lead from the frozen river to the tunnels below, and two vehicle routes lead from the frozen river to the area above where players can cross the bridge. Moved the Gap Generator more toward the center of the Allied base. Added more lighting to the tunnel behind the Soviet Ore Silo. Fixed a texture blend seam on the ice of the cave ceiling. Added an Allied Turret and AA Gun on an iceberg in front of the Naval Yard. Critical hitmarks are pink on this map. Re-added the Super Tank boss. Re-enabled the guided V2. It now falls to its natural crashlanding death when shot down, rather than exploding midair. Rotated the Soviet air unit spawns so they come in from off map, rather than the center. Broken Tire Ragtop now has a killstring. Fixed missing strings on the Molotov brothers' help titles. Rearranged all the structures on the north and east sides of the Allied base. The Gap Generator is now centered. Adjusted the ramps up to the ridge east of the Allied base, so they are easier to traverse. Added an infantry ramp to the ridge east of the Allied base, from the ore field on the far side. The trees on the ridge behind the Allied base no longer tilt so far. The overhead map for Chrono Tanks has been offset so the center its closer to the middle of the map. Moved the SAM Site behind the War Factory closer to the edge of the cliff. The volcano has been remade: it now looks more realistic and its interior has opened up. Infantry can now pass through it using small tunnels. There is a large cavernous area in the center of the volcano, featuring a dangerous lava pond. Units can no longer use the volcano to travel to an unfair place to gain vertical advantage on the opposing bases, especially against the Soviet base. Base buildings and defenses have been adjusted. Soviet main base buildings have been moved around a bit so the area is a bit easier for the Soviets to traverse. Replaced a Flame Tower near the Soviet Refinery with a Tesla coil. Removed a SAM Site. Allied base now has an additional Service Depot, Pillbox, Turret, and AA Gun. The sky has been changed to a gloomy sunrise theme. New underwater plants. Added a team-locked starting LST for each team. Added bot support. Other Minor Map Fixes Bonsai: Fixed a vehicle stuck spot in a narrow dip south of the level's center. CanyonRiver: Fixed several stuck positions. CanyonRiver: Fixed a terrain seam in the west Allied base infantry tunnel. KeepOffTheGrass: Smoothed out the terrain next to one of the Allied Turrets. KeepOffTheGrass: Fixed a spot at a crater that would make Tesla Tanks stuck. KeepOffTheGrass: Fixed a texture blending issue outside the Soviet base. NorthByNorthwest: Fixed missing collision on large crates. PacificThreat: Purchased helicopters default to desert camouflage. PacificThreat: Downsized the invisible collision mesh by the Soviet Ore Silo that's in front of the Barracks. No longer can players as obviously walk on air. RidgeWar: Flattened out a small fissure that was causing stuck problems behind the wall near the dead ref. RidgeWar: Fixed a cliff texture blend seam west of the Allied base. RockTrap: Fixed a stuck position between rocks near the helipad/cache area. Zama: Added visual ore rocks to the mixed field near the Soviet base.
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  3. General Ore Truck price reduced. $1400 -> $1200 Medic price reduced. $800 -> $750 Medic armor cache no longer floats in midair. Volkov grenade explosion damage reduced. 45 -> 25 Volkov grenade explosion inner radius of 2m added. The Sonar, Vehicle, and Infantry markers generated by the Spy are no longer visible on radar to Soviet players. Fixed an obscure bug regarding one of the objective markers. Map Fixes Complex: Vehicles can no longer enter the shack by the Allied Power Plant. LunarParadox: Removed spare boss crate in front of the Soviet War Factory. LunarParadox: Soviet aircraft land facing the correct direction again. LunarParadox: BTRailgun range increased significantly and given a slight projectile extension. 90m -> 150m Metro: Moved the Soviet War Factory a few meters east. No longer should vehicles get stuck between it and the fence. Metro: The thief zone objective marker no longer appears on the northwest Soviet Ore Silo that is inaccessible to thieves. Pipeline: Fixed a stuck position for Mammoth Tanks near the Allied oil pump. RidgeWar: Fixed an infantry stuck position on a rock near "donut loop ridge". Volcano: Minor texture and sea foam adjustments. Volcano: Fixed the helicopter blocker on Allied side of the volcano.
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  4. We increased their turning speeds in 3.6. Originally it was a 20% boost, but testing indicated that was too much so we put the boost at 10%.
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  5. It can still go underwater and hide from ships and sneak past them. These range numbers look like they are a large distance, but in actuality are quite short if you've tried it. Submarines have been deemed too strong, on every map they are on. Detecting them at close ranges is the least that should happen.
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