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Showing most liked content on 07/24/2022 in all areas

  1. Note: There have been a number of items changed on the backend that aren't listed explicitly in this changelog, so keep an eye out and report any new bugs you find. Note x2: The SDK and FDS are updated. If you are a user of the SDK, there is a new method to how temp and global presets are stored. Let me know if you are a modder working with Mammoth in this version going forward and we can help you out. General The B/N/M keys can be remapped. With this change, you may need to set these keys in your config to get them working again, or you can "reset to default." Added new console commands whereami and cinematic_camera. Reduced lag for crashlanding aircraft. Fixed a couple missing strings on the "attack controls" menu, including one for toggling sniper scopes. Fixed the broken textures that were on the Yak/MiG encyclopedia entries. Fixed a minor texture issue on the standing trilight prop. Added a vehicle blocker at a wide entrance on one of the civilian houses (BTRs no longer get stuck here). Bots Now use the vehicle weapon when they drive a Ranger, APC, or BTR. AI Rocket/RPG troopers fire RedEye/Strela weapons at enemy aircraft, and have slightly improved weapon accuracy. No longer steal abandoned Artilleries/V2-Launchers. Increased sniper weapon error. 14 -> 20 Ore Truck Improved details on the geometry. Objective markers now appear or disappear based on their full or not full status. If the Ore Truck is not full, it will only show objective markers for the fields, and if it is full, then the field markers disappear and the marker that indicates where to dump at the Refinery appears. Phase Tank The barrel's hitbox now tilts appropriately. Maps Any time pathfinding generation is updated on a map, bots will start respecting the locked doors there. Set the HUD mine limit to 0 on some maps that don't feature mine laying (GuardDuty, PacificThreat, RiverRaid, Wasteland). Improved AI paths. Added an Allied Turret.
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