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Showing most liked content on 09/02/2022 in all areas

  1. Available Now! Kanly is upon us! Battle For Dune: War of Assassins is now released to the public! The Great Houses demand spice! Will you fight under the banner of the noble House Atreides and for the Duke Achillus? Or will you fight for the evil House Harkonnen and the Baron Rakan? Featuring: Advanced Infantry Combat - Enjoy a completely redesigned infantry combat experience that utilises many new gunplay features! Conquest Game Mode - Capture and hold the points to bring glorious victory to your House! Six Brand New Maps - Fight over the the rich deserts of Arrakis across six unique battlefields! Redesigned User Interface - Take command of the battlefield using a redesigned and heavily refined user interface! Immersive Audio - Experience the world of Dune like never before, through immersive audio and brand new voice lines! Updated Game Engine - Play with the power of the latest version of the W3D Engine! Download Now! Arrakis awaits! Download the game on the W3D Hub Launcher now! [blurb]Battle for Dune: War of Assassins has now been released! Click below to read more![/blurb]
  2. Hey everyone, We've pushed out our first sizeable bug fixing patch! This update contains a variety map fixes, HUD updates, Credits corrections and fixing the killer Supply Kit! Here's the change list: - Fix Credits going outside of the box - Fixed how the Supply Kit gives ammo, this should fix the killing issue - Increased Chat Box size and slightly reduced font size - Fixed Atreides spawn area Damage Zone on BFD_CQT_TsimpoVillage to stay within the marked area - Fixed BFD_CQT_TsimpoVillage Atreides spawn top camping position - Added Exit Objective Markers to Harkonnen Spawn Tunnel on BFD_CQT_TsimpoVillage - Fixed Atreides spawn area Damage Zone on BFD_CQT_SihayaRidge to stay within the marked area - Moved Atreides entrance lights and lighting issues on BFD_CQT_SihayaRidge - Regenerated Pathfinding on all maps for better bot support - Fixed terrain around Atreides Base cliff path, stopping people from getting onto of cliff on BFD_CQT_ClifftopPass - Fixed gap at tunnel entrance next to C on BFD_CQT_ClifftopPass - Moved barrels in Atreides Base tunnel that's a stuck point on BFD_CQT_ClifftopPass Have fun and consume Spice! [blurb][/blurb]
  3. Version 1.0.4


    Introduction: This is a refresh of an old project started by Gen Blacky (aka Mr. Z) with help from Slave and ErroR. It is a project that converted the first person weapon models to replace the original Westwood third person and back carried models. Read Description for complete list of changes. Batch script for personalizing/customizing, and Readme.rtf are included. In this refresh of the project, there are multiple fixes: Global Weapon Fixes and Changes: 1. Used the first person models (as is without scaling) for third person, back carried, and pickups to fix scaling inconsistencies 2. Welded all the vertices on the weapon polygons; doing this fixed micro gaps 3. Brightened the beams, displays, flares, and lights for first and third person models 4. Added reflection to all digital displays, laser beams, rifle scopes, and laser rifle's crystal (in XXXX_alt folders) 5. Removed all beams, display textures, flares, and lights from back carried models for proper (not in use/powered down) appearance 6. Made all the weapon flares, and lights cam-parallel 7. Made the weapon muzzle flashes that weren't in separate mz_xxxx#.w3d files brighter and cam-parallel 8. Fixed the smoothing groups; doing this fixed poorly shaded and visible triangles 9. Fixed all the back carried models' rotation and pivots Auto Rifle: 10. Added the missing front faces and texture 11. Fixed texture wrapping on the weapon's chassis 12. Fixed texture wrapping on clip 13. Fixed third person hand position C4-Proximity: 14. Fixed the back carried model's orientation to match the original model's ***Included an alternate model with the arms fully extended out C4-Remote: 15. Fixed the straps not being 2-sided on the side opposite to the remote 16. Fixed the back carried model's orientation to match those of the other weapons C4-Timed: 17. Fixed the rotation of the third person model so that the C4 now appears upright 18. Fixed the back carried model's orientation to match those of the other weapons Chain Gun: 19. Moved the back and front meshes closer to the weapon's chassis to remove small gaps 20. Fixed texture inconsistencies on the chain belt and gun handle 21. Scaled the chain mesh by -0.55% to appear more fitted 22. Fixed the chain mesh not having inner faces 23. Adjusted the chain texture's VPerSec from 7.0 to 10.0 to match the rotation speed of the weapon's barrels 24. Modified the non-rotating cylindrical meshes to rotate with the barrels Chem Sprayer: 25. Fixed texture inconsistencies 26. Removed gaps between the tip, top bridge, and canister 27. Fixed goo mesh's texture inconsistencies, they are now seamlessly wrapped 28. Scaled canister's goo1 mesh by -0.80% to appear more fitted 29. Fixed the reload animation, pc000 and pc001 weren't removing with the clip f_cm_chem due to not having checked only export geometry and unchecking transform bone 30. Fixed the back carried model to have the goo1 and goo2 mesh texture 31. Fixed third person hand position ***Included an alternate model with reflective glass over the clip canister Flamethrower: 32. Made the torch2 flame muzzle cam-parallel 33. Enhanced the brightness of the torch flame 34. Fixed the trigger missing faces on the right side of the weapon 35. Fixed third person hand position Grenade Launcher: 36. Removed a gap between compressor canister and launcher chassis 37. Resized the clip to remove large gaps and appear fitted 38. Resized the f_cm_gren clip to match Ion Cannon Beacon: 39. Moved the locks closer to the center to remove gaps 40. Moved the panel pieces on third person model to remove gaps 41. Rotated the third person model to match the remote C4's hand position 42. Rotated the back carried model to match the C4'(s) facing ***Included an alternate model that has the locks and dish parts fully extended, now matches the deploying animation ***Included an alternate model with the missing lock lights added back in Laser Chain Gun: 43. Removed a gap between gun barrel rotor and gun chassis 44. Changed the topbeam texture's VPerSec from 1 to 10 to match the barrel rotation speed 45. Fixed the firing animation to match the rate of fire, to behave more like a chain gun, and removed gaps and mesh clipping seen in the original animation Laser Rifle: 46. Made the crystal's color more saturated to prevent the reflective layer from washing out the color Nuclear Strike Beacon: 47. Moved feet vertices to fix overlapping/clipping 48. Extended the 4 receivers out on third person/world model Personal Ion Cannon: 49. Removed a gap between the scope and gun chassis 50. Fixed clipping between the rotor and scope 51. Fixed the muzzle flash for first person but it doesn't appear after every shot 52. Fixed third person hand position Pistol: 53. Fixed the reload animation, the clip wouldn't drop from the weapon due to having an incorrect pivot hierarchy order 54. Fixed broken vertices on clip 55. Fixed bad texture wrapping on clip Rail Gun: 56. Removed a small gap between suppressor support and barrel Ramjet Rifle: 57. Removed a small gap between hydraulic and gun barrel 58. Fixed third person hand position Repair Gun: 59. Removed gaps between canisters and tubes 60. Fixed the third person model's muzzle flash so that the two smaller flashes are no longer cam parallel and fixed their rotation, so they don't clip through the weapon Rocket Launcher: 61. Removed a small gap between screen and launcher chassis 62. Resized the launcher loader to remove large gaps Shotgun: 63. Centered the back carried model 64. Fixed third person hand position ***Included an alternate model that has no stock ***Included an alternate back carried model that has the stock folded to match the original back carried model Sniper Rifle: 65. Changed the white light back to red to match the original model 66. Removed a gap between scope and rifle chassis 67. Fixed the texture wrapping on the clip 68. Replaced the individual clip model f_cm_snip with the one that's actually used on the weapon 69. Fixed third person hand position ***Included an alternate back carried model with the scope lid in the closed position Tiberium Auto Rifle: 70. Changed the white lights back to green to match the original model ***Included an alternate model with an edited texture that has the canister's color changed to grayscale, added an animated goo mesh over the canister similar to the effect on the Chem Sprayer Tiberium Flechette Gun: 71. Removed unnecessary faces from the inside of the weapon model ***Made the clip glass clear and reflective Volt Auto Rifle: 72. Fixed the animated electric texture on the right side of the weapon 73. Removed gaps between the electric currents and the weapon's chassis 74. Made the electric currents 2-sided 75. Fixed the pivot orientation of the flares on the first person model ***Included an alternate model with a glass cover over the electric currents ***Included an alternate model with a red beam styled to Westwood's original model This package contains a batch file for easy install/customization, and a Readme for installation. Please enjoy and if you should use this in any mod or on a server please give credit to everyone involved in this project. ***Update 03/31/2022: Fixed credits for Gen Blacky and ErroR, misspelled names in credits.txt; Added another alternate Volt Auto Rifle that has a red beam styled to the original Westwood version. ***Update 04/04/2022: Adjusted the height of the p_bone for pickup models to prevent spawned weapons from falling through the ground (only noticed this happening on some maps). ***Update 04/08/2022: Adjusted the height of both the p_bone and worldbox for pickup models (centered them directly to the model) to fix multiplayer weapon spawners. ***Update 08/19/2022: Fixed Alpha channel bug on the Laser Rifle's crystal, added 2 more alternate models: 1-Alternate for Chem Sprayer with reflective glass over the clip canister; 2-Alternate for Ion Cannon Beacon with the missing lock lights restored, Extended the 4 receivers on the Nuclear Strike Beacon out further, wrote a batch script to help personalize/customize the installation, merged changelog.txt and credits.txt into the Readme.rtf file.
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