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Showing most liked content on 06/10/2023 in all areas

  1. Oh hey! I was away this weekend and did not check the forum until now. If you had the map previously in the last 2-3 years then it was almost certainly obtained through the TT downloader aka TTFS. Those files can be found in C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\W3D Hub\games\apb-121\ttfs. If you have these files on a previous computer or something then just copy the whole folder. The map will not be in a .mix format there but rather in an extracted format. Copying the whole folder will be the only way to get the whole thing. I should have this somewhere, but I will also check with moonsense, as he was developing/maintaining this map for APB 1.2 until the server was taken offline. On that note, I'd like to get that back up some day. Its on my list....eventually. I also need to test 1.2 against the latest 4.x engine version and then release a minor patch to the game if no issues arise. I also seem to recall that there was a broken texture that needs fixing as well.
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