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Showing most liked content on 07/21/2023 in all areas

  1. Changed "Suicide" button text to "Respawn - Forfeit Credits". Added kill icons for ghosts. Soviet ghosts have been made uncrushable. New Game Host Controller Added "Game Host Controller", which is deployed from a secondary weapon on the "d" character. This is meant for moderators to use with the newer coop server game modes such as Infection. Removes all defenses on the map. Gives all buildings massive "ConYard" health boosts each second, to help prevent non-flare base destruction. Removes point/credit bonuses from damaging buildings. Ore Truck Upscaled the texture so it appears higher quality. Map Adjustments Bonsai: Fixed a stuck spot between the Soviet War Factory and Refinery. Complex: Blocked bots from trying to drive through the center hedgehogs. NorthByNorthwest: Fixed a couple stuck spots between rocks north of both bases. RidgeWar: Hanging out on the ridge west of the Soviet base is now dangerous (potential exploit spot). SwampOfIllusions: Replaced "Underlying Thoughts" in Jukebox with new soundtrack "Groundwire Cinematic Remix"
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