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Showing most liked content on 06/16/2019 in Posts

  1. Such an unusual-looking vehicle, that MEMP. Keep in mind that APB, Reborn, AR, etc. are partially restricted to the gameplay design present in the RTS games, and some of those RTS mechanics do not always translate to suitable FPS gameplay. This is why sometimes, some representation liberties are taken, and some deviation might occur here as well for the MEMP if FPS gameplay demanded it. As for APB's MAD Tank, I think you should bring that concern to Pushwall. I'm all-in for an improvement pass on niche-gameplay units. W3D as an engine isn't at fault here, it's just design-level decisions/restrictions that can prevent niche-roles from shining. Gameplay-wise there honestly is not a lot W3D can NOT do (it is why I still enjoy working with this engine).
  2. At bare minimum you’d want the MEMP to follow your group as an insurance against a group of cloaked enemies (which is either a stealth tank or tanks/cyborgs hidden by a mobile stealth generator).
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  3. MEMP will encourage teamplay. A good way to integrate it into the game is making the MEMP expensive (like 1600$), but is very effective for the late game support (proper armor, and speed, two EMP blast modes). A small area EMP blast by left clicking (e.g. 20 m radius) with direct impact and short cooldown (e.g. 3 seconds) and a big EMP blast by right clicking (e.g. 100 m radius) with delayed impact (e.g. 5 seconds) and high cool down (e.g. 20 seconds).
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