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Everything posted by iLikeToSnipe

  1. Exactly. In some games that's normal in others it isn't. CYOR does allow the use of flavor in scum hunting, and it's usefulness goes both ways.
  2. Because I wasn't comfortable voting you since I've been busy and haven't had the time for a proper case. But you went ahead and did that for me. You were suspicious to me but I didn't feel there was enough of a reason to lynch you yet which is why I voted no lynch. Now I do actually think there is a reason though.
  3. And exactly what I did as 106 in Halloween mafia when you made the exact same demands. By your logic I am not scum.
  4. This is why I find you difficult to work with when we're both on the same side (or at least not both scum). You haven't given me any reason to claim anything besides your personal demands. You haven't told me how you think my claim would benefit town. All you do is demand things, and I don't negotiate with terrorists. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 Give me a good reason and I'll happily claim. Convince me that it's good for town.
  5. Okay let's take that a step further. Why do you trust everything Mojo has said and why do you think I'm afraid that a role claim will get me lynched?
  6. Anyways, I'm not claiming until some future point. Mojo's actions have not been beneficial to town. I wasn't here D1, but I've still been scum hunting and generating good discussion. That's a lot more than can be said for Mojo...
  7. Harmless to you maybe. Not to myself or the rest of town. Knowing my role does give me some extra information and possibilities. For reasons I won't share I don't think it's a good idea to role claim. You can disagree with that, but it's a fact.
  8. Several games ago I gave up all hope of ever reasoning with Shade. I still try a little bit out of courtesy, but it's like my thought process is completely incompatible with his. Doesn't matter what I do, he always finds me (and most others) suspicious. Even in games where I'm town and have a confirmed role that's very much pro-town he'll still focus on me...
  9. I do that every game and ever alignment. Right now it would not benefit town for me to role claim. Just because you want something doesn't mean it's going to help town.
  10. I'll make a claim when I think it's a good time to. That time is not right now. As for Mojo, all we know is he has a role block ability (we don't know that it's random) and a day block/kill.
  11. When it actually makes sense. I've supported it a few times on here. Even in a few games you joined.
  12. Well, that's points against Mojo in my book... I voted no lynch and instead of trying to defend yourself you just try and kill me?
  13. Okay, had a chance to read through some more. I don't think the ChopBam/Orange interactions are scummy. I had misplaced the order of posts on my first read through, so that's my bad. Mojo still seems suspicious to me. His D1 behavior doesn't feel like something a town player would do. His "joking" went on for far too long. I am gonna look into KY as I can. Shade pointed out he was too quick to defend Orange. But I'm not sure if that's what actually happened or that's just Shade being Shade... As of now, I'd be in favor of a no lynch or Mojo.
  14. Welp, dishwasher broke and isn't draining water. Will not be as active as I planned tonight.
  15. I do like that option. Especially if we don't find anyone that's a clear lynch.
  16. I need to read through in more depth honestly. I have my suspicions, but they're just that right now. Once I have time to actually read through posts thoroughly and nap interactions I'll have more. Right now, you and Mojo stick out the most to me.
  17. Making that claim by itself isn't proof of alignment in either direction. I don't take issue with the claim itself, the read I get from the way ChopBam made it and has continued it is "hey I totally hurt scum and I'm totally town". With only ChopBam's own word to go off of it's hardly proof and yet he's treating it as if he's totally town.
  18. We only have the word of confirmed scum and you to go off of. That doesn't mean you are scum, but it does make it weird that you're acting like this is something we all should know for sure.
  19. I'll have to review when I get home and make a case. Maybe I missed something on my first read through, but I feel like ChopBam is trying to get town points by providing information he world have as a scummate. Still have the same feeling about Mojo and Orange from D1.
  20. Has anyone besides Orange made claims about another role that could be like Kirby? I thought Nodlied might have, but I can't remember.
  21. It's okay, even when Shade has an alignment he's his own side.
  22. That or he's gonna "respawn" cause of a 1-UP mushroom.
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