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Everything posted by iLikeToSnipe

  1. @Nodlied@Category 5 Hurricane Am I going crazy? Does this not make sense to you guys either? I've always been able to at least see some logic in Shade's questions, accusations, etc. But I just don't see anything here.
  2. I... I just don't really have enough brainpower left to respond to this.
  3. I don't think a nolynch today is a good idea, especially when we have a good lead to go on with the DK vote manipulation. I still want to hear from KY. Anything is possible and we do have it narrowed down to only three people who could have done this. Louis has made a role claim that can't be verified, Cat5 hasn't made anything but vague claims about his role, and we haven't heard anything from KY. Given the fact that votes are locked we need to get as much info as we can before deciding on anything.
  4. Anyone know when KY might be back on? Would really like to hear from him about this whole DK stuff.
  5. Only if we cooperate. Like you said, it is a very powerful ability. But how often does town cooperate?
  6. We have enough to know: You failed some kind of chance and voted for yourself FRAYDO succeeded and voted for his intended target All votes, regardless of success are locked in I think it's safe to assume that the next person to vote will have the exact same thing happen. Who knows, maybe it won't happen? But it's a a safe assumption to make. What this means is that we need to figure out who we're going to lynch and then carefully place votes one at a time.
  7. 1. You saying I'm suspicious because of X implies you think I'm scum/third-party because of X 2. That's what I've been trying to say about this DK ability, it's very much anti-town and if we can find the one responsible then we can find scum
  8. So now you think that I'm scum because FRAYDO was lucky and you weren't?
  9. Nothing, Shade just lacks reading comprehension. I think he thinks I somehow caused Fraydo to vote for me? I really don't understand what he's saying right now... Moreso than usual.
  10. What? You tried voting for me and voted for yourself. It straight up says in Jeod's post what happened.
  11. I'm pretty sure I'm the only person to use a day action today. So I'd assume that the DK thing only affects people who make votes. You vote and there's a chance the vote gets locked onto you or your original target.
  12. Do you mean the DK ability? I haven't voted yet and there's nothing I've had that indicates I'd be immune.
  13. Could you clarify what you're talking about? I'm a little confused.
  14. I can confirm that Nodlied is Wario, I don't know of any other Nintendo character that can transform into Wario-Man... He's got a night action that can block and silence players for a day. I won't give away more than that at the moment. His ability feels like a scum ability to me, but I've got a solid town read on him right now so I'm not sure.
  15. She's also confusing me with Chop a little bit? Cause I don't have any kind of roleblock ability, but ChopBam does.
  16. Okay, so Louis claimed that she has armor that protects from roleblocks.
  17. I think Louis claimed some kind of bodyguard ability, I'll have to go back and look at that. DK being some kind of call in assist doesn't line up with anything else we've seen. Of the two roles I've copped they've been very consistent with the flavor they're assigned to. Same thing goes for the day actions we've seen. @Killing_You @Louis Can either of you do anything to prove you aren't behind the DK vote locking that's going on?
  18. @Category 5 Hurricane So, if you aren't DK (or a role that would have DK do this), then who do you think it is? Here's what I currently have for roles. KY: unknown iLTS: Majora Mojo: Ice Climbers ChopBam: Kirby Louis: unknown FRAYDO: Link Cat5: unknown Shade: Lucario Nodlied: Wario Vertigo: Dr. Mario Orange: Banjo Retal: Detective Pikachu I can't think of any way the known roles would be able to do this with DK. Since nobody came forward with being responsible and this ability doesn't do anything to help town I think that whoever is behind it is scum. That leaves KY, Louis, and you.
  19. Irish passed the mask to Nodlied on N1, that's all that happened N1.
  20. That was more in jest, I've got nothing personal against anime (I've actually watched OPM which is pretty funny). Still, haven't played Fire Emblem. Also still, I don't recall seeing anything for proof of your role outside of you changing your avatar.
  21. I doubted ChopBam's alignment because the role he claimed with Orange seemed pretty much the exact same as mine in terms of utility. The chances of two town having nearly the exact same role is pretty slim, so I thought he might be role fishing for an investigative role or something. That's why I passed the mask to him, because I wanted to verify what he had. I know you don't see it this way, but I thought that anybody who would destroy the mask after my role claim would be scum. Turn the town rolecop into a vanilla role? Sounds great! So yeah... I have an investigative role and I'm trying to investigate with it. MIND BLOWN I don't think Nodlied would be neutral/TP based on night ability. I'm still not sure because that one ability of his doesn't really seem pro-town. Speaking of abilities that don't seem to benefit town, whoever did the DK thing is probably scum. Based on what's been confirmed with role abilities I think that leaves the following suspects. Killing_You Louis Category 5 Hurricane If we can get these three to prove their roles I think we'll be able to reliably nail scum. The only problem would be actually getting our votes to stick...
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