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Everything posted by iLikeToSnipe

  1. Assuming we get ChopBam tomorrow it would.
  2. Even at the worst case (i.e. scum somehow having a day kill) I think it would.
  3. One thing to remember is that Nodlied was Third Party, even though he acted like town. So that would give one roleblock to each faction. With that in mind, I don't really see her role as being an indicator of her alignment. I'm still suspicious of her given ChopBam's supposed validation, but that could also just be him trying to get a town member on his side.
  4. Correct. His copy ability is only a night action and does roleblock the player who is copied. Only one ability can be gained from it.
  5. I could see her role being both town or scum. I'm not sure who would find it more beneficial, but my first thought is that it's scum who gets the most benefit. Nodlied? He could only use it at night.
  6. Mojo had one too. Technically me depending on who I have copied.
  7. Well, the phrasing of your post was that myself and Cat5 were opportunistic for pushing you as being scum because of the 1-UP.
  8. Let me get this straight... I'm one of the players who's called you out on possessing the 1-UP and given some valid reasoning for you being scum. You've also admitted that there isn't an obvious reason for you to be town and have the 1-UP. So I'm opportunist for being the primary person pushing the case against you when you have obvious evidence against you?
  9. Don't forget, he's still in my top three for the remaining two scum. He'd have my vote if Cat5 weren't looking so scummy. I don't think I'm the only one who's thinking this way.
  10. I'm going to put my money where my mouth is. As I've stated before, Cat5 hasn't really been helpful to town and he's been going easy on ChopBam. Between him and Mojo I think he's more likely to be scum. ##vote Category 5 Hurricane
  11. I personally don't have an issue with length/amount of posts. But I have come to same conclusion as KY regarding the content of your posts.
  12. And it's totally unrealistic for me to just believe that something we don't understand happened and you aren't scum. It's not like you got scum killed (like Shade) and are suddenly in possession of the 1-UP. You're still not a town read in the first place. Either way, we aren't able to lynch ChopBam today. I believe either Cat5 or Mojo have to be scum. Does anybody disagree/agree?
  13. Okay, now this is just wrong. You keep on saying you're innocent without providing an acceptable defense or explanation I keep on bringing up the reasons because you and Cat5 seemed to have "forgotten" them If evidence is brought against you that "meets the burden of proof" then it is actuall on you to provide a better explanation and evidence to counter it I haven't stopped scum hunting, but it's safe to say that with what we do know you are scum. If you're somehow town, then I'm sorry there's some really weird off the wall thing going on here that we have no evidence of. But I believe you're scum, and props to you for not just giving up like most players would.
  14. If somebody is scum and going down it is a good move to try and fake connections with players. If it was more one-way I really wouldn't be that suspicious. But the impression I have from you is that you were more certain he was scum D3 but suddenly cut him some slack D4. Your behavior towards ChopBam is suspicious and his behavior towards you is also suspicious.
  15. @ChopBam Not only that, I see links between you and Cat5. If you really are town and you want to convince me of that, then you need to prove otherwise about you and Cat5 and provide a more believable scum team than you and him.
  16. @ChopBam I've talked about and listed possibilities that would explain how you got the 1-UP. They're all "theoretically" possible. It's possible the 1-UP is just a random item that Jeod randomly gave to some player in the game. It's also still possible that you're just scum who killed Vertigo and took his item. Players getting items randomly is anything but standard in these games. Mafia getting an item from killing another player is standard mechanics. You're basically asking me to suspend disbelief and believe you're town against all odds.
  17. They're safe assumptions to make. When asked about it, nobody except you has claimed otherwise about those assumptions. As for the 1-UP, where else would it come from? You started with Garlic, an item that has nothing to do with you. But it still had something to do with Nodlied.
  18. You guys don't dream about mafia in your sleep and come up with arguments?
  19. By today I mean the collective D4 of this mafia game.
  20. What have you done today? Your "big list" post is pretty much just "this person did X, but they also did Y". Then you've got an essay of what-ifs on ChopBam having that 1-UP. You don't draw any concrete conclusions or suspicions. What I see in your posts is a whole lot of nothing.
  21. Don't want to just chat with FRAYDO in our masonry, so here's what I have so far. ChopBam: Somehow has 1-UP, presumably from Vertigo No players have started with a random item except for the garlic that he started with No players have claimed to have received an item randomly after a player was killed Nodlied claimed to have blocked Vertigo via his night ability (I can confirm his night ability does that) Nodlied’s behavior in the game was very much pro-town, I had no TP read on him the entire game Claimed that Orange had an item he could use (his backpack), but Shade did not receive any items from killing him Cat5: “When it comes to Mojoman vs Chopbam, I'd lynch Mojoman, no question. I'm also suspicious of iLikeIrishman.” Seems like he ignored most arguments about ChopBam up until the issue of the 1-UP Looking back at his posts, he’s had almost no actual content up until end of D3 Just a lot of fluff and asking questions However, ChopBam had a chance to vote for you when you offered up a sacrifice but chose not to take it which kept Cat5 in the RNG Possible it was a gambit that the vote would still fall on you or Nodlied without putting more pressure on ChopBam He went very hard against ChopBam D3, but by that point there was no realistic way for ChopBam to be on the chopping block. We also know with hindsight that ChopBam could just warp away to safety if the lynch did get to him. Picks Shade, who I thought was the obvious NK target (let me know if you think otherwise), for his ability. Can’t be confirmed due to Shade’s death D4, now that ChopBam seems vulnerable, he softens up and starts to cast suspicion at everyone else If you look at his scum read post, he casts suspicion on literally everyone. However, he now has his tone on ChopBam changed quite a bit and it feels like he’s just tossing the idea that ChopBam could be town out there. Louis: Almost no content D1 and D2 Did want to vote for Mojo D2 for his aggression Not much content for me to go off of Looking back at her past games, the content of her posts does feel similar. If she’s scum, she’s not getting much guidance from her scum partner. Then again, they would probably realize that that could be a giveaway. Currently siding with ChopBam, but that may be just because he’s “confirmed” her and is backing her up Mojoman: Did have some scummy D1 shenanigans with the vote and Orange Has relied on others to defend him Was quick to try and block/kill me D2 before I even had a chance to build a case against him Overall, feels like he’s contributed even less in terms of content than Louis Looking back, it feels like the only non-banter connection he’s had with another player is Orange With what I'm looking at, I think Cat5 or Mojoman are the most likely to be on the scum team with ChopBam and Orange. As for which one we should lynch today, I'm leaning towards Cat5 because of his change in tone towards ChopBam and casting suspicion on everyone today. It feels like he's trying to muddy the water.
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