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Everything posted by iLikeToSnipe

  1. And you are right, if I had seen that I would have stolen it and used it so he couldn't have.
  2. I've had to be on mobile for about 80% of this game. If there's a flurry of posts I'm probably not going to catch everything.
  3. I had completely missed that honestly. I had no idea he had it until he used it.
  4. Also, what pairings aren't you sure of? I might have missed something, but the only pairing that seems actually impossible is FRAYDO with ChopBam. Like, do you just mean you can't find a scum team that you aren't highly confident in?
  5. @Killing_You If you're going to assume a two man scum team, then I don't think it's unreasonable to assume a night kill that can be done alongside a normal action. In this game I would consider just two scum to be an under manned team.
  6. He did say that if Cat5 flipped town he'd go after me today.
  7. Based on what you said about the rapier I assumed you had some other ability or item you hadn't said anything about.
  8. It's better, but landscape on here kind of sucks too...
  9. @FRAYDO That chart is an abomination on mobile... Are you able to look through and see if a Orange/KY/Mojo or Orange/KY/Louis scum team make any sense? Also, I think you've got another ability besides that masonry. Am I correct? If so, have you told KY about it?
  10. Here's a very quick list, not sure if it's complete. Trying to figure out who would face more pressure if a given player were to flip town. FRAYDO I can't think of anyone who would become more suspicious if he was the NK and flipped town I don't think there's anyone here who doubts his alignment ChopBam I would definitely look scummy if he somehow flipped However, he seems like the one player who couldn't have died last night iLTS My attacks on ChopBam would have more credence, but it probably wouldn't go anywhere KY went pretty hard against me yesterday, this would make him look scummy too Louis has also been throwing shade my way, but not as much as KY Mojo If he is town, then it does make it a little suspicious that ChopBam has a warp star to just nope out of a lynch Would also make Louis suspicious since she's been pushing against him Louis Would definitely make ChopBam look even more like town Might throw some suspicion on Mojo since they've been bickering a bit KY Makes me look very suspicious due to his D4 accusations
  11. @FRAYDO That's one possibility I've been considering. The other is that the scum team is such that any role flip out at least one of them. Not sure how that fits yet.
  12. I bet @Jeod has been having fun watching this unfold...
  13. At least I have the excuse of subbing in and not thinking to read it... If only we just read the rules lol
  14. At this point, I think we've got flavor locked down and verified for everyone. With no Star Fox characters then I think the item Mojo got was completely random. Not gonna lie, I do not like game mechanics that are completely random and are not caused by players. With that in mind, I don't think the 1-UP is something that can be used against ChopBam.
  15. With no mask I have no actions. I was actually intending on roleblocking you last night with your own ability. Looks like destroying the mask comes first... As for alibis, I'm trying to figure out why there were no night kills. Whichever reason it is could lead to different scum teams.
  16. Yeah. Not saying he doesn't have a potential alibi, just one that we can't validate right now.
  17. My mask was destroyed and I used the Wind Waker.
  18. If that's true, then either you or ChopBam performed a night kill last night as you're the only two without a verifiable alibi.
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