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Everything posted by iLikeToSnipe

  1. Can't do charts on mobile... N2 was the night I had Nodlied pass the mask to you.
  2. The other possibility is that you're scum and you lied about blocking Orange.
  3. Passing/forcing the mask counts as an item action, not a role action.
  4. Yeah, can't really link to it because I'm on mobile. But if you look at most, if not all, if his content it's just fluff. It's like he's just tossing out suspicion whenever he can. But the purpose of the suspicion isn't to put pressure on players it's just to create confusion. He doesn't seem to follow up on it.
  5. The excuse is that you're mafia In all seriousness though, the only person "making bets" is Cat5.
  6. Pretty sure there's three votes on me and two on Cat5.
  7. Hmm, sounds like posturing for if I were to be lynched and flip town... I also love it when I win at mafia by being the lynch leader.
  8. Yeah, the game's not over. But when it gets to the point where there's really no new arguments from scum I stop having fun by arguing and start having some fun by trash talking.
  9. It's actually interesting, see it a lot when mafia get cornered at the end.
  10. "The five stages of grief in terminal illness are chronologically: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance."
  11. No, I'm just having fun. But it sure seems like putting Cat5 in danger of a lynch has hit your nerves.
  12. Shocking! I guessed how one of the most iconic items in video games works! Please try harder.
  13. If ChopBam is telling the truth about his warp star and we lynch town, the odds of it going to his scum mate go up and tomorrow could potentially become game over.
  14. Yeah, there's no doubt in my mind who the scum team is. @Mojoman @Louis @FRAYDO Could you all read through the recent ChopBam posts? If we mislynch today we're in serious trouble.
  15. All of this has already been covered. Your double standards are also a huge scum tell.
  16. Are you and Cat5 actually going to post some good scum hunting content? Or is it really hard because you know who's town?
  17. inb4 their plan is for ChopBam to switch his vote to me at the last second.
  18. We need Luigi in here to get these ghosts...
  19. Why single out me? Do you think FRAYDO and KY are also scum because they think you're scum? I've already gone back and forth with you on my reasons. I don't see a plausible explanation for you having that item that doesn't make you scum.
  20. I won't restate why, just look at my post history, but I firmly believe that ChopBam is scum. He does a good job maintaining his innocence, but I think the rest of us have agreed that he's scum. There's not much point debating it anymore, at least not today. So, that leaves us with finding the third scum member. Based on how powerful town is and knowing ChopBam's role, I don't see any way that there's only two scum. There's seven of us left and two of those seven are scum. That would mean they need to kill three more of us to win, which puts us at MYLO tomorrow no matter what. So a no lynch is out of the question, we need information. With ChopBam as the second scum member, we can quickly narrow down who could be the third member. Mojo is out of the picture, I don't expect scum to have two lynch proofs... Purely in terms of scum read he's in my top four. FRAYDO has done nothing but help town. He offered to sacrifice himself, he's done a good job scum hunting, and interacting with him in the masonry I get nothing but town reads from him. KY has also been making posts with good scum hunting content. As far as I'm concerned, his role is confirmed to me through FRAYDO. This and his scum hunting make him town to me. So that leaves Cat5 and Louis: Cat5: Varies his intensity attacking ChopBam based on how "safe" ChopBam currently is His own posts and scum hunting feel like nebulous statements wrapped in fluff Picked Shade to boost even though he was the obvious night kill target We can't validate his ability at all Louis: ChopBam has "verified" her role, we otherwise have no way of actually confirming it so far Not much content D1 and D2, but she claims to have been busy outside of the game I can't really get any read on her content, but I haven't played many games with her Currently siding with ChopBam D3 I didn't have a scum read on Cat5. That all changed when he started defending ChopBam today and making the cases he's made. Looking back at his posts it just feels like "Well who knows? Anybody could be scum! Except maybe not ChopBam." It feels like trying to steer the lynch towards targets of opportunity (i.e. Mojo). Louis has been a null read up until today for me. She flew under my radar due to the lack of content and the scummy behavior of other players. Looking back on her posts, I can't really see anything up until today that would stand out as scummy behavior, just like Cat5. However, the "meta" of her posts hasn't changed. She still feels like a newer player who's trying to learn. I can see an alibi for Louis siding with ChopBam, he's just trying to play to her and get a town ally to back him up when it comes to votes. I don't see any alibi for Cat5 outside of being "off his game". So, I'm keeping my vote on Cat5. I'm convinced that he's the third mafia member and that we should lynch him today.
  21. I'm at the point where Cat5 and Louis are both setting off my SCUMDAR. However, only one of them can be scum. I'm going to need to think things through. Both about who could be it and if a nolynch would actually help us.
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