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Everything posted by iLikeToSnipe

  1. Vote for Snipe to have fun! As your president I promise you more fun than anyone!
  3. I'm so sorry Retal, it's really tough to go through. I've lost some close family so I can understand the need for distraction. You just make sure that you take the time to need.
  4. Nothing horror related this time. Just some fun ones I've been sitting on forever.
  5. Can't wait for this game to start! I've got some killer roles sent in.
  6. I do enjoy arguing/debate a lot, so this helps scratch that itch.
  7. Thatb was one of the most fun games I've played as mafia, just wish I had more time for effort posts. It's definitely better when town is more active.
  8. Definitely had fun in this game. Just wish I'd had time to sign-up in the first place. So many CYOR roles on my list...
  9. Well... if he's scum why would we believe that he actually blocked Orange or Louis?
  10. I'm currently going back through the different posts, but this stuck out to me. Louis wasn't very active and what little activity she had didn't contribute much. Just barely flying under the radar isn't "guidance from a very experienced source". So she's suddenly gone from an "earnest and truthful" newbie who reads as town to somebody who is guided by a master mafia player? The only three players who could possibly be scum are myself, Mojo, and ChopBam. Mojo has been just about as inactive as Louis and he hasn't had the most "pro-town" behavior. My vibe from ChopBam during the latter half of the day was taking a step back, waiting to see what happened, and looking to see what he could set up. My read of Mojo is he goes from being aggressive/reckless to laid back and inactive. It's not the best behavior for town, but it's not always an indicator of being scum (i.e. Shade). However, being opportunistic is not town behavior. Waiting to see who's vulnerable and cryptically setting up for a lynch the next day is a move scum use. If someone wants to make a case against me, I'll happily read it and argue against it. For now though, I'm leaning towards ChopBam as the final scum. He and Louis were in sync in several spots on the previous day (i.e. voting for Mojo). It's okay to have a change in opinion on alignment, but he's also completely flipped on her skill level.
  11. I'm really glad that a FRAYDO/ChopBam scum team isn't possible...
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