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Everything posted by iLikeToSnipe

  1. Not quite. I'm talking about the motivation. You don't seem entirely interested in finding scum but finding ways to make certain players look like scum (another way of looking at it is that you're trying to make other players not look as scummy). For example, your "Excellent!" post about FRAYDO and Sunflower pulling off a scum gambit. Nothing wrong with theorizing, but the read I got from your post was that you were happy not to have found a potential scum gambit but a potential way to make them look scummy. It's a huge difference and it's not something town does. I could be wrong, but that's the read I'm getting from your posts.
  2. Well, I don't have time to do a full analysis of alibis and reactions. But here's my current understanding. Louis and Cat5 seem the most suspicious in terms of alibis. Both Jeod and Orange are rubbing me the wrong way. Orange had acted pretty fishy and Jeod had seemed to be trying to direct attention to specific players rather than trying to find scum. Sure FRAYDO and Sunflower could be pulling a scum gambit, but if they are we're going to find out really quick and they're going to lose. I think it'd be foolish to believe that's what's happening right now with what we know.
  3. Now this strikes me as odd. My entire MO as scum is to go after veteran players N1. I even have a priority list (that I will not share). FRAYDO is not at the top of that list.
  4. Are you literally the character played by Ryan Gosling in Drive?
  5. Wait, did I miss something? Were Jeod and FRAYDO in a masonry together?
  6. Not quite, it's more of a pro-town move. If I pick scum, they get bonus intel. If I pick town, then they learn more about what happened that night.
  7. I was hoping to perform some extra shenanigans, but I feel that would ultimately be detrimental to town at this point.
  8. I'm town and my action doesn't do any redirection or have any negative effects. It's entirely extra on top of whatever they were going to do.
  9. I won't say my actual flavor or all my role details, but I'm definitely somebody who bluffs a lot. At least for now, my actions don't do anything. I do have a night action though where I can have a player perform a bonus night action that has a random affect on a target of my choice. I was going to pick randomly, so I figured I'd pick you and then randomly selected Jeod.
  10. Also, it looks like it'll be more helpful to do an entirely truthful roleclaim rather than go for another gambit. Just got home so I need to boot up my laptop. But in the meantime, I was responsible for FRAYDO's bonus action and choose Jeod as his target.
  11. @OrangeP47 Do you think it's true what KY said about you being evasive in your masonry?
  12. You're still my top candidate for a lynch, but we can technically afford another no lynch today. I do want to take the time when I get home to piece together actions. I feel like we can confirm quite a few night actions which narrows down who the killer could be.
  13. Exactly my point if you were town. If you were town why not just say "I'm town"?
  14. As for Orange, I believe he started to suspect the whole thing was BS or that he'd found a way around it. If he was town why wouldn't he have been straightforward in the beginning?
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