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Everything posted by iLikeToSnipe

  1. I guess I'm not really seeing the issue here? If you're town then KY is scum and you copped him with a town result. So yeah, you are a naive cop. Otherwise you're mafia and you just aren't a cop.
  2. I'm a little confused, can you be more specific about what I'm overlooking? Is it that you're the naive cop?
  3. I'd appreciate it. Having a very busy day and I've only got a few minutes at my PC until I'm on the road until the evening.
  4. Agreed on the charts, it's the biggest help to us winning. Looking back on the charts and the recent posts, I do have one concern. There's only two cops who's reports will actually matter at this point, the insane and sane cops. It's obvious that neither myself nor ChopBam are the sane cop, and I know at this point that I'm the insane cop. I know that one of either KY or Orange have to be town and that one person has a 50/50 chance of being the sane cop. Whoever is town will know their cop sanity after tonight, but I wouldn't know which of the two to trust. It's just going to become their word versus each other. It doesn't matter who I investigate out of the two, I will either clear or find the mafia player making me the biggest threat. In other words, the only thing that's going to change after this night is that mafia will kill me. Our best bet is to scum hunt traditionally at this point. I'm still looking through posts and cop reports, I haven't come to anything conclusive yet. For now, I'm in favor of a no lynch to give you guys ChopBam time to sort through posts and figure out who it is. Otherwise, I would be in favor of switching back to a 48 hour day phase and making the lynch this day. ##vote nolynch
  5. I 100% agree with ChopBam that he's the paranoid cop, I don't see any other way around that. Which would make me the insane cop. I know I'm town, which means that it's either KY or Orange. So I'm going to address your points here. Just picking randomly I'd have a 1-in-3 chance of getting a town result, there's not much hoping for me getting a town result. Also, if I was mafia I think with the logic you've used I would have known in advance that you were the paranoid cop and I could have used whatever report I wanted today to get a lynch in my favor. If I wanted Voe dead, then why did I swing the vote off of him and onto a nolynch? If I were mafia and wanted to kill him I could have just not done that and gotten a bonus kill during the night. If I'm trying to "steal" Voe's insane cop role, that's some insane luck. I made my soft-claim post first thing in the game and quickly followed it up with my full report. That's also another reason why I would have wanted a Voe lynch as mafia. We had two people who jumped onto the Voe bandwagon D1 and those two people also had reports of the same alignment. One of them had a legit reason (at least in their mind). I believe the other was taking the opportunity not just to get town killed, but to get a town member killed that they could more easily fake a cop sanity from. It has to be KY or Orange. One of them is mafia and the other is 50/50 the sane or naive cop. I'm not sure what the best way to investigate them is, or if we should even plan it out. But I think we could clear it up tonight. I have to run to work, but I'll be working on a case against both to see if there's anything that stands out.
  6. I investigated ChopBam and got mafia.
  7. So, I've thought about it some more and I think that self investigating should be left for the very end (if at all). I think we're going to be able to gather enough information to determine our cop sanity without self examining. Because that's really just establishing a control and chances are you will investigate one of the players who ends up flipping. I'm pretty tired, so I'm not feeling like putting the effort into fully drawing this out honestly. Does this seem like solid reasoning? I don't think we can coordinate investigation targets reliably, but I think we can at least get some planning done.
  8. I'm okay with an early day end if we could get an extra night post or two. Need to think through a few things, but I feel that we could do some planning.
  9. I just had this idea and I'm going to try thinking it through some more, but what do you think about this? Nobody self investigates N1, but everybody self investigates N2? I think that would maximize information, but I'm not sure yet.
  10. In that case, new chart. If anybody has a better idea for a format, go ahead and make a different one. Player Impossible Type(s) N0 Report iLTS naive Voe/Mafia Voe paranoid iLTS/Town ChopBam naive KY/Mafia Orange paranoid Voe/Town KY paranoid ChopBam/Town
  11. And there's no guarantees that whoever is keeping it up to date will be around to do so. So, other town may need to step up at some point.
  12. Is there a good/better way to keep charts updated? We are going to want a long running chart we updated each day.
  13. Do you try to pay attention to meta with players? Like, with how they usually speak in their posts? If so, you should know by now that I post like this no matter what my alignment is. As for the MYLO part, just look at my last post. Also, ##vote nolynch
  14. Instead of debating, let's actually chart this out. Lynches D1 5 cop reports (with 1 fake) D1 lynch player D2 have 3 additional cop reports (with 1 fake) D2 is LYLO with two confirmed town and a total of 8 cop reports (with 2 fakes) No-Lynches D1 5 cop reports (with 1 fake) D1 no-lynch D2 have 4 additional cop reports (with 1 fake) D2 no-lynch D3 Have 3 additional cop reports (with 1 fake) D3 is LYLO with two confirmed and a total of 12 cop reports (with 3 fakes) Unless I've horribly missed something, it's quite frankly stupid in my opinion to not nolynch until the last possible day.
  15. That just doesn't seem like it's worth it. There's only two ways this goes, we get insanely lucky and Voe is mafia (which is less likely now, I think). Or he flips town and then what? I'm just having a very hard time thinking of anything positive we get out of this that we don't already get from making charts and analyzing posts. I haven't interacted with any good points because I haven't really seen any yet. As for your Exhibit A, that's how I roll. Now this is interesting, looks like you're just grasping at straws.
  16. First of all, who said anything about voting on who's scummiest? As best I can tell, this is just a vote on gathering information. Second, do you have any reasoning for that?
  17. Well, that's interesting. Here's what I've been thinking about the pros/cons of a nolynch. Pros: One more cop report D2 No MYLO D2 Mafia can't use the flip to avoid making a slip Cons: One less confirmed cop D2 Confirm D1 cop report of player lynched (assuming they gave their actual report...) Unless there's something I'm missing, a nolynch seems like the best D1 option for town 9 times out of 10 in this setup. Just thinking as a mafia player (which I'm at least a little good at), I would 100% want to lynch a player D1. Time is the most important thing in this setup, give town enough of it and they will win. Ergo, time is the enemy of the mafia player. They need a lynch D1 to maximize their chance at winning. So, I do find it very interesting that a vote on Voe gets proposed and a bandwagon immediately forms on him.
  18. Maybe. But I don't want to commit to that just yet. We need discussion, and some people might not talk if they feel safe.
  19. @Killing_You What's new with you?
  20. Sorry for the late response, sick with tonsillitis and getting that taken care of... I'm still trying to think of how best to scum hunt in this format. My usual tool is baiting a trap by hinting at/withholding information, but I don't think that will work this time.
  21. I guess I gave it away by making a semi-joke post, but yes that's the report I got.
  22. This is my first time playing in this format, does anyone else have any experience with this? I think I have the beginnings of a good town strat, but I'm not certain yet.
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