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Everything posted by iLikeToSnipe

  1. This is not a valid action. Jeod showers Shade939 in peanuts! All of his characters are hit. Suddenly, one of them falls to ground... Peanuts the Clown has died from anaphylactic shock! He was allergic to peanuts!
  2. Do you mean "can my characters be affected by an action?", then yes. Any character (unless something says otherwise) can always be affected by an action. When you do your night action, you can only use one action per player as usual.
  3. I will update the game rules to clarify these points (did not think to expand on that from the first post...). By default, lynch is a player kill and player alignment is only revealed when all their characters are killed.
  4. I drove all the way to his house and took him hostage. He PM'd me to join the game, he just didn't post.
  5. Game RulesNormal Mafia Rules: Mafia win by outnumber all other non-mafia players Town win by eliminating all hostile, non-town players Day phases last 48 hours (except for extra time at beginning of D1) Night phases last 24 hours You can ##vote<player> to cast a vote on a player or ##nolynch to vote for no lynch during the day Vote ties will be resolved randomly There is a one day cooldown for a nolynch. If you nolynch D1, you must lynch D2. Refusing to vote will result in a random player being selected. Special Rules: Unless otherwise stated in its description, an action will target a random character of the targeted player Passive effects, unless otherwise stated, only apply to the character that has that passive effect By default, all day actions can be used ONLY ONCE PER DAY. If an action can be used more than once during a day its description will say so. If an action targets a player, a random character of the player will still be selected. This will be to check if a passive affects the action. The lynch will kill a player, not a character By default, player alignment is only revealed when all their characters are dead Day 1Let the games begin! Day phase ends at 6 PM EST 04/07. The next ~2 hours are action free, no actions can be used or will be counted. You can start using your day actions at 6 PM EST 04/05 today. Voting is allowed. Remaining Players (8): OrangeP47 Killing_You NodFan Retaliation Shade939 Jeod Sunflower FRAYDO
  6. All role PMs have been sent. Getting the game post setup shortly. Don't just assume your role is exactly the same as the last time I messaged you. There may have been changes in my last balancing pass. Make sure you read the PM.
  7. Getting PMs, etc ready. Will send them out as soon as they're done, then you just have to wait for the start of game post.
  8. That's good to know. At least it's not bad for me (yet).
  9. Only what my doctor recommends, which would probably be that hydroxychloro... something I can't remember. At this point though, I think I'm going to be okay. I've been pretty much the only person in my family to wear a mask... though I don't have any of the ones that work really well.
  10. I do know a family friend whose husband around my age had to go on a ventilator. I wouldn't rate my breathing difficulty as that bad right now. I've had pneumonia before and some other nasty respiratory illnesses, I'm actually surprised I'm not doing worse right now given my past issues. It looks like I'll at least be able to get access to meds if it does get worse.
  11. You can still vote :V I won't want to miss any actions. But maybe I'll allow fake ones...
  12. Thank you! If anyone else happens to get it, I've found that sitting upright in my desk chair helps a lot with the pain and breathing difficulty. For game start, I won't be able to start it at 12 PM EST. So, I'm going to start it whenever I can (which will be before 6 PM EST). However, day actions will not be usable/counted until 6 PM EST.
  13. I am going to see if I can get tested, assuming there's not a shortage of kits in my area. Thank you all! I'm wrapping up the balancing as I can, hope to get PMs out tonight or early tomorrow. If I can do that, we'll start at 12 PM EST 04/05.
  14. Yeah, that's exactly what I've read. I don't think there's as much consensus, but I think my demographic/age range has a mean time of 3 days. If you're going to the hospital at my age, you pretty much live very unhealthy and/or have pre-existing conditions that make it worse. Or you live in a place with a ton of pollution that messes up your lungs (i.e. China).
  15. Up to five days since the symptoms first started, but it's hard to tell if any of it at the start was allergies (though I don't think that's likely at this point). I've been staying at home as much as I can, last time I was out was to get groceries on 03/25 so I had to have gotten it then. It's not as bad as pneumonia (I had that years ago). If I get bad tomorrow I'll be going to the doctor, but my symptoms haven't really gotten any worse or better the past 36 hours.
  16. I thought it was allergies when this started a few days ago with weird sore throats, but I've had little to no sinus drainage and my allergy meds that always work don't do anything. Plus they'd now be the worst allergies I've ever had by far. I haven't had a bad fever, just hovered around 100F. For about two days now I've got coughing/chest pains that feel similar to pneumonia and waves of random, intense fatigue. Plus the bizarre lack of smell and taste; made some bacon and I could only barely smell the smoke from it. I'm making sure I get my rest, thankfully mafia isn't too difficult to run from bed. My understanding is that if this was going to get "go to the hospital bad" I'd have known by now. Very thankful I'm not having more serious symptoms.
  17. Currently doing a final balance pass. And I'm fairly sure I have coronavirus... Not too bad right now at least, I've been a lot worse before. I'll update if there's a chance it'll impact the game.
  18. Okay, we'll start at 12 PM EST but still keep hammer at 6 PM EST. Signups are still open btw.
  19. We're still on track to start on 04/05. I've typically started my games at 6:00 PM EST due to my work schedule. With that being completely open now, is there any preference to starting it earlier in the day rather than in the evening? If not, I'll still keep it at 6:00 PM EST on the 5th.
  20. I was planning on 04/05. If we need to delay to get more people we can. I'd prefer to have at least 8, which we're almost at now.
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