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Everything posted by iLikeToSnipe

  1. @JeodWhat do your gummies tell you? @FRAYDOWhat did you track?
  2. Just by process of elimination it'd have to be someone from this list (no matter how likely/unlikely): iLikeToSnipe I know I'm town, I stopped the first NK with my BP, and if I was mafia I could have just not said anything to avoid getting KY killed OrangeP47 claimed/semi-confirmed third-party FRAYDO identified KY as mafia performing the NK due to his tracking action Jeod Retaliation Louis Cat5 Doing a second pass of that list, I really don't think it could be Retal. He's a smart player, he's done some legit scum hunting, and if he really was going to off KY to bus him and gain town cred (which would then give mafia a supposed TWO day kills; cause I'm assuming KY's ability was a day kill) they could have delayed to do so much more to sow distrust and doubt amongst town. If Retal is mafia he's made a terrible mafia play, followed it up with doing a great job pretending to be town, and we've got some insane "balancing" going on here. Jeod Louis Cat5 After taking the time to read through everything, it just comes down to one thing. Cat5 claims he got a confirmed action of a mysterious player. An action called Scatter that roleblocks anyone who visits the targeted player. I don't have that action, nobody eliminated from this list has claimed they have it. So that means either Cat5 is telling the truth and Jeod or Louis are lying, or Cat5 is lying. And whoever is lying is scum. Jeod vouches for Louis's abilities, so she can't have this scatter ability. If Jeod is somehow lying about that, that makes him scum. So we can safely take Louis off this list for now. That leaves Jeod and Cat5. If Jeod is scum, he'd know that Cat5 is town and thus not lying. In that case, why would Jeod clear Louis? That would mean if we lynch Cat5 and he flips town, Jeod has to be the one with this Scatter ability and he's just doomed himself. We did have a choice between Cat5 and Sunflower, but Sunflower has now flipped town. Our most likely candidate for scum is Cat5, just by process of elimination. If someone can come up with more arguments/evidence one way or the other, that'd be great. Right now I'm thinking we go for Cat5 tomorrow.
  3. Yeah, KY not getting a chance to use his day action seals it for me. Him using it wouldn't actually be a point against you, but it wouldn't be a point for you.
  4. Also, don't think it matters too much anymore since all my abilities are out there, but I am SCP-169.
  5. @Jeod My thought is that if Retal did a scum bus he did a terrible job. Retal could have plausibly given KY more time but didn't.
  6. Been pretty busy (and I'll still be pretty busy over the next few days unfortunately) but here's my read list and current thoughts. Can't be mafia: iLikeToSnipe: N1 NK target OrangeP47: N1 mafia investigative target, claimed TP Retaliation: daykilled mafia FRAYDO: helped track and take down mafia So that narrows it down to: Jeod Louis Category 5 Hurricane Sunflower Of these four, I feel that Louis is the least likely. I haven't seen any red flags from her yet and she stole an item that's most likely harmful "for the lolz". Maybe it's scum giving up and going for a longshot, but taking everything together I just don't see it. I haven't been feeling too well the past few days, so I haven't kept as much track of the game as I usually do. But I can at least logically bring it down to Jeod, Cat5, or Sunflower. Retal was not the only one who noticed the different reaction from Sunflower compared to Jeod and Cat5 (the other two options on this list). I at first thought Retal had used KY's exact same day action and expected it to be a day kill. But looking back I noticed the action differences as well as Sunflower's reaction. However, I'd been waiting for FRAYDO to check in with his report from N2 so I didn't say anything about it yet. I'm not the best right now to determine which of the three is mafia, but just that one potential slip makes me think that it's Sunflower. If anyone else has a summary they want to make, I'll read it. But right now my vote is going to be on Sunflower. ##vote Sunflower
  7. I would have probably tried to start a lynch on you as scum for that lol Anyone know when @FRAYDO will be around to give his report? I've got an idea, but I want to see what he has to report from last night. Also, mafia did not target me again. So I'm assuming they chose not to do a night kill.
  8. ##vote nolynch I'm also so used to do doing CTRL + Enter for a newline in Discord... keep on accidentally posting things before I'm done typing.
  9. I will third that. Unless new information comes out or we think of something else, I am all for a nolynch.
  10. Very good point, I actually completely missed that...
  11. I believe so. I was sitting on it because I wanted to see how things played out with KY and Orange's reaction, but Orange/KY were my two suspects today.
  12. My role is bullet proof, but none of my votes would count until I'm provoked/awoken. Then when I am awoken I get a one-time extra vote. I was actually hoping to lay low so that if things got bad for town I could bait mafia and then come in with an extra vote. But that won't be happening.
  13. With one scum already dead, I figure my awoken ability isn't that useful anymore
  14. You now have two day votes on you. @Shade939
  15. There isn't a lengthy case to make, but I think it's a good one. KY stood out to me pretty strongly as just trying to let the tracker accusation roll off his back and be forgotten. I don't really keep track of meta that well with KY, but I just don't feel like that's how he has played before in these situations. Orange says otherwise and should know better. He also seemed to be making an attempt to divert attention off of KY and make every excuse possible for him. KY wasn't an 100% confirmed scum, but he was our scummiest lynch candidate today and out of everyone here I feel Orange acted like that the least. So...
  16. If I had a kill action I'd be pressuring KY for more activity/defense, so I approve of this. Just make sure he knows about it
  17. I honestly don't think it's that big of an assumption. There's 9 players, it goes up 20% each time it gets passed to a player... how are mafia going to use that in a typical game of this many players? If I were to get something that worked like that I'd much sooner think "third party" than "mafia".
  18. Only happens first time I'm attacked. I can still be roleblocked, etc
  19. Absolutely not. I only have my bullet proof passive and now a one time use ability for being attacked.
  20. Still trying to piece things together, but I am feeling suspicious of KY. I don't know, just feel like if someone claimed I visited the supposed NK target when I didn't I'd be starting to scum hunt them, not just deflect.
  21. There is nothing my role to indicate it blocks anyone. I'm just bulletproof.
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