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Everything posted by iLikeToSnipe

  1. Come on Cat5. How is that not implying "Oh, just let something bad to you and we kill Shade." If I were town, why would I want something bad to happen two town?
  2. Why are you automatically assuming that Shade is scum if he kills town? How many times has Shade tried a gambit as town and gotten town killed? Have you really forgotten that? Cat5 is sus
  3. That sounds like "don't lie about your character flavor". Maybe I have a good reason not to give away my exact flavor?
  4. Obviously Shade is fishing for which town members may expire of natural causes before the game ends. Mafia can use that information to make more efficient kills. Shade is sus
  5. What I suspect is that he knows what his action does, and it's literally just make somebody unlynchable/unkillable for a day phase. If I had unlimited uses I might use it D1 as town to be memey. But if I was mafia and wanted to establish a pattern of using it randomly (so that I can later use it "randomly" on a teammate who is in danger) I would start doing that D1. Mojo is sus
  6. Based on the action, I can think of one role that is very likely for mojoman to have. I would suspect his willingness to use that action means it is re-usable each day (or maybe every other day). Not enough to go off of obviously, but I could see that action being useful for both town and mafia.
  7. What would happen if you ubercharged nolynch?
  8. There's too much throwing shade in this thread.
  9. But what is mafia without pointless conjecture?
  10. Ah, I've never played it. I figured it was some kind of card game i.e. YuGiOh.
  11. Balance? We don't need no stinking balance.
  12. I've been pretty busy, but if you guys want to setup a time I can play a few rounds if I'm awake.
  13. I could play Saturday, not sure how to add a poll to this topic to figure out times.
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