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Everything posted by iLikeToSnipe

  1. Yeah? I've been roles where the flavor was a sadistic extradimensional serial killer monster, and I was the town doctor... Anything can happen in CYOR.
  2. Now that's really interesting... my worst detrimental ability could potentially counter that.
  3. @Jeod Forgot to ping you in it, but I used a day action.
  4. I can also tweak the flavor of an open ended game to be anything (why are the crewmates and imposters even trying to kill each other?). In this case, I'm just trying to get home without dying.
  5. Yep. So is SCP-106 (a horrific monster that was the town doctor in the last Halloween game). Flavor has no indication on alignment, especially when I'm designing a CYOR role lol
  6. That is a good point. I could have messed with him, but then I wouldn't have as much teeth to my ability to hurt somebody who was able to take me out or attempt to. It also would have been overkill and wouldn't have bought me any good will with anyone.
  7. Yeah, if you got the Dragon Balls you could wish for just about anything I think. If I remember correctly, the plot was often about a struggle to get them and use them for good. So KY probably doesn't have much of a choice in what gets wished. Maybe his goal is just to get somebody to collect them all and wish for something?
  8. Why are you assuming I did the attack on Shade?
  9. inb4 there are more neutrals than any other alignment
  10. iirc, both the good guys and the bad guys could use the Dragon Balls. I don't think the bad guys ever got them, it was always the good guys. But Shenron would have to grant the wish regardless of the holder.
  11. I can be equally detrimental if one decides to try taking me out (or even succeeds). I can also be beneficial if they either try to protect me from the other side or give me any help in staying alive. In every case I've seen before, a survivor is just trying to protect themselves with their abilities. Think of this as more like game theory or mutually assured "destruction". I obviously can't cause one side to just lose, but I can give one or the other a stronger advantage.
  12. Have you ever known me to be a neutral role? I think this might be the first time I have ever had that alignment in mafia. So if my meta seems off from anything else, that's probably why.
  13. I will haunt you in your dreams if you get me lynched.
  14. I'm not following how that makes sense... could you explain what you're thinking? In my mind, TP is an alignment that has goals that go against one or more other alignments (i.e. wiping out all other players). Surviving to the end of the game does not interfere with any alignment (except maybe TP depending on how the game is run).
  15. Why would you believe his neutral claim and not his? I know this is WIFOM, but if I really wasn't a wildcard JAOT survivor would claiming right now when I'm not a suspect be a good move for me? There are plenty of people who are actually suspicious and could have a case made against them right now.
  16. Why would it be? Have you played Among Us? There's a whole option for Imposters to just sabotage rooms and systems.
  17. Nope, I did not. I'm not gonna use up my abilities when there's no need for them.
  18. By sabotaging things. Either alive or as a ghost...
  19. Friendship with town and mafia ended. Now Killing_You is my new friend.
  20. Stuff about not wanting to die (since when have I been opposed to suiciding to help town?), wanting to "survive", etc. That's not very town of me, but it's also not very scum of me. At least, I tried to do that.
  21. It's always bugged me that a "neutral" survivor inevitably just becomes another member of the town. That's not being neutral... lol imo, survivors should be either truly neutral (not helping either side) or the more fun option of being a wild card that could help either side. If you want to take the mindset of "Well, Snipe could end up helping out mafia" don't forget that I can also help town and I've set this up so that either side trying to take me out gives me a chance to make their lives miserable.
  22. I've been weighing my options and I think the best move for me to win in the long run is to reveal I'm The Impostor, a Neutral survivor (I'm surprised nobody picked up on the hints I dropped before). My kind has been ruthlessly hunted to near extinction by paranoid crewmates. I'm just trying to escape and survive instead of being thrown out the airlock. The survivor role was something I've always thought lacked a little bit, so I've put my own spin on it for this game to test it out. I've opted for a more JOAT passive/active abilities that can make me an asset if I'm kept alive. I'll still do some scum hunting today (it's what I still enjoy), but make no mistake that my primary goal is my own survival. If town tries to kill me, I can survive long enough to be a massive pain. If mafia tries to kill me, I can survive long enough to be a massive pain. So, I'm gonna stay mostly neutral and see what happens. But I will make a sincere effort to help out where I can.
  23. I believe it was due to passive BP with the times I can recall. Unfortunately, I have active BP rather than something that's always on.
  24. Not out of the blue (and I might be misremembering things) but eventually. i.e. fail whatever test he comes up with and blammo
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