Ah yes, never before in any mafia game has there existed a role without any active night actions.
So, then the only two possible scenarios are scum failing to kill me due to BP and scum choosing not to NK for a gambit? That sounds pretty obvious.
You keep on claiming to "know" what players would have done. Then you would know that during that Dead Space game I attacked you because I had no choice after you went off on town without coordinating... You would also know I don't rush playing scum, don't make moves without coordinating with my scum team, etc. This entire argument that I'm somehow scum falls apart in logic and meta. It's just so obvious I'm not even sure how to respond to it.
Any case I can make against Jeod or Cat5 is mostly based off of facts and logic, with some speculation on top (maybe). This entire case on me is based on two facts (no NK, KY visited me) and then a shit ton of speculation. That should be very telling to the remaining town.
It's down to Cat5 or Jeod for me just through process of elimination. Cat5 is the one with screwy logic and twisting meta of players to meet his own needs. Those are flaming red flags to me.