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Everything posted by iLikeToSnipe

  1. Shade was the only person to not go with a strict theme. I was honestly expecting more varied rosters, but this was fun to work with.
  2. I'd have to put a lot more thought into it if it's only single character kills/lynches. I don't think there'd be any investigation roles for starters.
  3. Only one of her characters was unwatchable. Also, your unstoppable NK that can kill every visiting character was intended as a hard counter to Orange revealing his ability publicly D1.
  4. End of GameWith no hope left, the mafia members surrender peacefully and justice is swiftly dealt out. Town wins! Retaliation and Sunflower were the two mafia players. Congratulations to Town for your victory! Made balancing mistakes in hindsight (i.e. cop + full player vig), but what are your thoughts and feedback on this type of format for CYOR? I'd put more into the post, but I'm dealing with a migraine right now... Game Documents: Game Setup Mafia Doc Dead Doc Discussion Doc N1 Discussion Doc N2
  5. Retal copied the one thing that could save him. I was expecting a mafia wipe with the actions put in last night, but that didn't happen.
  6. Due to mafia victory conditions, I would end it instantly. However, I just got on here because mafia is conceding. If you'd like to still blast someone, I will allow it.
  7. BANG! Sunflower gave herself tinnitus! Nothing really happened...
  8. For future reference I do not. I count day blocks as blocking role/item actions by default. Any inability to vote is extra and will be noted.
  9. Correct. I will only do any early hammer if all players agree.
  10. I will confirm, mafia can kill and perform an action at the same time.
  11. Retaliation's presence fills Jeod with the utmost revulsion to his very core! @Jeod is roleblocked and cannot perform any day actions!
  12. Day 3This time, FRAYDO is missing! You search for him and find three ninjas, defeated in battle... Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto have been killed! And they were Town! Not only that, Retaliation comes limping in. His Callidus Assassin was slain during the night. No telling what alignment he is though. Day 3 ends in 48 hours at 6:00 PM EST 04/13! Remaining Players (5): OrangeP47 (-1 character) Killing_You Retaliation (-2 characters) Jeod (-1 character) Sunflower Dead Players (3): Shade939 (Town) The Tenth Doctor Dalek Peanuts the Clown NodFan (Town) Nail Kami Piccolo FRAYDO (Town) Sasuke Sakura Naruto
  13. Apologies for the late hammer. Got super carried away with spring cleaning and other household tasks. You all gain one consolation emoji. FRAYDO shares his chakra with Killing_You! Who knows what will happen... Vote Counts: Jeod (1): Retaliation NodFan (4): Sunflower OrangeP47 Killing_You Jeod The votes are in! NodFan will be lynched! You walk his characters up to the gallows and summarily execute them! The Namekian trio has been killed; Nail, Kami, and Piccolo... They were Town. N2 ends in 24 hours at 6:00 PM EST 04/11. Two night posts per person. Get your night actions in! Remaining Players (6): OrangeP47 (-1 character) Killing_You Retaliation (-1 character) Jeod (-1 character) Sunflower FRAYDO Dead Players (2): Shade939 (Town) The Tenth Doctor Dalek Peanuts the Clown NodFan (Town) Nail Kami Piccolo
  14. Sorry about missing hammer guys. Had to help my wife with housework and groceries... Will resolve now.
  15. Vote Counts: Jeod (2): OrangeP47 Retaliation Retaliation (1): Jeod Hammer is in 36 hours at 6 PM EST 04/10.
  16. WRYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!! With a terrible shriek, Retaliation lunges at Jeod in a bloodlusted fury. Jeod expertly hits Retaliation with a mortal wound and attempts to dodge the attack... but his attacker is relentless. Before expiring, the Eversor Assassin (Retaliation) guts Loid Forger (Jeod). The corpse of the Eversor Assassin combusts in a massive explosion, but it's fairly pointless given the fact that Loid Forger is dead. That was overkill... Remaining Players (7): OrangeP47 (-1 character) Killing_You NodFan Retaliation (-1 character) Jeod (-1 character) Sunflower FRAYDO
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