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Everything posted by iLikeToSnipe

  1. Game Rules and InfoGeneral Rules: All standard, common sense rules apply (no unapproved out of game communication, no griefing your faction, etc) If you're not sure about something, just ask me in a PM or in the forum Day phase will last 48 hours, night phase lasts 24 hours There is no early hammer from voting There is no penalty for not voting or continually voting for no lynch Vanilla Role Text: Anyone with a vanilla role will receive the following text in a PM. Use this as you will. "You are a vanilla role and have no special abilities." Game Specific Rules/Info: Mafia start without a mafia doc Unless associated with one of the mechanic twists, there are no crazy roles (i.e. no Death Note) You can expect the Mafia to get stronger as the game progresses Day 1There's a Mafia group trying to rally in this town and it's up to the Town to stop them! Day ends in 48 hours at 6:00 PM EST 01/04/2020. Good luck! Players Left (8): OrangeP47 Jeod Retaliation Shade939 Killing_You Mojoman NodFan ChopBam
  2. Signups are closed and I'm finalizing the game setup. Role PMs will go out as they are completed and I will unlock the thread on game start (around 6:00 PM EST).
  3. I do have old emails from my past mafia game for some of you. If you haven't sent me your email and have updated your email since, please send me a PM by 4:00 PM EST tomorrow.
  4. Tentative start for the game is 01/02 at 6:00 PM EST. I've rebalanced the game for 8 players and will have no problems scaling it if more players join before game start.
  5. It will definitely be starting after then. I'll add you to the list!
  6. We're getting pretty close to 01/02 and we're just below the minimum number of players. Anybody have anyone else they can contact/poke/invite?
  7. We've actually got a game signup starting right now! https://w3dhub.com/forum/topic/419493-mystery-mafia-holidays-2019/
  8. I'm not a railroading GM this time The greatest enemy of any faction in mafia is Town. Especially Town.
  9. It's more my inability/laziness to think of a one word generic descriptor for a mafia game with a major, mystery mechanics twist.
  10. It's been forever since I've played that, very fun game though. If we end up starting before New Year's Eve and you all want to take that day off from mafia I'd have no issues with that.
  11. @Jeod @OrangeP47 @Nodlied Spamming Pinging more players: @Retaliation @FRAYDO @Killing_You @Mojoman @ChopBam @Category 5 Hurricane @Sunflower @Louis @VERTi60 @TheIrishman
  12. Mystery Mafia: Holidays 2019 Who's down for a quick round of mafia over the 2019 holidays? This game uses a mechanics twist I've had on the drawing board for quite some time. There will only be Town and Mafia, no other factions. There will be mostly standard or vanilla roles; you can expect to rely more heavily on posts and player behavior than action results. So, what's this twist? What every player can know is that there is no scum doc at the beginning of D1. This is a game where mafia will start in a weaker state than town (at least on paper) but get stronger over time if they play their cards right. There are more details to what's going on, but those are either for the mafia team only or won't be revealed until game start. The idea behind this is to put pressure on town to be active while also limiting actions and emphasizing scum hunting through content. Ideally, we'd get at least 10 players for this game, though I can rebalance for 8 players minimum. I will need to get the game started by 01/02, but starting before then would be ideal. All I'll need for a sign-up is a post in here and then a PM with your preferred email for doc invitations. Player Signups (8): OrangeP47 Jeod Retaliation Shade939 Killing_You Mojoman NodFan ChopBam Day 1 Night 1
  13. I got sick, but I'm getting better. That game post should go up tonight instead.
  14. Lightweight in the sense that there'd be few action shenanigans going on. No Death Note, crazy bussing abilities, etc. Just a core twist to mafia that I'm not sure how it will play out; but I think it could be heavier on the post analysis and investigation. Outside of that mechanics twist just very basic and/or vanilla roles.
  15. Looks like I'm going to be working from home this upcoming week. I can run a semi-crazy, lightweight game (something I've had in the reject pile) over the next 1.5-2 weeks. Any interest?
  16. I'm down to play some, but I'm too busy to host anything. Going through the exact same situation as Jeod. Pretty soon I'm going to be the only person in the office for a couple weeks.
  17. Uhh excuse me what? I'm scum because I have no town reads in a game where most people have been a little suspicious?
  18. I have reads too, but I don't 100% trust those. I've been fooled and completely fooled others.
  19. I don't know who to trust, nobody does right now. I at least know several people who couldn't have performed a night kill last night.
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