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Everything posted by iLikeToSnipe

  1. I should pick necromorph Isaac for a CYOR sometime...
  2. Political stuff. Maybe you should put some more research into decryption?
  3. I'm Irish-Scandinavian and I had almost the exact same experience in college too lol. In that case, the student admissions team decided to group everyone with that name into the same area of the same dorm.
  4. I've got the exact same issue. The cherry on top is that there's a now famous actor with the same first and last name as my middle and last name...
  5. You bet! I'll be the greatest president of the ghostly realm!
  6. btw, you aren't dead Nodlied. Not unless you have some weird thing in your role that killed you through that interaction.
  7. Well, this town ain't big enough for the two of us. Hopefully you aren't town. ##declare rivalry Nodlied
  8. That would be something we would all gain from. At least, town would. A quiet game tends to lead to mafia victory.
  9. Part of me wants to lynch Voe just out of curiosity.
  10. Not sure how active I'll be before hammer. So, ##vote nolynch Was hoping we'd have a more lively D1. But we did have some excellent memeposting.
  11. What's the point of casting a vote for myself if I cannot convince the general the population to do so?
  12. If I'm not winning this election then I'm in favor of nobody. Or Voe.
  13. Why don't you vote for me? If a lot of people do, this day will be a lot of fun. For you especially. Or we can just do nothing. Maybe nolynch?
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