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Everything posted by iLikeToSnipe

  1. I don't think that's a possibility. I've never seen that as a case, outside of angry scum trying to purposely kill each other...
  2. @FRAYDO There is one thing I'm thinking right now. Have you told anybody before today about what the Wind Waker does?
  3. Nobody answer this. ChopBam is not confirmed town and he can steal it from you.
  4. Since nobody has claimed it, I'm going to assume that nobody did a roleblock. That leaves us with two options. Scum didn't perform a night kill or scum got somebody who had some kind of kill protection. Since nobody else has claimed that, I'm going to assume it's the first option. Figuring out why will help us nail down scum today.
  5. In that case... @ChopBam You performed no actions last night that targeted another player correct?
  6. That's alright, still leaned what I needed to. @Killing_You?
  7. That's really weird... Did anybody not have a report of a storm in their PM?
  8. @FRAYDO @Killing_You @Louis Do you have anything to share about last night?
  9. This could be good or bad... Anybody else have anything to report?
  10. I need to wait to hear from everyone. That's all I'm going to say for now.
  11. @ChopBam You're wrong in thinking I'm third party. And he did destroy my mask last night... So I'm vanilla town, except for the Wind Waker. I'll wait to post more until other people have had the chance to chime in.
  12. @FRAYDO Something I just thought of that can't wait until tomorrow just in case. I might not be remembering correctly, but didn't you say in our masonry that KY said his masonry goes on cooldown even if it doesn't work? If that's the case, how did he get a masonry with you N2?
  13. That is not what I expected at all... I've got an idea though and will see what I can do tonight. With the Cat5 flip I am not 100% confident that ChopBam is scum. I can only see two team ups with him that make sense, but only one of them (Chop/Louis) seems plausible to me. If ChopBam isn't scum, that opens up the possibility of Mojo being scum. I will be looking back to see if there's any scum teams with him that make sense.
  14. Man, we've had like no discussion all day!
  15. Crazy thought... @Killing_You What do you think about a FRAYDO/ChopBam team? Not sure I'll have time before hammer to look back at their interactions, but I'm seriously puzzled right now. In our masonry FRAYDO has done nothing but vouch for you, so I'm really confused right now.
  16. 1. Yeah, I did bring that up and it was what made me suspicious of you D2. 2. So far, flavor hasn't had any bearing on alignment. Would you consider Banjo an evil character? Would you consider any of the other flavors as evil? If not, how do you reconcile that with the belief that there's two scum remaining? This a weak, bad argument. 3. Process of elimination puts everyone except Mojo on the list. 4. It's not a lucky guess. A 1-UP is an item that has only ever given you an extra life in a video game. I wonder how that might translate into mafia? It's a pretty reasonable guess. We also only have your word for how it actually works. 5. I don't have any alibis, and that is a point of suspicion on me. But I'm hardly the only player who has that going against them. For your first paragraph, you've done a poor job scum hunting and I specifically called you out on that. For your second paragraph, that's obviously not true and you know that.
  17. You want to know why I'm so set on you being scum? Because there's physical evidence casting a great amount of suspicion on you. It would be suspicious of me if that was the only reason I was claiming you were scum. But it isn't the only reason, is it? But you keep on pretending that it is. Ignoring arguments against you and pretending the don't exist isn't a town tactic.
  18. Let me ask you this, outside of claiming "one tracked mind", what else do you have against me? Do you have issues with the reasoning I've used? Am I wrong about just how suspicious you are to have the 1-UP? An I wrong that your initial attempts at scum hunting today were fishy? I can summarize your case against me as "he thinks I'm scum, I know I'm town, so he must be scum".
  19. Seeing as how I've posited other theories on scum teams the past few days and backed up my case against you and Cat5 with solid reasoning... No, not really.
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